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During the lengthy defence of Hurzon, scores of PLACING TERRAIN
Imperial Guard regiments were deployed in Follow the rules for placing terrain in Cities of Death,
defence of its key manufacturing zones. The but no building may be closer than 5" to one another.
Vostroyan IX Regiment were deployed around This ensures that moving in the open is risky, as there is
the hive city of Tzeragrod. a chance you won’t be able to move from one building
to the next in a single Movement phase.
Waaagh! Groblok quickly began the assault; maniacal
wave attacks that were each repulsed in turn by the DEPLOYMENT
expert discipline of the Vostroyans. With each passing 1 – Divide the table in two. Both players roll-off, the
day the winter days grew longer and the temperature player who scores highest chooses a board edge
continued to plummet. On the ninth day of the siege, and deploys his army within 12" of that edge.
the famous death hail of Hurzon struck – lethal shards
of ice that plummeted groundwards from heavy, grey 2 – The other player than places his own army, again
clouds, knifing into any exposed combatants. with all models within 12" of his own board edge.

Extreme cold and dreadful fatigue had already taken a 3 – The player who deployed first will take the first turn
grievous toll on both sides, but now this new foe, unless his opponent can steal the initiative on a 5+.
death hail, reaped a terrible body count. Any caught in
the open were battered by falling ice. Armour was OBJECTIVE:
shredded and flesh was torn by slashing blades of ice. Dominate the Cover: Both forces are seeking to seize
as much cover as possible. There are five objective
For two weeks the relentless death hail hammered both buildings in this scenario. The player who controls the
sides, making combat in the open deadly. Warriors on most is the winner. If both players control an equal
both sides vied for control of the hive. Ork Tankbustas number, the game is a draw.
used demolition charges to breach walls and Vostroyan
snipers used thermal imaging scopes to locate and GAME LENGTH
eliminate the largest greenskins. Colonel Truskev, The game lasts for six turns. An Omega game may last
defiant in the face of the Ork assault, ordered the tank longer however.
companies to create a deadzone between the two
forces and squadrons of Leman Russ Battle Tanks with SCENARIO SPECIAL RULES
heavy ploughs affixed brought down whole Alpha: Cityfighting Stratagems, Death Hail.
manufactoria, forcing the Orks to open ground, all the Gamma: Cityfighting Stratagems, Dusk & Dawn,
while being lashed by the relentless hail. Death Hail.
Omega: Cityfighting Stratagems, Dusk & Dawn,
When the Space Wolves arrived to relieve the Random Game Length, Death Hail.
beleaguered Vostroyan Firstborn they were confronted
by a surprising image. Where they expected to find Death Hail: Whenever a unit moves roll a D6 for each
half-frozen, broken warriors clinging to the ruins of the model that ends its move in the open. On a 1, the
industrial zone, they instead discovered a fiercely model must pass an armour save or die.
enthusiastic, well-led and battle-ready warrior
fraternity. Wolf Lord Egil Ironwolf described the At the end of each turn, each player must place D3
Vostroyans as ‘men who looked quite at home amidst large blast markers centred over a unit, rolling for
the frozen blood and falling hail.’ When the winter scatter. Models touched by the template suffer a
season finally abated, the Vostroyans were granted a Strength 1 Rending hit. Units may not be chosen as the
place of honour fighting alongside the Space Wolves in target of these templates twice. Models who occupy a
the final assault against Warlord Groblok’s Warband. City Ruin receive a 2+ cover save from this damage.
The Vostroyan IX Regiment trudge through the frozen and blasted cityscape of Tzeragrod.


24'' 24''

12'' 12''

Deployment Deployment
Zone Zone


Deployment Deployment
Zone Zone

12'' 12''

24'' 24''

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