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Progress in Organic Coatings 33 (1998) 91–100

Review Paper

Review of alternatives to chromate for corrosion protection of

aluminum aerospace alloys

R.L. Twite*, G.P. Bierwagen

Department of Polymers and Coatings, NDSU, Fargo, ND 58105, USA

Received 10 October 1997; accepted 9 February 1998


The advent of chromate replacements for aluminum alloys began in the late 1970s. As regulations became increasingly stricter,
commercial, academic and government facilities have relied on a collaborative effort to come up with novel innovations for the corrosion
protection of aerospace aluminum alloys. More elaborate coatings formulations have failed to produce the level of protection that
chromates provide, therefore researchers have moved to more advanced technologies for improved protection. Some of the newer alter-
natives include low temperature cationic plasma deposition, sol-gel and ceramer coatings, various inorganic and organic inhibitors and
conducting polymers including some based on double helical structures. Although ultimate protection has not been achieved by one single
technique, it is believed that a combination of the most promising alternatives will provide the desired protection.  1998 Elsevier Science
S.A. All rights reserved

Keywords: Chromate replacements; Aluminum; Corrosion; Coatings

1. General background ment. The conversion coat is usually a very thin (,10–60
nm) inorganic layer that provides corrosion protection and
This paper discusses the urgent need facing the aerospace improved adhesion between the substrate and the primer,
industry to replace the conventional corrosion inhibitor, which is the second layer of the coating system. The primer
hexavalent chromium. Also discussed are the methods for provides similar functions to the conversion coat, but is
finding a suitable replacement for Cr6+ and the details of comprised of a pigmented organic resin matrix. The appli-
expanding technology used to alleviate the concern of cor- cation thickness of the primer can vary from 5 to 200 mm
rosion for aluminum alloys. The current sciences used and although a thickness of 25 mm (1 mil) is typically desired
benefits and disadvantages of each procedure are acknowl- due to weight constraints on the aircraft. The primer is the
edged. The contents are focused on the entire coating sys- principal provider of corrosion protection. Typical formula-
tem and can serve as an extension to a review on tions consist of both chromated and non-chromated pig-
replacements for chromium pretreatments written by ments enveloped in an epoxy resin. Finally, a top coat is
Cohen [1]. applied which serves as the main barrier against environ-
The aerospace industry places a high demand on the coat- mental influences such as extreme climates and ultra-violet
ings used to paint or repaint the existing aircraft fleet. Each rays and it provides the aircraft with decoration and camou-
vehicle relies on several layers of coatings to provide flage. A typical top coat is formulated using a polyurethane
improved adhesion, protection against the environment resin and the application thickness varies from 50 to 200
and corrosion, visual aesthetics and other specialized func- pm. The complete coating system, as shown in Fig. 1, con-
tions such as low observability. A typical coating system is sists of the pretreatment/primer/topcoat.
comprised of three individual coating layers. The first layer, Recently, much interest has been focused on developing
a conversion coating, is the product of substrate pretreat- new technology concerning the formulation and application
of the conversion coat and primer layers. To date, these
* Corresponding author. layers are formulated with corrosion inhibiting compounds

0300-9440/98/$19.00  1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved

PII S0300-9440 (98 )0 0015-0
92 R.L. Twite, G.P. Bierwagen / Progress in Organic Coatings 33 (1998) 91–100

that contain hexavalent chromium. Hexavalent chromium, sions by 123 700 tons. There is a direct economic challenge
or chromate, is currently the most effective way to inhibit associated with costs for environmental compliance along
corrosion of aluminum alloys. Yet, the use of chromates and with increased liability for claims of exposure in the work-
other chromium containing compounds has been limited place. The current public health service exposure limit for
since 1982 due to their carcinogenic effects. The Environ- chromium is set at 0.05 mg/l [6]. Indirectly there is an
mental Protection Agency (EPA) is the main regulator of economic burden of allocating finances toward research
chromate uses and emissions through several different acts and production of new materials and technologies in order
including the Clean Water Act, the Comprehensive Envir- to find a suitable replacement for chromium.
onmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act Since the federal mandate on the control of chromate
(CRCLA) and Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) [2]. containing compounds, much collaborative work has been
National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants done in the academic, industrial and governmental sectors
(NESHAP) were proposed for chromium along with 188 to find a suitable method for corrosion control of aluminum
other hazardous air pollutants (HAP) listed in the Clean based alloys. The most common alloys studied are an alu-
Air Act. Within the military installations, Cr6 + is a Group minum/copper alloy, Al-2024 and an aluminum/zinc alloy,
II compound on the Aeronautical Systems Center (ASC) Al-7075. In order to determine how to protect an active
hazardous material priority list. The list was set up to iden- metal from corrosion, the fundamental aspects of degrada-
tify hazardous materials and group them by their environ- tion must be known. Currently, the exact mechanisms gov-
mental threat. Group II compounds have been designated to erning corrosion of aerospace aluminum are not completely
be reduced and eventually eliminated [3]. Unfortunately, understood. In general, corrosion of a metal proceeds when
the same properties that make Cr6 + a superior corrosion five conditions are met. An active corrosion site consists of
inhibitor also make it environmentally unsafe. It is the an anode, cathode, continuous electrical contact between
strong oxidation properties of chromates that have brought the anode and cathode, continuous electrolyte and a catho-
much scrutiny concerning their use. It appears that Cr6 + dic reactant such as O2, H2O or H2. The electrochemical
does not intimately react with human DNA, but instead equations governing the corrosion of aluminum when
goes through a reduction to Cr5 + which eventually is alloyed with copper or zinc (Al-2xxx and Al-7xxx series,
responsible for the DNA damage [4]. Chromate exposure respectively) are:
is primarily through inhalation, ingestion and skin contact.
The most common ailment is lung cancer, but the toxicolo- Al → Al3 + + 3e − (1)
gical effects are not limited to cancer alone [2]. Although
O2 + 2H2 O + 4e − → 4OH − (neutral=alkaline) (2)
there is speculation that eventually chromates will be com-
pletely banned from use, the current legislative trend is
2H + + 2e − → H2 ↑ (acid) (3)
following the same path as volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) in that they will be significantly reduced, but not The ease of reactions 2 and 3 on the alloying metal and the
eliminated [5]. galvanic coupling effect greatly increases the rate of corro-
The economic and environmental burden of using chro- sion for aluminum. Contact of the alloy with water and
mates has dramatically affected the aerospace industry due oxygen or hydrogen completes the galvanic cell such that
to its dependence on the use of aluminum based alloys in oxidation of the metal takes place. Since an alloy has the
aircraft manufacturing. Environmentally, the industry must anodic and cathodic sites (copper inclusions) in constant
deal with lower limits of exposure to workers along with electrical contact, the only way to inhibit corrosion is to
controlled release and clean-up of by-products and waste eliminate the contact with electrolyte and the cathodic reac-
generated by its use. The latest NESHAP mandate, June tant. The main methods to prevent such corrosion are by
1994, was set up to reduce aerospace industry HAP emis- using organic or inorganic barrier coatings and by using

Fig. 1. Schematic of components that make up an aircraft coating system.

R.L. Twite, G.P. Bierwagen / Progress in Organic Coatings 33 (1998) 91–100 93

passivating inhibitors (Fig. 2). The barrier coatings are used

to suppress the cathodic reaction by limiting the diffusion
of the electrolyte, oxygen and water to the substrate. It also
limits the transport of electrons to the metal interface. Pas-
sivating inhibitors such as chromates, work in a similar
manner except that they operate under site-specific condi-
tions. These inhibitors undergo reduction at the active cor-
rosion sites (grain boundaries, inclusions, pits or
precipitates) to form insoluble oxides which deposit and
provide a barrier to further permeation of water, oxygen
or electrolyte. The formation of a barrier layer from the
active inhibitor that covers either the entire surface or
just the corrosion site will limit the permeability of electro-
lytes (chloride ions) and water, therefore reducing the rate
of corrosion. Complete protection is often obtained by
combining a cathodic inhibitor with a barrier coating.
Chromates as active inhibitors are being replaced by other
components such as cerium and molybdate compounds.
Advanced resin application methods are being used to
replace chromates by providing a more coherent barrier
layer with the underlying interface. These applications
include methods such as vapor deposition and electrodepo-
sition. Sol-gel coatings and conducting polymers are being
developed as new resin systems for corrosion protection.
Also, there is a broad range of aluminum surface modifica-
tion techniques that are under investigation. Although, to
date there has not been a singular successful candidate for
chromium replacement, it is hoped that the combination of
the different techniques and compounds listed above will
provide the protection desired.

2. Chromate replacement inhibitors

Fig. 2. Schematics for (A) corrosion cell for Al-2024-T3 and (B) aluminum
alloy protected by a barrier coating.
An organic coating alone is not sufficient to protect an
underlying metal substrate from corrosion. In general a sion coating processes are well known and can be found in
coating contains micro-pores, areas of low cross-link den- Ref. [9]. The final result is a 10–60 nm thick film consisting
sity or high pigment volume concentration (PVC) that pro- of Cr(OH)3 and A1(OH)3. Chromic acid anodization on the
vides a path for diffusion of corrosive agents such as water, other hand involves the electrochemical growth of an oxide
oxygen and chloride ions to the coating/metal interface. layer where a thin non-porous oxide layer is formed with a
Therefore, it is most often necessary to incorporate inor- thicker porous layer on top of it. The thickness of the ano-
ganic or organic inhibitors into a paint system for corrosion dized layer is dependent on the applied voltage during film
protection. The most effective corrosion inhibitor in use is growth, but is usually 0.05–0.1 mil (1 mil = 25 mm) thick
hexavalent chromium (Cr6 + ). [10]. Chromates are introduced in the final stage of anodiza-
Chromates have been around since the early 1900s as a tion by sealing the porous layer with chromic acid (H2CrO4).
means to control the corrosion of active metals [7]. Cur- Thus, the thicker oxide layer provides barrier protection for
rently they are used to protect industrial ferrous and non- the bare metal as well as providing active passivation.
ferrous alloys. They are employed into the coating system Despite the superior corrosion protection offered by anodi-
through pigmentation (strontium chromate (SrCrO4) or zinc zation, conversion coatings are preferentially used due to
chromate (H2CrO4Zn)), chromate conversion coatings or economic benefits. Anodization can be quite expensive
chromic acid anodization (H2CrO4) of the alloy substrate and therefore not affordable or practical when dealing
[8]. A chromate conversion coating is a chemically grown with large aluminum structures.
oxide layer on the alloy substrate that provides an active Aside from the pretreatment, chromates are commonly
barrier layer that reduces the rate of the cathodic oxygen used as pigments in the primer coating. A typical formula-
reaction. The coatings are typically formed at pH between tion is given in Table 1 [11].
1.5 and 3.0. The electrochemical reactions for the conver- Chromated primers provide active passivating character-
94 R.L. Twite, G.P. Bierwagen / Progress in Organic Coatings 33 (1998) 91–100

istics through uniform pigment distribution. These chro- curves of surface-modified samples immersed in 0.5 N
mated pigments are slightly soluble in water allowing NaCl where reported to have pitting potential (Epit) values
them to diffuse to active corrosion sites. Often, both a chro- 200 mV higher (more noble) than the untreated samples.
mate conversion coating and a chromated primer are used in The increase in Epit is indicative of the system reaching a
the total coating system. Twite and Bierwagen observed a more noble state. The process yielded excellent corrosion
minor difference in corrosion protection between chromated resistance for the Al-7000 series and marked improvements
primers applied to substrates with and without a chromate for the Al-2000 series using this process. Cerium com-
conversion coating [13]. The amount of chromate in the pounds are also being incorporated into sol-gel coatings
primer matrix from the pigments provided sufficient protec- systems, which are new candidates for aluminum pretreat-
tion for the untreated alloy. ments and primers [20]. The sol-gel process is an emerging
In the search to find a promising replacement inhibitor for technology used to produce thin metal oxide films at much
chromate, a mechanistic approach was taken by Kendig et lower temperatures than traditional ceramic coatings [21].
al. to identify the characteristics of Cr6 + that make it an Knobbe and Parkhill found increased corrosion resistance
effective inhibitor [14]. Chromates are used due to their with a layered combination of Ce(III)-doped SiO2/SiO2
strong oxidizing powers, their solubility in water, the pas- epoxy thin films when compared with chromated Alodi-
sive nature of their reduction products, and their cost and ney conversion coats on Al-2024-T3 in 3% NaCl solution.
ease of application. The exact mechanism for corrosion Although the reported cerium compounds show promise as
inhibition by Cr6 + is still being debated, but it is accepted effective corrosion inhibitors, little has been mentioned
that the solubility of Cr6 + in water aids in its transport to about their toxicity.
actively corroding sites where it passivates the area by redu-
cing to Cr3 + [15]. Among the most promising candidates 2.2. Molybdenum compounds
being investigated as active inhibitors are cerium com-
pounds, molybdates, vanadates and phosphates. Section Molybdates have been tested extensively as possible
2.1 outlines the highlights from the most recent research chromate replacements due to their oxidizing power and
conducted concerning these active inhibitors. stability of their reduction products, which form a passivat-
ing layer. As with chromates, molybdates are used as addi-
2.1. Cerium compounds tives in conversion coatings or primer systems. Polarization
studies by Breslin et al. compared the effects of Na2MoO4
Some of the most promising chromate replacement inhi- with Na2Cr2O7 on aluminum alloys in NaCl solutions [22].
bitors are derived from cerium salts [16]. They are believed They postulated formation of Mo, Mo3 + and MoO2 species
to control the cathodic reaction by precipitating cerium followed by the formation of molybdenum oxides with dif-
hydroxide (Ce(OH)3) at local regions of high pH [17]. Aldy- ferent oxidation states. The effectiveness of the molybdate
kiewics et al. studied the effects of cerium chloride on Al– solutions was reported to be inhibited by the size and solu-
2024-T3 using in situ current density mapping. They con- bility of the oxide MoO2 species. Sporadic pitting potentials
cluded that there was a preferential Ce deposition over the of .100 mV led to the conclusions that the oxidizing power
copper rich regions which was associated with increases in of MoO24 − was not as strong as the dichromate species
pH due to O2 reduction [18]. Wang and Mansfeld modified a (Cr2O27 − ) and the molybdate species was too large to accu-
process that incorporated cerium which was originally intro- mulate at flawed areas, therefore unable to effectively pas-
duced by Hinton to inhibit corrosion of high strength alu- sivate the region. Further studies by Breslin et al. found that
minum alloys [19,16]. The process involves immersion of the pitting potential with molybdate inhibitors was more
the alloy in hot Ce(NO3)3 followed by anodic polarization in dependent on the concentration of the chloride ion, and
Na2MoO4 and final immersion in hot CeCl3. Polarization was less dependent on the pH of the solution. Others also
reported the concentration dependence of the initial molyb-
date species and its effect on corrosion protection. Shaw et
Table 1
al. indicated that lower concentrations seem to provide more
Formulation of a two-part epoxy primer for aircraft (meets specifications passivation protection than higher concentrations. They also
for MIL-P-2377) [12] reported the presence of Mo4 + , MoO24 − and MoO3 species in
Part A wt.% Part B wt.% the passive regions [23].
Kendig et al. later reported an increase in the absolute
Strontium chromate and 37.5 Polyamide resin 31.6
other pigments
value of the Epit of Al-2024-T3 when using various blends of
Epoxy resin 22.9 Glycol ether 15.0 zinc phosphate/molybdate powder dissolved in a 0.01 M
Additives 0.2 Toluene or xylene 54.4 NaCl solution [24]. Monticelli et al. tested the effects of
Methyl isobutyl ketone 21.0 different inhibitor solutions, including molybdates, on the
Xylene 7.6 corrosion of aluminum using the power spectral density
Toluene 10.8
Total 100.0 100.0
(PSD) of electrochemical noise analysis (ENM) [25]. PSD
analysis proved to be an effective method to determine not
R.L. Twite, G.P. Bierwagen / Progress in Organic Coatings 33 (1998) 91–100 95

only the effectiveness of the inhibitor, but also provided diately formed a thick white precipitate, while the other two
some understanding of the mechanisms of the inhibitor. inhibitors did not. Electrochemical evaluation of the sodium
They found that molybdates act as oxidizing inhibitors, sebacate solution on fresh and already corroded aluminum
and the main inhibiting effect was due to an adsorbed found it to function as an inhibitor to both pit nucleation and
layer acting as a barrier to chloride ions. pit growth as long as the chloride concentration remained
below 0.3 M. The mechanism for protection was not dis-
2.3. Phosphates cussed. Raspini looked at the potentiokinetic effects of
sodium benzoate (NaC7H5O2), sodium acetate (NaC2H3O2)
Zinc phosphates were the initial replacement pigments and thioglycolic acid (HSCH2COOH) individually, and
for zinc chromates. They display no toxic effects and pro- combined, as inhibitors to pitting nucleation and growth in
vide some corrosion protection to aluminum alloys by form- NaCl solutions [29]. He found that the compounds effec-
ing a Zn3(PO4)2⋅4 H2O film [9]. Bath composition typically tively stopped pit initiation, but were unable to stop pit
at pH 2–4 and consists of phosphoric acid, zinc dihydrogen growth on the bare metal surface. His results were incon-
phosphate, fluoride and an oxidation accelerator such as clusive about the mechanism for inhibition, but he postu-
NO2. lated a physico-chemical relation between the inhibitor and
Recently, MacQueen et al. [26] used electrochemical oxide at the solution interface.
impedance spectroscopy (EIS) to determine the corrosion
protection capabilities of several phosphate containing com-
pounds for Al-2024-T3. Of the ten compounds studied, cal- 3. Barrier coatings
cium strontium zinc phosphosilicate provided the best
protection under damaged conditions. They determined The chemical industry is quite aware of laws concerning
the inhibition properties by ranking the data using Eq. (4): the release of volatile orrganic compounds (VOCs) and
(LogRinh − LogRcontr ) other hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). Therefore, the repla-
Rank = (4) cement of chromates is shadowed by other environmental
concerns. Several of the barrier coatings that are being con-
where R inh is the coating resistance value after 168 h of sidered have been developed or modified specifically to
immersion in 0.01 M K2SO4 and R contr is the coating resis- follow federal environmental regulations. Newer barrier
tance value for a coating containing no inhibitors. The systems include plasma deposited coatings, sol-gel systems
ranking done by MacQueen and others was performed on and self-priming topcoats. Electrodeposition is also consid-
damaged (800 pm diameter hole) chromate conversion ered for aerospace application due to its successful use in
coated Al-2024-T3. Therefore, effects of the chromate con- the automotive industry.
version coating influence the exact inhibition properties.
3.1. Plasma deposition
2.4. Organic inhibitors
Low temperature cationic plasma deposition is currently
Organic corrosion inhibitors have been studied along side used to create ultra-thin hydrophobic barrier coatings on
the inorganic ones as possible chromate replacements. The metals. Plasma polymerized films with thicknesses of sev-
vast number of organic molecules and their derivatives have eral hundreds of nanometers boast high crosslink densities
allowed for a quite extensive survey of compounds. Most with virtually, if not completely, defect free matrices [30].
organic inhibitors come in the form of weak acids and their The polymerizations are done in a dry atmosphere and the
derivatives that form insoluble salts at the metal surface. process is within federal VOC regulations. Plasma coatings
There have been some reports on chelating inhibitors that have two invaluable properties for corrosion protection of
formed an intimate bond between the organic complex and metals, which are a highly crosslinked matrix and excellent
the metal surface or its oxide [27]. The result was the crea- adhesion to the metal substrate. Thus, the materials display
tion of a thin (up to 20 nm) but tenacious passive layer. excellent chemical resistance and adhesion. The polymer-
Organic salts rely on the adsorption of the hydrophobic ization method produces a highly crosslinked polymer film
anions to provide a thin barrier layer. Their effectiveness that is also covalently bonded to the substrate surface. The
can be correlated to the hydrophobic chain length and the gaseous form of the monomer is ionized by passing it
placement of carboxyl groups along the chain segment. through a DC current. The ionization promotes rapid step
Jeffcoate investigated several corrosion inhibitors for post growth polymerization (RSGP) by producing a reactive
mortem aluminum artifacts immersed in natural seawater intermediate which reacts with the metal ions at the sub-
[28]. Solutions of sodium sebacate (NaOOC(CH2)8- strate surface [31]. Low temperature cathodic plasma
COONa), potassium hydrogen phthalate (C8H5O4K) and deposition of inorganic or silicon monomers have displayed
sodium molybdate (Na2MoO4⋅H2O) were added to a solu- the best performance for corrosion protection with res-
tion of AlCl3 to test their effectiveness within a simulated pect to steel substrates immersed in simulated seawater
aluminum pit. The sodium sebacate solution (0.1 M) imme- [32].
96 R.L. Twite, G.P. Bierwagen / Progress in Organic Coatings 33 (1998) 91–100

A combination of substrate cleaning and polymer deposi-

tion steps are generally used during the coating process.
They involve metal surface pretreatment or ‘cleaning’, inor-
ganic film deposition and composition-graded film forma-
tion [33]. The surface cleaning involves impinging either
oxygen or hydrogen and argon (H + Ar) ions at the metal
surface to remove any contaminants. The oxygen ions clean
the surface of its impurities and remove the original oxide
layer and a new ‘clean’ oxide layer is formed. The hydro-
gen + argon treatment removes the surface impurities and
Fig. 4. Equivalent circuit diagram for the Rebar model.
oxide layer without forming a new oxide layer. Surface
cleaning and polymer film deposition are done consecu- values indicate that the barrier properties of the plasma
tively, therefore the risk of introducing new contaminants system give better protection than the passive chromium
or a fresh oxide layer, in the case of the hydrogen and argon hydroxide (Cr(OH)3) layer from the chromate conversion
treatment, is minimized. As mentioned, silicon or organo- coating.
metallic monomers may be polymerized and deposited via
cathode glow discharge to form the polymer film. However 3.2. Sol-gel
a compositionally graded film can also be obtained by
applying a combination of sputter deposition of the metal As previously mentioned, sol-gel processing is a method
and organic monomer polymerization [34]. Cho et al. and in which thin oxide films can be deposited on a substrate at
Schreiber et al. [35,36] have found improved corrosion pro- much lower temperatures than traditional ceramic proces-
tection from plasma polymerized thin films on steel sub- sing methods. A variety of metal alkoxides, salts or nitrates
strates. Yasuda et al. [37] are currently working on can be used as precursors for the oxide synthesis [39]. Upon
optimizing a polymer system for the protection of aluminum deposition, the coating undergoes hydrolysis and condensa-
substrates. EIS results of a plasma polymerized tetra methyl tion to form a continuous three-dimensional oxide matrix.
silane coating versus an Alodiney treated aluminum alloy The oxide layer acts as an inert, hydrophobic barrier layer
are shown in Fig. 3. The intrinsic stresses and processing conditions for one-coat
The modulus |Z| at low frequency is an indication of systems limit the film thickness to less than 1 mm. Film
the barrier resistance of the coating. The plasma treated thickness of .1 mm can be obtained by combining additives
sample shows improvement by one order of magnitude into the sol-gel or by creating multi-coat systems. Due to the
over Alodiney treated surfaces after 7 days exposure to limited film thickness, sol-gel coatings are used as the sub-
dilute Harrison’s solution. The coating resistance values strate pretreatment.
were determined using a Rebar equivalent circuit model. Much of the initial work concerning corrosion protection
The Rebar model consists of two embedded RC (resis- offered by sol-gels was conducted with steel substrates [40].
tance/capacitance) circuits representing the ‘coating’ layer Sol-gel processed oxide films such as SiO2, ZrO SiO2/TiO2,
and the ‘coating’/metal interface [38]. The circuit is shown SiO2/A12O3 and B2O3/SiO2 have been tested as barriers to
in Fig. 4. The double layer capacitance and polarization corrosion induced by high temperature, atmospheric expo-
resistance are labeled as Cdl and R p, respectively. The coat- sure, H2SO4 attack or concentrated electrolyte immersion
ing capacitance and coating (or pore) resistance are labeled [41–45]. They have all shown promise, but have been of
as Cc and R po, respectively. limited use due to poor interfacial adhesion, shrinkage and
The respective coating resistance values were 1.58 × oxidation of the substrate. Currently the sol-gel processing
103 ± 32.0 Q cm2 for the plasma treated alloy and 4.8 × is being pursued as an alternative to chromate inhibitors for
102 ± 1.8 Q cm2 for the Alodiney treatment. The resistance corrosion protection of aluminum alloys [46,47]. A more
comprehensive review of the use of sol-gel produced
metal oxides as protective films has recently been published
The US Air Force, in conjunction with the academic and
commercial groups, has developed sol-gel systems contain-
ing aluminum oxides, zinc oxides, silicon oxides, zirconium
oxides and a combination of these oxides. It has been found
that one of the major characteristics controlling the corro-
sion protection properties of the coatings is the film thick-
ness [42,45]. Though one would expect a thicker film to
provide better protection, the opposite is true for sol-gel
Fig. 3. Bode plot for plasma-treated and Alodiney chromate conversion films due to the tendency for cracking to occur in single
coated Al-7075-T6 in dilute Harrison’s solution. coat films greater than 1 mm.
R.L. Twite, G.P. Bierwagen / Progress in Organic Coatings 33 (1998) 91–100 97

A more realistic approach for defect free film formation is become insignificant factors. Several types of resins have
being taken by combining the various metal oxides with been successfully used for e-coat binders. These binders
organic segments to form what are called ceramers. They include acrylics, alkyds, epoxies, polyurethanes, polya-
are synthesized using organic functionalized metal alkox- mides and polyesters [57]. Electrochemical evaluation of
ides that promote reaction between an organic group and the e-coat systems has been used to demonstrate its excellent
inorganic alkoxide. Ceramer systems are potential chromate barrier properties [13,58]. Twite and Bierwagen [13] pre-
replacements due to the ability to tailor the systems to the sented data showing the superior barrier protection beha-
specific needs of the user. The organic segment adds flex- vior of polyurethane/blocked isocyanate e-coats on
ibility to the system, which lowers the internal stresses of aluminum alloys with and without a chromate conversion
the system and reduces shrinkage of the coating. Due to the coat pretreatment. Accelerated weathering from Prohe-
increased flexibility the coating thickness for ceramers is siony exposure indicated that the conversion coat was
higher than that for traditional sol-gel coatings which necessary to protect damaged areas, but the coating main-
expands their use. tained excellent barrier properties away from the damaged
area. The ability to produce sufficiently thick coatings
3.3. Self priming topcoats allows e-coats to be used as a primer or one-coat system.
More often they are used as primers due to resins that have
A chromate free coating system was developed by the poor weatherability resulting in loss of gloss and color.
US Navy specifically for compliance with the mandates However, some epoxy based (blocked isocyanate) resins
against chromate use. This particular system is called a are used quite extensively as stand alone coatings due to
self-priming topcoat (SPT) or a direct to metal (DTM) coat- their good weatherability [59].
ing. As the name implies, the system provides both primer
and topcoat functions with just one coating layer. A self-
priming polyurethane was first developed by the Navy for 4. Conducting polymers
use with the current military aircraft fleet. Published results
indicated superior performance over the traditional epox- The use of conducting polymers such as polyaniline (I)
y(primer)/polyurethane(topcoat) multi-coat system [49]. and polypyrrole (II) as corrosion protection systems has
Both barrier and inhibitive mechanisms provided corrosion emerged in the past decade [60–62]. Much of the initial
protection. The inhibitors were comprised of a combination work concerns corrosion protection of mild and stainless
of three non-toxic corrosion pigments, zinc molybdate (two steels [63–65]. Effective corrosion protection is achieved
parts), zinc phosphate (one part) and zinc benzoate (0.1 by conducting polymer systems when they are in the
parts) [50,51]. Others have not seen some of this corrosion doped or conducting form. The mechanism for protection
protection. A self-priming topcoat was one of many sys- is not by barrier methods, but instead it is believed that the
tems tested by the Air Force for corrosion protection of polymers aid in the formation of a passive oxide film at the
Al-2024-T3. The system provided only fair protection, metal surface through an anodization process. Despite the
comparable with military specification aircraft primers good corrosion protection abilities of conducting polymers
[52]. thus far reported, their main disadvantage lies in thin film
processing. The application process involves either electro-
3.4. Electrodeposited coatings polymerization in a acid media or casting the non-conduc-

An environmentally friendly system that has been proven

effective by the automotive industry is electrodeposition of
organic resins (e-coat). Electrodeposition has been commer-
cially available since the 1960s when the first patent was
issued to the Ford Motor Company [53–55]. The unique
advantage of electrodeposition is that a thick (up to several
mm) coating can easily be deposited on a conducting sub-
strate with good control of the thickness. A semi-uniform
and continuous film with excellent interfacial adhesion is
achieved, even in less accessible areas due to the high
throwing power of the method. The deposition process
can be modified to undergo either cathodic or anodic deposi-
tion depending on the resin functionality [56]. Cathodic
deposition is predominantly used today for corrosion appli-
cations because of some inherent disadvantages of the ano-
dic process. With cathodic electrodeposition, oxidation of
the resin and electrochemical dissolution of the metal
98 R.L. Twite, G.P. Bierwagen / Progress in Organic Coatings 33 (1998) 91–100

tive form of the polymer from solution and then converting cell, the aluminum panel undergoes oxidation, reacts with
it to its conducting state. Unfortunately, the structure of the water and forms aluminum oxide, as shown in Eq. (5).
doped material is unstable and therefore susceptible to loss
2Al(s) + 3H2 O(l) → Al2 O3 + 6H + + 6e − (5)
of conductivity.
Of the various systems tested, a double stranded polyani- Typically a tenacious and dense oxide layer is formed
line based polymer synthesized by Liu and Yang shows immediately at the surface with a more porous outer
excellent characteristics as a possible replacement for chro- layer. The outer oxide layer is 99% porous with the pores
mate systems [66]. A group from the University of Rhode reaching approximately 20 nm from the aluminum surface
Island has been studying the double helix form of polyani- [73]. The oxide is usually ‘sealed’ with the boehmite struc-
line as a possible corrosion protection system for aluminum ture (Al(OH)3) of aluminum hydroxide by immersing the
based alloys [67–69]. The polymer is referred to as PAN/ sample in boiling water (80–100°C) or NaOH. The pores
PolyE, designating use of both the polyaniline segment and can also be sealed with a inhibitor such as chromic acid or
the polyelectrolyte segment. The polyelectrolyte is a car- other active inhibitors to help with corrosion protection.
boxylic acid modified vinyl co-polymer. The acid groups The thickness of the anodized layer is dependent on the
serve as the dopants for the material and therefore the mole- applied current, the voltage and the length of application.
cule remains stable in the conductive form. The corrosion The properties of the oxide layer are affected by the nature
current density of a treated sample is almost two orders of and composition of the electrolyte and by the aluminum
magnitude lower than that of an untreated system. The substrate [74].
PAN/PolyE treated samples were compared with chromate The electrochemically grown oxide layer provides extra
conversion coated samples immersed in 0.5 M NaCl [68]. barrier protection due to the highly capacitive behavior of
The EIS and polarization measurements were similar for the Al2O3. This behavior is easily demonstrated by comparing
two systems. Salt spray immersion was also done and the the electrochemical impedance spectra of uncoated Al-
polyaniline system showed little or no (negligible) disbond- 2024-T3 alloy with and without anodization treatment.
ment from the scribe and no corrosion was visible away The log modulus versus log frequency plot from an EIS
from the scribe [68]. scan of Al-2024-T3 bare and Al-2024-T3 anodized after
Due to the poor processibility of conducting polymers 60 min in 3% NaCl is shown in Fig. 5.
such as polyaniline into coatings, it has been postulated to Oxide resistance values were evaluated using a Rebar
use the polymer as a pigment or other resin additive. equivalent circuit model shown previously in Fig. 4. The
values obtained were 9.9 × 103 ± 50.0 and 7.3 × 102 ± 4.0
Q cm2 for the anodized and bare samples, respectively.
5. Surface modification Polarization measurements also show the improved perfor-
mance of the anodized sample with a several order decrease
Sections 3 and 4 were concerned with the application of a in the corrosion current density with respect to the untreated
coating to impede or suppress the corrosion process. This sample.
was accomplished by applying either a barrier coating or a
reactive inhibitor that will subsequently form a site-specific 5.2. Plasma ablation
barrier layer. Instead of applying a coating, one can modify
the metal surface to create a conversion layer. Conversion Surface cleaning by plasma ablation was discussed
layers provide the ability to modify the aluminum surface to briefly in Section 3.1. A more in depth account of plasma
give better adhesion, a surface free of contaminants or a polymerization and plasma ablation was written by Yasuda
coating layer that contains active corrosion inhibitors. Con- [30]. Plasma ablation takes place by one of two methods,
version layers can be created through a variety of techniques sputtering or chemical etching. Sputtering is used to remove
which include physical vapor deposition, cathodic magne- organic contaminants and oxides from the metal surface.
tron sputtering, high energy ion beams and laser ablation The surface is cleaned by bombarding it with an inert gas
[70–72]. The most common conversion layers are from plasma. Argon and hydrogen are used extensively for this
electrochemical anodization, plasma ablation and chromate procedure. As the gas ion collides with the surface, an
conversion coatings and modifications thereof. energy exchange takes place, which dislodges the atoms
at the surface leaving it free of organic and inorganic con-
5.1. Anodization taminants and inhomogeneities. Chemical etching involves
chemical reaction between the impinging ion and the dis-
As mentioned earlier, a thick oxide layer can be elec- lodged atoms. Oxygen is used with chemical etching to
trochemically grown on an aluminum substrate by anodic ‘clean’ the surface of a metal as well as deposit a synthetic
oxidation (anodization). Electrochemical anodization of oxide layer. The energy and quantity of oxygen control the
aluminum is performed using the sample as the anode properties of the oxide layer. Therefore, the etching rate is
immersed in 1.5 M sulfuric acid with a steel cathode. As a dependent on the discharge power and oxygen flow rate to
constant current density is applied to the electrochemical the system. The biggest difference between sputtering and
R.L. Twite, G.P. Bierwagen / Progress in Organic Coatings 33 (1998) 91–100 99

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