Listening Test Sports Camps A2b1 Information Gap Activities Tests - 101269

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Name: _____________________________________ Class: _____ Number: ____ Date: ____/_____/_____

You will hear someone talking about a sports camp

for teenagers.

A. Listen to the text and complete the table accordingly.

Name of the sports camp
This camp is called (1) _____________________________
Choice of afternoon activity
Sign list outside the (2) ____________________________
Clothes needed
A track suit, (3) ___________________________, a T-shirt and two pairs of (4) ___________________________
• Lunch is served every half-hour between 12:15 and (5) ____________________________
• Snack bar sells drinks, chocolate and (6) ___________________________
• It has (7) ______ levels
• Marks are given for:
• attitude: (8) ______________________ and team-work;
• performance: strength, (9) ____________________ and skill.
• Marks are on a scale of 1 to (10) ______________________.

B. Read the sentences. Then listen to the text again and decide () if they are TRUE (T), FALSE (F) or NOT

1. This camp is for boys only. ………………………………………………………………….……… T  F NM 

2. It offers students a great variety of sports. …………………………………………...……… T  F NM 

3. The camp plans all the activities for the students. ……………………………….….……… T  F NM 

4. Students can choose their afternoon activities after lunch. ……………………………… T  F NM 

5. Students will only need to bring warm clothes. ………………………………..…………… T  F NM 

6. The camp offers more outdoor than indoor activities. ……………………….……..….… T  F NM 

7. Students can have lunch at 13.15. …………………………………………….…………….…… T  F NM 

8. Eating too much at a time is no problem when doing sports. …………………….…..… T  F NM 

9. Students who perform badly will get no certificate. …………..….............................T F NM 

10. Students will only get a level 5 certificate if they score 90 or higher. …………..…... T  F NM 

Welcome to the XUK Sports Camp. Before you divide yourselves into groups, I’d like to give you some information
about the plans for this week. During your time here you will play at least 10 different sports. In the mornings, the
programme will be planned but in the afternoons you will always be able to choose which activity you want to do.
You need to sign up on a list before midday today saying which sport you’d like to do. The list is up on the wall
outside the changing rooms.
Now about clothes… you can wear your tracksuit for most sports, although you should also remember to bring
shorts and a T-shirt along each day as well, in case it’s hot. We do both outdoor sports and indoor activities, so
please make sure you have an extra pair of trainers as well.
Lunch is served in the canteen at half hour intervals between twelve fifteen and a quarter to two. Your group leader
will tell you what time to start queuing outside the canteen.
We also have a snack bar where you can buy drinks, chocolate and biscuits, but a word of warning: don’t eat too
much at a time, because then you won’t be able to run fast.
At the end of the course you’ll get a certificate placing you at one of five levels. We evaluate you every day on a
number of activities. Firstly, we evaluate your attitude, this includes things like the effort you put into each activity,
the way you work in a team and so on. Then, we give you marks for your performance, your strength and speed as
well as the actual skill you have in each sport. All these marks make up your final score which is out of 100. Anyone
who gets 90 marks or more will be awarded a level 5 certificate. Now, any questions?

sw9_tf_02_p1test_unit_1 sports camp.mp3


Name of the sports camp
This camp is called (1) XUK
Choice of afternoon activity
Sign list outside the (2) changing rooms
Clothes needed
A track suit, (3) shorts , a T-shirt and two pairs of (4) trainers
• Lunch is served every half-hour between 12:15 and (5) 13:45
• Snack bar sells drinks, chocolate and (6) biscuits
• It has (7) five levels
• Marks are given for:
• attitude: (8) effort and team-work;
• performance: strength, (9) speed and skill.
• Marks are on a scale of 1 to (10) 100.


1.NM 2. T 3.F 4.F 5.F 6.NM 7. T 8. F 9.F 10.T

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