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Chapter 1

1.1 what are the advantages of electric drives?

The following are the advantages of electrical drive.

 The electric drive has very large range of torque, speed and power.
 Their working is independent of the environmental condition.
 The electric drives are free from pollution.
 The electric drives operate on all the quadrants of speed torque plane.
 The drive can easily be started and it does not require any refuelling.
 The efficiency of the drives is high because fewer losses occur on it.

1.2 State essential parts of electric drive. What are the main functions of power

The main parts of the electrical drives are power modulator, motor,
controlling unit and sensing units.

 Function of modulator

Modulates the flow of power from the source to the motor

in such a manner that the motor will modulate the speed –
torque characteristics required by the load.
· During transient operation , such as starting , breaking
and speed reversal , it restricts source and motor
currents within permissible values.
· Converts electrical energy of the source in the form of
suitable to the motor.
· Select the mode of operation of the motor (i.e) Motoring
or Braking.

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