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Department of curriculum, Instruction and assessment Studies

Educational Research (ECFP/U 3781)

Name : Mbwalala Sakeus M.

Student NO: 201141698

Lecturer : Mrs. Kaapanda L.

Task : Research proposal (part 1)

Title: Investigate and identify the cause of poor performance in mathematic

by grade five (5) learners at oshukwa primary school in okahao circuit.

A research proposal submitted to fulfill the requirement for bachelor of education

(University of Namibia)

Section 1: Introduction

Title: Investigate and identify the cause of poor performance in mathematic by grade five (5)
learners at oshukwa primary school in Okahao circuit

1.1 Background
Learners` performance is a level at which learners can performs; it can be low/poor or high.
Mathematics in Namibia schools indicated unimpressive learners` performance particularly
at upper primary phase (Namibian. Ministry of Education (MoE), 2010). An effort on finding
the cause of poor performance by grade five learners in mathematic is the evident in
supporting the finding recommendation given by that report.
The challenges facing the attainment of high performance in mathematic grade five lies on
the teaching and learning, teachers, learners and everyone involved in the acquisition
mathematical knowledge by grade five learners. Therefore this study is aimed to investigate
and identify the cause of poor performance in mathematics and answer the questions among
many: Who/How/What causes poor performance in mathematic grade five learners.

1.2 Problem statement

According to Namibia. MoE. (2010), the continuous assessment outcomes in all region
revealed that most learners` score in grade five (5) fell on symbol “D” and “E” compared to
the remaining symbols and Omusati region ranged from 0-29% equivalent to “E” symbol.
Low performance in mathematic among learners continue dominating the learners outcome
(Clegg, 2010). Therefore with these reports, poor performance in mathematics still existing
and mostly in grade five (5) learners that’s why the barriers to the acquisition of
mathematical knowledge to aid in high performance in mathematic need to be investigated
and spotted out for the review of teaching and learning of mathematics

1.3 Research Aim

The purpose of this study is to investigate and identify the cause of poor performance in
mathematics by grade five (5) learners in schools of Okahao circuit so that the solution can
be develop to eliminate the poor performance in school of Okahao circuit and others.
1.4 Research Questions

These questions will serve as guide toward answering the research problem;

a) Who are the teachers of mathematics, their qualification, area of specialization and
attitude toward the subject?
b) What learning approach, strategy and methods used to teach mathematics?
c) Who really cause the failure?

1.5 Hypothesis or Objectives

The objective of this study is to:

-identify what, who cause or contribute to poor performance of learners in mathematic grade five

- determine the direct and indirect barriers to the acquisition of mathematical knowledge that
lead to poor performance in mathematics.

-Identify who are the teachers of mathematics, their qualification, and area of specialization,
attitude toward the subject and the way they engage learners in the subject.

1.6. Significance of the study

A number of studies and reports cited low performance and possible reasons for poor
performance in mathematic (Namibia. MoE, 2010; MASTEP, 2002 and Shiel and Kell, 1999).
Reason for poor performance in mathematic as confirmed by these reports are: teachers
competence in mastering the curriculum content, miss allocation of subject teacher in phases as a
result of shortage of mathematics teacher, availability of teaching material, method of
presentation, learning environment, lesson preparation, gender and motivation to learn.

This study intends to go beyond the finding of the above studies by pointing out the causes of
poor performance. The study will be important as it will let: the education planner know what to
audit, teachers training center to review their programs, the teacher to know the aspects they are
failing in and the ministry of education to know the aspects to focus on to eliminate poor
performance. At large it will be a big benefit to everyone involved in education of Mathematics
to eradicate the poor performance because they know the barrier to high performance.


Clegg, A. (2007). Some reflection on the 2007 Mathematic results. The Namibian, p. 4.

Namibia. Minstry of Education. (MoE). (2010). Performance of learners in Mathematics at

Upper phase in Namibia: Examination reason for low performances. Okahandja, NIED.

Namibian. Ministry of Education (MoE),2010. Assessment section of syllabus for grade 5-7.
Upper primary .Okahandja, NIED.

Namibian. Ministry of Education. MASTEP (MoE). (2002). Improving Mathematics in Namibia.

Report on the National Consultative process with Recommendation. Human resources
Development Program.

Shiel, G. and Kelly, D. (1999). The national assessment of mathematics Achievement: A study
carried out by the Educational Research center in cooperation with the Inspectorate of the
Department of Education and science: Education Research Center, Dublin.

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