Word/ Term/ Collocation English Definition Context/ Collocations

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1. permissible (adj)/ p. 1: permitted; allowed. Power modulator restricts source and motor currents
within permissible values
2. rugged (adj)/ p. 3: having a broken, rocky, and uneven Squirrel-cage induction motor ,which costs nearly one
surface. third of a dc motor of the same ratings, is extremely
rugged, requires practically no maintenance,
3. objectionable (adj)/ p. arousing distaste or opposition At low power levels, the coulomb friction between the
4: brushes and commutator is objectionable, as it adversely
affects the the state accuracy of drive.
4.Affects (verb)/ p. 4: have an effect on; make a difference At low power levels, the coulomb friction between the
to. brushes and commutator is objectionable, as it adversely
affects the state accuracy of drive.
5.employ (verb)/ p. 5: make use of. Some very old equipments may also employ ac to dc
6.substantial (adj)/ p. 7: of considerable importance, size, or Output voltage and current have stepped
worth. waveform,consequently they have substantial amount of
7.hurdle (noun)/ p. 9: a problem or difficulty that must be However ,following hurdles forbided for the prediction to
overcome come true
8.forbid (verb)/ p. 9: refuse to allow (something). However ,following hurdles forbided for the prediction to
come true
9.reliable (adj)/ p. 9: consistently good in quality or Ac drives were not as reliable as
performance; able to be trusted. Dc.
10. transmission (noun)/ the action or process of transmitting A motor generally drives a load{machine} through some
p. 11 something or the state of being transmission system.
11. Hoist (noun)/ p. 13 device used for lifting or lowering a load A hoist consists of a rope wound on a drum coupled to
by means of a drum or lift-wheel the motor shaft.
around which rope or chain wraps
12.carry out (verb)/ p.17 : to do In the view of this, retardation test on a dc separately
a particular piece of work, research et excited motor or a synchronous motor is carried out with
c field on .
13.standstill (noun)/ p. 18 a situation or condition in which there Its value at standstill is much higher than its value slightly
is no movement or activity at all above zero speed.
14.stiction (noun)/ p. 20 the friction which tends to prevent The stiction ,however disappears ata a finite speed and
stationary surfaces from being set in then windage and viscous friction dominate.
15.transient (adj)/ p. 20: lasting only for a short time; Starting ,braking, speed change and speed reversal are
impermanent. transient operations.
16. die down (verb)/ p.21 to become reduced in strength Consequently, electrical transients die down very fast
and motor operation can be considered to take place
along steady-state speed torque and speed-current
17.dissipate (verb)/ p.22  disappear, waste  Energy dissipated in a motor winding during a transient
operation is given by,
18.implementation(noun)/ the process of putting a decision or Sensing of speed is required for implementation of
p. 40 plan into effect; execution. closed loop speed control schemes.
19.periphery (noun)/ p. Transparent plastic disk is alternately painted black on its
40 1. the outer limits or edge of an periphery to provide alternately transparent and non
area or object. transparent parts.

20.ambient (adj)/ p. 44: relating to the immediate As the temperature increases beyond ambient value ,a
surroundings of something portion of heat produced flows out to the surrounding
21.ensure (verb)/ p.45 make certain that (something) will Although inaccurate, such a good model is good enough
occur or be the case. for a drive engineer whose job is only to select the motor
rating for a given application ensuring that temperatures
in various parts of motor body don’t exceed the safe
22. increament (noun)/ p. an increase or addition, especially During a time increment dt ,let the machine rise be dh
45 one of a series on a fixed scale.
23. implicit (adj)/ p. 51: suggested though not directly Implicit in the above analysis is the assumption that
expressed heating and cooling conditions remain same.
24. marginally (adv)/ p. to only a limited extent; slightly. If speed varies ,constant losses will marginally change.
25. feasibility (noun)/ p. the state or degree of being easily or Next ,this rating is checked for its practical feasibility as
51 conveniently done. follows
26.inapplicable (adj)/ p. not relevant or appropriate. Equivalent current method in double squirrel cage rotor
52: motors ,the rotor winding resistance and reactance vary
widely during starting and braking making this method
27. ascertain (verb)/ p.52 find (something) out for certain; make Equation can be employed to directly ascertain the
sure of motor torque rating.
28.stall (verb)/ p.52 stop or cause to stop making Dc motors designed to run for long periods in a stalled or
progress. a low speed condition are known as torque motors
29.Optimize (verb)/ p.52 make the best or most effective use A normal dc motor is designed to optimize full speed
of (a situation or resource) performance.
30. cumulatively (adv)/ p. taken as a whole; in combination. In a cumulatively compound motor ,the magneto motive
60: force of a series field is a function of armature current a
31.locomotive A locomotive or engine is a rail
transport vehicle that provides the
motive power for a train
32.harmonic (noun)/ p. a component frequency of an Source current of a rectifier has harmonics.
120 oscillation or wave
33.distortion (noun)/ p. the action of distorting or the state of Distortion of supply.
120 being distorted.

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