Medicinal Uses of Nigella Sativa (Black Seeds) : February 2016

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Medicinal Uses of Nigella Sativa (Black Seeds)

Article · February 2016


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Alya Almatrafi
Andrews University


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International Journal of Alternative Medicine, ISSN:2051-4296, Vol.21, Issue.1 1129

Medicinal Uses of Nigella Sativa (Black Seeds)

Alya A. Almatrafi
MSc Medical Laboratory Science
Andrews University

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "This Administration of TQ reduced the inflammatory
black seed is a cure for every disease except death" (Sahih mediators’ level and that result indicated the antioxidant
Al-Bukhari, 5687). Nigella Sativa (Black seeds) is an herb activity of thymoquinone (Ahmad et al., 2013).
that is a member of the Ranunculaceae family (Ahmad et
al., 2013). It is also known as Kalonji in many countries
2.2 Nigella Sativa as Antibacterial
(Khan et al., 2011). Nigella Sativa (NS) was used for A unique chemical composition of Nigella Sativa drove
several decades, including the ancient era. The medical the researchers to explore the potential effect of this seed
aspects of Nigella Sativa have been attributed to against bacteria. One of these experiments used the
Thymoquinone (TQ), which acts as anti-inflammatory and ethanol extraction of NS against Methicillin-Resistant
antioxidant (Ahmad et al., 2013). Various investigations Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and the strains showed
have shown that the black seed has a protective effect sensitivity to the ethanol extraction of NS (Hannan et al.,
against bacterial, fungal, and viral infections. Scientists 2008). Further, black seed has shown a powerful effect
have reported Nigella Sativa to be effective against tumor against Helicobacter pylori (Ahmad et al., 2013).
formation, hypersensitivity, neuromuscular diseases, Therefore, Nigella Sativa was classified as an antibacterial
cardiovascular diseases, gastroenteritis disease, and liver agent.
diseases because of the mechanism of action of TQ
(Ahmad et al., 2013). These findings suggested that the 2.3 Nigella Sativa as liver disease therapy
black seeds can be used as an alternative medication for A miraculous plant is a name that was given to the black
various types of diseases (Ahmad et al., 2013). seed because of the various influences of this seed on the
2. NIGELLA SATIVA different diseases. From this point, NS was used against
hepatitis C virus (Barakat et al. 2013). In this experiment,
Nigella Sativa is a plant that is a genus of the Barakat et al (2013) gave NS on a daily basis to patients
Ranunculaceae family (Ahmad et al., 2013). It has with hepatitis C. As a result, the liver enzymes such as
different names such as seeds of blessing, black cumin, Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and Aspartate
and Kalonji (Khan et al., 2011). Black seeds are found aminotransaminase (AST) were back to the normal level
around the world, especially in the Middle East (Ahmad et and the viral load was decreased (Barakat et al. 2013).
al., 2013). It was described as a miraculous plant because
of the unique chemical composition of this plant (Ahmad The researchers tested the black seeds against Isoniazid
et al., 2013). (INH) that induces a hepatotoxicity and used male rabbits
as a model (Hassan et al., 2012). NS was given orally to
the test group and the liver enzymes and histopathology
were returned to normal (Hassan et al., 2012).
Another study was done using Schistosoma mansoni, a
parasite that enters into the human body through the skin,
then migrates in the bloodstreams and enters to the liver
(Leventhal et al., 2012). In the liver, the parasite deposits
the ova that causes damage to the liver; therefore, the
Figure 1: Nigella Sativa (plant and seed) adopted from scientists applied Nigella Sativa oil to the different stages
(Ahmad et al., 2013). of the life cycle of S. mansoni (Ahmad et al., 2013;
Mahmoud et al., 2002). The black cumin showed anti-
2.1 Antioxidant Activity of Nigella Sativa parasitic activity (Ahmad et al., 2013; Mahmoud et al.,
Nigella Sativa has a special chemical component that acts
as an antioxidant. This component is the thymoquinone 2.4 Nigella Sativa as anti-fungal
(TQ). An experiment was set up using rats to approve the
antioxidant property of the TQ (Ahmad et al., 2013). The Candida albicans is a most common organism in the
rats were injected with collagen that induced arthritis, fungus world. C. albicans has different strains that
which caused an elevation in the inflammatory mediators’ contribute to human disease (Murray et al., 2008). The
level (Ahmad et al., 2013). scientists discovered a new anti-fungal that was an

© RECENT SCIENCE PUBLICATIONS ARCHIVES | February 2016|$25.00 | 27704670|

*This article is authorized for use only by Recent Science Journal Authors, Subscribers and Partnering Institutions*
International Journal of Alternative Medicine, ISSN:2051-4296, Vol.21, Issue.1 1130

extraction of black seeds (Ahmad et al., 2013). The 3. DISCUSSION

methanol extracts of NS possess an anti-fungal effect.
Methanol extract was used on mice that were injected Various studies were performed to approve the beneficial
with C. albicans (Ahmad et al., 2013). After a period, the effect of Nigella Sativa on the different diseases. Other
growth of C. albicans was inhibited because of the studies highlighted the potential effects of the black seeds.
presence of the methanol extract of NS (Ahmad et al., NS was used against hepatitis B virus, nephritis, asthma,
2013). Ahmed et al (2013) did further studies on different and other diseases. All these studies reached to a
types of fungi and the outcomes were promising for the conclusion that black cumin can be used as an alternative
fungicidal effect of the black seeds. medicine or folk medicine.
Thymoquinone was determined to be the miraculous
2.5 Nigella Sativa as anti-cancer
component of the black seeds because of the antioxidant
Cancer is one of the most common life-threatening and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, NS
diseases in the world. Many people suffer from different contain other chemical components that play an effective
types of cancer such as blood cancer, breast cancer, colon role against diseases. That opens the door to look deeply
cancer, hepatic cancer, lung cancer, and prostate cancer. inside the NS to investigate the actual effect of each
Therefore, the scientists tried black seeds on the patients component of that seed.
with different types of cancer and the results reflected a
Further investigation needs to be done using black cumin
positive action of Nigella Sativa (Khan et al., 2011). For
on various types of infectious diseases such as Human
instance, the leukemia cells in the blood cancer’s patient
immunodeficiency (HIV), Cyclospora, Human
did not proliferate because of the Thymoquinone action
papillomavirus (HPV), and other types of bacteria.
that is found in the NS (Ahmad et al., 2013).
Black seeds were used on the breast cancer patient and the REFERENCES
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*This article is authorized for use only by Recent Science Journal Authors, Subscribers and Partnering Institutions*
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*This article is authorized for use only by Recent Science Journal Authors, Subscribers and Partnering Institutions*
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