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UN : United Nations

EU : European Union

NATO : North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NASA : National Aeronautics and Space Organization

USA : United States of America

OPEC : Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

ILO : International Labor Organization also : Labour (Br.)

OECD : Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

FAO : Food and Agriculture Organization

WHO : World Health Organization

IMF : International Monetary Fund

CIA : Central Intelligence Agency

FBI : Federal Bureau of Investigation

. Course/Problem Related Acronyms

TSP : Travelling Salesman Problem

VRP : Vehicle Routing Problem

CPM : Critical Path Method

PERT : Program Evaluation and Review Technique

GPA : Grade Point Average

TQM : Total Quality Management

TPM : Total Productive Maintenance

CV : Curriculum Vitae (Lat.)

FIFO : First In First Out (also FCFS - First Come First Served)

LIFO : Last In First out (also LCFS - Last Come First Served)

FMS : Flexible Manufacturing System

IE : Industrial Engineer (-ing)

OR : Operations Research (Operational Research in British)

MS : Management Science

BS : Bachelor of Science (degree)

MS : Master of Science (degree)

Ph. D. : Doctor of Philosophy

CEO : Chief Executive Officer

CFO :?

RD (also R&D) : Research and Development

AIDS : Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

HR : Human Resources

HQ : Headquarters

WC : Water Closet

ASAP : As Soon As Possible

ER : Emergency Room

TGIF : Thank God It’s Friday!

TBA : To Be Announced

ETA : Estimated / Expected Time of Arrival

ETD : Estimated / Expected Time of Departure

FYI : For Your Information

N/A : Not Available - Not Applicable

N.B. : Note Well (from Lat. Nota Bene)

RIP : Rest In Peace

«The conference will be held on October 11 – 15. Location TBA.»

UFO : ?


AC : Air Condition (A/C)

UFO : Unidentified Flying Object

GMO : Genetically Modified Organism

DIY : Do It Yourself

ID Card : Identification Card (Kimlik belgesi)

OK : adjective - satisfactory but not especially good.

"the flight was OK"

TOEFL Test of English as a Foreign Language

ATM, Automatic Teller Machine


DVD, Digital Versatile Disc


SOS save our souls

, SONAR Sound Navigation and Ranging

, FIFA Fédération Internationale de Football Association

, HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus

, BBC British Broadcasting Corporation

, CNN Cable News Network 

, PR Public Relations

, VIP Very Important Person

UFO Unidentified Flying Object

Financial Terminology
VAT : Value Added Tax

IBAN : International Bank Account Number

PIN : Personal Identification Number

EFT : Electronic Funds Transfer

SSN : Social Security Number

GDP : Gross Domestic Product (GSYİH)

«China currently has the world’s second largest GDP.»

FOREX  : Foreign Exchange

i.e. : .... ,that is (to say), (yani) (Lat. id est)

e.g. : (Lat. exempli gratia) For example (for instance)

cf. : Compare

ext. : Extension (phone number - dahili)

inc. : including / included (e.g.: VAT included)

a.k.a. : Also known as

etc. : (Lat. et cetera) and the rest [vesaire (vs.)]

et al. : (Lat. et ?? ) and others (used in referencing a source)

vs. : versus (e.g. GS vs. FB) karşı, karşısında, aleyhinde

QA : Quality Assurance (Kalite Güvence)

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