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Republic of the Philippines


Manila, Philippines


INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by
marking the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES
ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 1 only.


1. What is the equivalent of the Philippines Police Officer 1 rank in Thailand?

A. Police Corporal C. Policeman 1
B. Police Lance Corporal D. Constable

2. In the Philippines, the PNP is administered by the National Police Commission, what is the equivalent of the National
Police Commission in Thailand police management?
A. Ministry of the Interior C. National Public Security Commission
B. Ministry of the Exterior D. National Public Commission

3. This type of alarm is done by requiring on both side of the device and therefore the probability of accidental alarm is
A. Bill traps C. Knee or Thigh Button
B. Foot Button D. Double Squeeze Buttons

4. Which of these types of lock can be opened and closed remotely by electronic means?
A. Electrical lock C. Combination lock
B. Magnetic lock D. Coded lock

5. It refers to the communication between departments of an organization that generally follows the work flow rather than
the chain of command, and thus provides a direct channel for coordination and problem solving.
A. Lateral communication C. Vertical communication
B. Downward communication D. Upward communication

6. It is a word, or a combination of words, intended for transmission by voice means, and it identifies the command, unit,
or authority of the station.
A. Call sign C. Signals
B. Codes D. Phonetics

7. The oldest known examples of script style writing and have been found in the Nile Delta in Egypt that was another
pictographic ideographic form of writing.
A. Oral language C. Cuneiform
B. Hieroglyphs D. None of the foregoing

8. Information which an officer on patrol records in his notes or memorandum book should so far as practicable, contain-
A. All information that happened in his beat
B. Only crimes that occurred in the course of his duty
C. Everything peculiar
D. The 5 W’s and 1 H of each incident.

9. It is the most expensive type of patrol because it needs more personnel.

A. Foot police patrol C. Aircraft police patrol
B. Mobile police patrol D. Mounted police patrol

10. Mr. Juan gives information to the police which is fairly reliable and improbable. What is the information given by Mr.
A. B-5 C. C-5
B. D-5 D. E-5

11. The source of information T. What is the source of information?

A. Documentary C. Report by penetration agent
B. Observation by the commander D. Report by penetration agent

12. An English term used to denote a lock picker.

A. Peter Pan C. Peterman
B. Picker D. all of these

13. A mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or electronic device designed to prevent entry into a building, room, container or
A. Keys C. Cabinet
B. Locks D. Alarm

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14.What metallic container is used for the safekeeping of documents or small items in an office or installation?
A. safe C. file box
B. vault D. file room

15. The radio cars shall be used exclusively for patrol functions. Flexibility in their deployment shall be the primary
consideration. Normally radio cars shall be allocated to areas in accordance with-
A. Volume of crime incidence C. Need for police service
B. Prevalence of hazard D. All of these

16. In areas where in the terrain is aid to be rough, what would be an appropriate means or type of patrol, which may be
A. Aircraft police patrol C. Automobile police patrol
B. Foot police patrol D. Horse police patrol

17. This police department became the third police department in the world to set-up a workable police radio system.
A. Cleveland Police Department C. Bayonne New Jersey Police Dept.
B. Indianapolis Police Department D. none of the foregoing

18. One of the advantages of bicycle police patrol is-

A. It has the combined advantage of mobility and stealth.
B. It is tiresome than mobile police patrol
C. It provides closer observation of things and persons
D. All of the foregoing

19. What is the equivalent of the Philippines National Police Commission in Japans’ policing system?
A. National Public Safety Commission C. National Police Security Commission
B. National Public Security Commission D. National State Police Commission

20. It is within the objective of police force wherein commission of crimes and felonies are aimed to be avoided or lessen
to a great extent and accomplished by constant patrolling?
A. Crime Prevention C. Repression of criminal behavior
B. Crime Control D. all of the foregoing

21. This organization describes that the amount and nature of the demands of the police service are not the same on all
of the three (3) shifts. It is therefore, necessary to make available maximum manpower at the time the police service is of
greatest demand.
A. Clientele C. Time
B. Purpose D. Process

22. He introduced/authored an Act for improving the police in and near the metropolis, commonly referred to as the 1829
Metropolitan Police Act.
A. George Curry C. Robert Peel
B. Henry Fielding D. Henry Allen

23. Diana was very angry because four police officers abused her by engaging her in sex orgy. If Diana would file a case
against them, what agency of the government is going to file?
A. Supreme Court C. Sandiganbayan
B. People’s Law Enforcement Board D. Department of National Defense

24. In the control of public gatherings, this is considered as a factor in crime prevention.
A. Danger C. Hazard
B. Crowd Psychology D. Patrol Officer

25. This is a patrol strategy wherein members of the force in plain clothes, patrol areas on foot or in unmarked cars where
street crimes becomes high-risk crimes. The objective of this strategy is crime control.
A. High-visibility Patrol C. Mounted Police Patrol
B. Low-visibility Patrol D. Mobile Police Patrol

26 The objective of this pattern as a strategy is for the patrol officer to survey the situation and condition of the
boundaries of his area of responsibility.
A. Clockwise C. Counter-clockwise
B. Zigzag D. Free wheeling

27. Philippine National Police is the main law enforcement in the Philippines while in Japan is
A. Japan National Police C. National Law Enforcement of Japan
B. Japan National Law Enforcement Agency D. National Police Agency

28. The Israel Police Force training is administered by its:

A. Ministry of the Interior C. Ministry of Home and Internal Affairs
B. Ministry of Home of Affairs D. Ministry of Public Security

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29.What is the Private Security Agency Law of the Philippines?
A. Republic Act 5487 C. Republic Act 4857
B. Republic Act 9165 D. Republic Act 3815

30. The state or quality of being secured or freedom from fear on danger is referred to as
A. Liberty C. Protection
B. Security D. Dangerless

31. Who among the following refers to a group of people or organization entrusted with the job of protecting somebody or
something, especially a building or institution, against crime?
A. Security officers C. Security managers
B. Protectors D. Guards

32. These are conditions or acts that may cause damage to property, injury, or loss of life.
A. Hazards C. Danger
B. Risks D. Warning

33. This plan reflects the work programs of line divisions which relate to the nature and extent of the workload and the
availability of resources.
A. Administrative plan C. Strategic plan
B. Operational plan D. Tactical plan

34. This Act serve as the legal guidepost in initialing and undertaking, at national level, much needed reforms that
resulted to a considerable improvement in police performance and efficiency.
A. Republic Act No. 4864 C. Republic Act No. 9344
B. Republic Act No. 6040 D. Republic Act No. 8551

35. It is a single uninterrupted line of authority often represented by boxes and lines of an organizational chart, which
should run in order, by rank from top command to the lowest level of the organization.
A. Organizational control C. Scalar chain
B. Administrative control D. Span of control

36. One of the following situations best illustrates the principle of unity of command in a police organization.
A. Only one subordinate is directly commanded or supervised by each superior.
B. Only one superior officer is in complete command of each situation.
C. Only one superior officer is responsible for the job performance of subordinate officers.
D. All of the foregoing.

37. Under the police rank system of Sri Lanka, the highest junior gazetted officer is
A. Chief Inspector of police C. Commissioner of Police
B. Inspector General of police D. Director General

38. Nepal Police organization is under the Ministry of

A. Home Affairs C. Interior
B. Public Safety D. Defense

39. What country requires its police applicants age is 18-35 years of age and must have finished secondary education?
A. Kazakhstan C. Oman
B. Cambodia D. Vietnam

40. What country wherein faithfulness and obedience to God is one of the entry qualifications?
A. India C. Sri Lanka
B. Israel D. Indonesia

41. To pay promptly over money collected by constables to the magistrate court is one of the duties of police in Georgia.
This statement is true. These statements are
A. True C. Confusing
B. False D. Maybe true

42. What law gives the PNP the responsibilities in the supervision, control and training, and operations of security
agencies and in the issuance of license to operate and the license to practice the security profession?
A. R.A. 8551 C. R.A. 8553
B. R.A. 6975 D. R.A. 5487

43. In 1950’s private security agencies/guard were under the supervision and control of the _________.
A. Philippine Constabulary C. INP
B. Municipal/City Mayor D. PCSUSIA

44 . What barrier is established to protect the surrounding of an installation?

A. Animal Barrier C. Energy Barrier
B. Human Barrier D. Structural Barrier

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45. It refers to those who actually perform most of the tasks outlined in the work plan.
A. Staff personnel C. Line personnel
B. Specialized unit D. Records unit

46 . Enumerated below are the external factors affecting police performance, except :
A. Endorsement by higher authorities C. Participation in patrol activities
B. Trust and confidence by the public D. None of the foregoing

47. This is the protection of information in the system so that unauthorized persons cannot access it.
A. Document security C. Information security
B. Confidentiality D. Secret information

48. The secret action undertaken by an intelligence/counter-intelligence organization in behalf of the government or other
friendly forces is:
A. Clandestine operation C. Work assignment
B. Undercover assignment D. confidential assignment

49. This is the protection of information in the system so that unauthorized persons cannot access it.
A. document security C. information security
B. confidentiality D. secret information

50. The process of identifying a perception as having been experience at some time in the past is:
A. Recall C. perception
B. Recognition D. memory

51. India Police examination is administered by

A. Civil Service Commission for Examination C. India Ministry of Commission
B. India Police Service Commission D. Union Public Service for Examination

52. What is the main police force in Malaysia?

A. Malaysian National Police C. Royal Malaysian Security Police
B. Malaysian Public Security D. Royal Malaysian Police

53. What country that has the motto of “To Protect and Serve”?
A. Philippines C. Indonesia
B. Cambodia D. Maldives

54. KNPA stands for

A. Korean National Police Agency for South Korea
B. Korean National Police Agency for North Korea
C. Korean National Public Agency
D. Korean National Public Administration

55. Preventing or stopping hazards in causing unintentional or intentional damage to property, injury or loss of life is the
role of –
A. Managers C. Security
B. Administrators D. Agencies

56. Which of these does not describe security?

A. State or feeling of safety
B. Freedom from worry about possible loss
C. Security hazards
D. Something giving assurance

57. The Act governing the organization and management of private security agency, company guard forces and
government security forces is known as –
A. R.A. 8551 C. R.A. 8553
B. R.A. 6975 D. R.A. 5487

58. All are three major divisions of security, except:

A. Physical security
B. Document and Information Security
C. Personnel Security
D. Communication Security

59. What kind of patrol is effective in achieving public relations?

A. Mobile police patrol C. Foot police patrol
B. Helicopter police patrol D. Bicycle police patrol

60. This is the reason why subordinates do not object to strict regulations.
A. Are enforced without bias and favor.
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B. Apply only to minor phases of the work.
C. Result in improved departmental procedures
D. Believe the officer approves the regulation

61. This is the average nationwide police to population ratio when it comes to manning level of the PNP.
A. Two (2) policemen for every seven hundred (700) inhabitants
B. Two (2) policemen for every one thousand (1000) inhabitants
C. One (1) policeman for every five hundred (500) inhabitants
D. One (1) policeman for every one thousand (1000) inhabitant

62. An example of this role of the police is licensing activities, supervising elections, staffing courts with administrative
and security personnel, dispatching calls, providing emergency medical aid, getting cats out of trees, and checking homes
of people on vacation.
A. Crime control role C. Service role
B. Order-maintenance role D. All of the foregoing

63. He is the appointing authority of the officers and members of the PNP for PO1 to SPO4 for the National
A. PNP Regional Director C. Chief PNP
B. Civil Service Commission D. all of the foregoing

64. The highly qualified police applicants such as engineers, nurses and graduates of forensic sciences can enter the
police service as officer through this procedure.
A. Regular promotion C. Lateral entry
B. Commissioned D. Attrition

65. The city and municipal mayors shall exercise operational supervision and control over PNP units in their respective
jurisdictions except during the thirty (30) days period immediately preceding and the thirty (30) days following any
national, local or barangay elections. During the said period, the local police forces shall be under the supervision and
control of this Commission.
A. National Police Commission
B. Commission on Election
C. Commission on Appointment
D. Department of the Interior and Local Government

65. This Command of the Operational Support Unit shall serve as a mobile strike force or reaction unit to augment
regional, provincial, municipal and city police forces for civil disturbance control, counter-insurgency hostage-taking
rescue operations and other special operations.
A. Aviation Security Command C. Special Action Force
B. Intelligence Command D. Civil Relations Unit

66. Under this Act, one of the minimum qualifications for appointment for the PNP is that an applicant must possess
formal baccalaureate degree from a recognized institution for learning.
A. Republic Act No. 6975 C. Republic Act No. 4864
B. Republic Act No. 8551 D. Republic Act No. 6040

67. This indicates that plans can be changed to meet future requirements which were not considered during the planning
A. Responsiveness C. Changeable
B. Flexibility D. Effectiveness

68. The PNP in-service training programs are under the responsibility of this directorial staff.
A. PNP Directorate for Plans
B. PNP Directorate for Human Resources and Doctrine Development
C. PNP Directorate for Personnel and Records Management
D. PNP Directorate for Comptrollership

69. The PNP was created under what law?

A. The Police Act of 1991 C. The PNP Law of 1990
B. The DILG Act of 1990 D. Republic Act No. 8551

70. The chief of police in Bhutan policing system has the rank of
A. Gagpoen C. Wogma
B. Gongma D. Jungpoen

71. What particular type of police patrol would enable the law enforcers to have the opportunity to gain the confidence
and trust of the residents?
A. Automobile police patrol C. Bicycle police patrol
B. Foot police patrol D. Horse police patrol

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72. It is a channel or path for sending a message between communicators.
A. medium C. foundation
B. instrument D. none of these

73. They became the first state police organization to go on the air in October of 1930.
A. Michigan State Police C. Connecticut State Police
B. Bayonne New Jersey Police D. Indianapolis Police

74. It is the process of sharing ideas, information, and messages with others in a particular time and place.
A. Sharing ideas C. Communication
B. Language D. Police communication

75. It is the most important thing in carrying out plan.

A. Information dissemination
B. The need to make the participant understand well his role
C. Willingness to cooperate
D. Acceptance by the plan of the participants

76. To be an effective leader, it is most important that one must be--

A. Born with leadership ability
B. Have acquired leadership ability.
C. Have a normal intelligence and a desire to be of service.
D. Have developed an impersonal attitude in human relations

77. It is defined as the method of separation from the police service after completing the required age for length of service.
A. Retirement C. Dismissal
B. Demotion D. AWOL

78. Intelligent supervision on the part of the superior officers will result to one of the following.
A. Eliminate personal animosity among subordinates
B. Improve the efficiency of the force as a whole.
C. Ease his promotion to the next higher rank
D. All of the foregoing

79. This theory is focused on the Japanese Management practices.

A. Theory X C. Theory Z and Quality management
B. Theory Y D. Theory M

80. Any PNP uniformed personnel who is admitted due to the waiver program shall be given an appropriate period to
satisfy the accomplishment of the waived requirement particularly referring to education and weight. What would be
his/her status while the said requirements are pending?
A. Regular uniformed personnel
B. Conditional appointment as PNP member
C. Temporary appointment as PNP member
D. Probationary appointment as PNP member

81. This is one of the types of plan that is considered as plan for the operation of special divisions like, patrol, traffic, vice,
and juvenile delinquency control.
A. Operational Plan C. Extra-office Plan
B. Tactical Plan D. Contingency Plan

82. One of those procedures for coping with specific situations at known locations, such plans for deals with an attack
against buildings with alarm system and an attack against Headquarters of the PNP.
A. Tactical Plan C. Management Plan
B. Extra-Office Plan D. Operational Plan

83. This further describes what is known as command responsibility in police parlance.
A. Each subordinate is held responsible for his own acts.
B. The Chief Executive alone is not responsible for all the acts of his subordinates.
C. Each superior officer is held responsible for the acts of his subordinates.
D. discretionary with the community

84. Mr. Val Subas was born on July 13, 1980. Does he meet the age requirement for entry to the police service on
August 2007?
A. No, he has exceeds the minimum age requirement.
B. Yes, he is only 27 years old and is within the age requirement.
C. No, but he can apply for the age waiver.
D. Yes, he meets the maximum educational requirement.

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85. This general type of plan is essential statements that identified the role of the police in the community and a future
condition or state to which the department can aspire.
A. Visionary Plan C. Standing Plan
B. Strategic Plan D. Functional Plan
86. Responsibility for developing plans for specific areas should in general be left to the local officers in the area who will
be called upon to meet the emergency in the event it occur rather than the officers in the central office. In effect such
planning policy is-
A. less effective; the plans developed will not benefit from the experience of the whole department.
B. more effective; there will be fewer misinterpretations execution and there will be a greater will to succeed.
C. more effective; the officers in the local area are better equipped technically to set up valid plans than
any central agency.
D. less effective; a central office can obtain the outstanding men in the department to plan each operation.
87. The unit which does most to coordinate and bind together all other functional divisions of a police department.
A. Traffic division C. Criminalistics division
B. Records division D. Finance division
88. A subordinate police supervisor was called away from an assignment he was directing. He left his subordinate in
charge. When he returned, he found that the assignment was not properly completed. Upon being reprimanded by his
Superior Officer for the mistake, the subordinate supervisor should--
A. Blame his subordinate left in charge.
B. Take responsibility for the error.
C. Blame the entire group working on the assignment
D. Prepare and pass a “Memo” to his superior officer
89. These are records required in the management of the department’s personnel and designed to aid in assignments,
promotion, and disciplinary actions.
A. Records system C. Department rules
B. Duty manual D. Administrative records
90. What would be your first action assuming you were the police officer concerned when a person rushes excitedly up to
you and stammers that there is a dead man on the street?
A. Verify the statement
B. Obtain the informer’s name and address
C. Ask another police officer to notify the police department
D. None of the foregoing

91. The nature of complaint against any PNP member is called ____________.
A. Individual complaint C. Citizen’s complaint
B. Public complaint D. Administrative complaint

92. A good executive is least likely to delegate responsibility for-

A. Coordination of the functions of the organization.
B. Planning, involving investigation and experimentation
C. The issuance of orders relating to employee’s conduct on the job.
D. Statistical evaluation of policies and procedures.

93. The highest National Police rank of Iran is

A. Director General C. Commissioner of Police
B. Commissioner General D. General
94. Police Officer 1 in the Philippines, what is the equivalent in Oman?
A. Policeman C. Corporal
B. Constable D. Conscript
95. This numeric filing system is considered by many to be the most efficient of the numeric filing methods.
A. Straight numeric C. duplex numeric
B. Terminal digit D. none of the foregoing
96. As a tool of effective supervision, discipline is best regarded as a form of-
A. Control C. Training
B. Punishment D. Authority
97. A form of investigation in which the investigator assume a different and unofficial identity in order to obtain information.
A. Code and ciphers C. Undercover assignment
B. Undercover Intelligence D. Special communication
98. It concerns with foreign technical developments which have a practical military application and the physical
characteristics, performance, capabilities and limitations of materials and installations housed by foreign military force.
A. Tactical Intelligence C. Line Intelligence
B. Strategic Intelligence D. Military Intelligence
99. The combination of the elements stated in the assessment with other known information or intelligence to form a
logical feature or hypothesis of enemy activities or information of the operation are characteristic of the mission of the
A. integration C. evaluation
B. Interpretation D. Analysis

100. Striking up friendship with the subject for obtaining information is:
A. Rope Job C. Elicitation
B. friendly technique D. Decoy

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