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Monday, 27/4/2020
My mom asked me earlier if I could do some cooking during the quarantine, because we started to get bored of the
same and same food every day. Then I decided to make udon, the Japanese wheat noodles with clear broth. At first I
thought it might be hard to cook, but once I got the right ingredient it turned out to be not that hard to do. There is not
so much ingredient for the broth, but the flavor is quite complex for such simple ingredients. It takes just some
Katsuobushi flakes or dried skipjack tuna, kelp, soy sauce,and etc. The reason that the broth becomes so savory is
because of the natural msg that is packed in the ingredients. I thought that the people who started this were pretty
smart to make the food that really brings out the original simple taste of the ingredients but turned out to be pretty

Friday, 1/5/2020
I went shopping with my mom for some food and sweets during the quarantine because I want
to do some cooking. When I arrive at the supermarket I put my mask on and walk into the store.
Before I went in, there was a security guard holding a digital thermometer to keep checking the
body temperature of the people who will enter the store. When I was going to grab the stuff in
the buying list I took a shopping cart which was cleaned by the store worker before they will
hand it to the customer.

Monday, 5/5/2020
After some stores were open after a long time many people flooded the shop especially the liquor store.
Many people were craving the beverage because the shop was restricted from selling liquor for almost a
month. After that a lot of people flooded the store and I do have some concern about the situation that
will get worse if a large number of people are going to the same place and cramped together.

Monday, 5/5/2020
Video conferencing got both advantages and disadvantages. It is very important during this situation where we need
to keep some distance apart for our own and others safety. It does have some disadvantages though. The video and
audio quality may not be as good for everyone, It may bother a lot of people who have to listen to some laggy audio
or have to reenter the video conference for many times because the video just crashed. The effectiveness of the
communication during the video call may have decreased due to some technical difficulties. Teaching by using
applications like zoom can’t be as effective as normal teaching in class but we have to adapt to whatever that works
in these situations.

Wednesday, 13/5/2020
I learned some things from last weekend. There were many assignments due during this week but all I have
done during the holiday are slacking off and playing video games. I have done some work on the last day of
holiday but there were two big assignments that I haven’t finished yet. The previous day before one of the
assignments was due, I just realized that there was a quiz that will be taken on the same day. I haven’t slept
for that night rushing the homework and reading before the deadline because of my own irresponsibility. Now
I still have one project and a quiz left. I should focus more on my work otherwise I definitely won’t survive this

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