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Extended Abstract: Lean UX and Innovation in

Tatiana Batova
Arizona State University

Abstract – This extended abstract describes lean UX makers. The goal is to build the minimum viable product
methodology and explains its benefits for innovation in (MVP) that has the minimum features that potential
technical and professional communication teaching. customers would pay for. During the “build-measure-
learn” feedback loop, the lean team gets more feedback
Index Terms – Lean UX, innovation, teaching from the customers, makes changes to the product, and
tests again. This approach emphasizes efficiency in
INTRODUCTION learning and creating, as well as helps minimize the risk
of product failure by adjusting initial assumptions as early
Lean startup and its derivative lean UX are becoming
as possible.
increasingly popular in entrepreneurial culture. Lean UX Similar to the lean startup, lean UX aims at
fosters innovation, asserting that successful innovations
• removing waste from UX design processes. The
need to be inventions that are also economically viable
team creates only design artifacts that are
and technically feasible [1], [2]. In what follows I first
necessary to move its learning forward.
describe the foundations of lean UX and then explain how
• harmonizing collaborative teams. The team is
it can be beneficial for teaching technical and professional
transparent, cross-functional and brings non-
communication (TPC). To explain the benefits, I use a 7.5
designers into the design process.
week online UX class that is cross-listed as
graduate/undergraduate at Arizona State University as an • bringing experimentation to the core of design.
example. The class introduces students to UX principles, The designer facilitates the team to experiment
techniques, and tools and teaches them how to solve with the MVP and get feedback from the users;
design problems holistically. the team measures if the design met the goals.
This process is rapid and iterative [3].
DEFINING LEAN UX II. Design thinking
Lean UX combines the principles of UX with lean Also a user-driven innovation approach, design
startup, design thinking, and Agile [3]. thinking was developed by the design company IDEO. It
relies on “direct observation of what people want and
I. Lean startup need in their lives and what they like or dislike about the
Lean startup [4] is an approach to creating innovative way particular products are made, packaged, marketed,
products that is based on user-centered methodologies, sold, and supported” [1], as well as extensive iteration
particularly the ones stemming from customer cycles.
development strategies [5]. Dating back to manufacturing This approach is important for lean UX because it
practices introduced by Toyota of Japan, it has evolved to enables design methods to be applied to various aspects of
benefit various types of startup organizations. The a business, allowing designers to work beyond typical
foundation of lean startup is the idea that for an boundaries and non-designers to use design methods to
innovation to be efficient, there needs to be a demand for solve problems. While there are strong similarities
it from the potential users and the innovation needs to between lean startup methodology and design thinking,
solve a real problem for real users. Investing time and there are also differences, e.g., methods used and target
resources into an innovation that is not needed or desired groups [2].
creates waste.
The process of lean startup begins with formulating a III. Agile
viable and sustainable business hypothesis that is then Agile methods of software development aim at
validated through customer development with the “get- reducing the time of delivering software to the customers
out-of-the-building” method: talking to real people who and at continuously adjusting the software to meet the
could potentially be customers, both users and decision

978-1-5090-1761-4/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

changing needs of the customers. Lean UX borrows the all student submitted an evaluation plan that described
following four core principles from the Agile Manifesto: how they can measure the success of their current
• individuals and interactions over processes and redesign.
tools. The entire cross-functional team must
exchange ideas freely and frequently. III. Lean UX provides foundations and guidelines for
• working software over comprehensive cross-functional, problem-focused teams
documentation. The goal of the team is to build a One of the goals of lean UX is to break down barriers
series of viable solutions quickly, so that they that isolate designers from business needs and
can be assessed for market fit and viability. technological implementation requirements by demanding
• customer collaboration over contract cross-functional collaboration [3]. As designers and
negotiation. Collaboration and continuous developers interact in the workplace, students of different
customer feedback create a shared understanding majors interact in a class as part of a team. Not only does
about decisions and decrease the need for this approach prepare students for workplace
documenting them. collaboration, it helps technical communication students
• responding to change over following a plan. see how they can be involved in early stages of product
Successful product development relies on development and engineering students how to base their
frequent testing and continuous iteration [3]. designs on user needs. It also helps students focus on the
problem they are trying to solve rather than concentrate
BENEFITS OF LEAN UX FOR TEACHING on features when conducting user research. It provides
strategies for creating a shared understanding of the
I. Lean UX enables iterative approach design problems and user analysis through externalizing
While the iterative approach is very beneficial for UX, each team member’s work.
a 7.5 week timeline can prove to be extremely difficult to At the end of each week interdisciplinary student
teach it. The small batch size and removing waste teams determined the specific problem to solve in the
principles of lean UX [3] provide a solution by helping to following week based on their findings and discussions.
determine what minimum activities and designs are This problem statement impacted the setup of the next
necessary to move a team of students forward. In my research method.
online class, these principles materialized in several
rounds of designs and testing, in which students tried out CONCLUDING THOUGHTS
a different research method each week, analyzed the
The lean UX approach can provide solutions to several
findings, suggested design changes to their team, and
class-design problems not only for UX classes, but also
implemented changes in a low-fi shared redesign. The
for other classes in TPC curricula. While the lean UX
week after the teams used this redesign to try a different
methodology was particularly beneficial for the intensive
research method. The small number of users each student
online UX class, it can be easily adopted to other
worked with combined with the user-friendly prototyping
contexts. For example, the small batch size and removing
technology and the minimum number of changes to the
waste principles can be adopted for the practice of
design each week allowed the teams to practice iterative
multiple revisions on a short time frame in any TPC class.
In implementing lean UX, it is important to remember its
II. Lean UX combines business goals with user focus “permission to fail” [3] principle: to encourage creativity
by providing students with a safe place to experiment and
The lean startup foundation of lean UX helps to
take risks.
combine the focus on the users with the focus on business
sustainability. It encourages students to think of real-
world applications of their rhetorical activities and to
carry out their projects after the class is complete. [1] T. Brown, Change by Design: How Design Thinking
To take advantage of this benefit in the class, I relied Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation. New
on the business canvas as the hypotheses that need to be York, NY: Harper Business, 2009.
tested [5]. My UX class used a derivative of the business
canvas, Gothelf’s [3] business assumptions worksheet that [2] R. Mueller and K. Thoring, “Design thinking vs. lean
differentiates between business and user assumptions and startup: A comparison of two user-driven innovation
provides specific questions entrepreneurs need to answer strategies,” in Proc. Int. Design Manage. Research Conf.,
to create a hypothesis and prioritize assumptions, as well Boston, MA, 2012, pp. 1–12.
as foundations of measuring the success of the redesigns.
During the first week of class students created a [3] J. Gothelf, Lean UX: Applying Lean Principles to
hypothesis based on the website design principles and Improve User Experience. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly
their assumptions about the users. At the end of the class, Media, 2013.
[4] E. Ries, The Lean Startup: How Today’s
Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create
Radically Successful Businesses. New York, NY: Crown
Business, 2011.

[5] S. G. Blank and B. Dorf, The Startup Owner’s

Manual: The Step-by-Step Guide for Building a Great
Company. Pescadero: K&S Ranch, 2012.


Tatiana Batova is an assistant professor at Arizona
State University. She teaches and researches content
management, user experience, and global technical

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