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Aisha Arain

IR 1/ 10 GT/ 2
February 13, 2020


● I will gather at least two more sources and annotate them

● I will have a conference with my advisor, to discuss next week’s plans
● I will begin my paper outline for my new project


The past two weeks have been a huge deal for my project. I had no idea that I was going to do

this, but I decided to restart my project with the intention of elevating it and making the contents of the

paper much more refined. It has been pretty difficult to gather reliable, peer-reviewed sources, but I am

able to do it. It takes lots of determination at times because sometimes it feels like there aren’t any articles

or sources worth my time or effort! Some sources are not specific enough, some require me to buy them,

and some just are not what I’m looking for. I have had numerous conferences with Mr. Geargart, along

with continuous emailing back and forth. He is really helping me along this process and I can honestly

feel safe saying that he is doing a great job as my advisor. My hopes for the upcoming two weeks are to

work hard and focus on my project. I really want to gather all of my sources by the end of this week, so

that I can start my rough outline this weekend. Although I restarted my project, I definitely am moving at

a much faster pace than the first time I began my project back in September. I can see progress when it

comes to literacy level, writing level, and how much better I have gotten at networking with other people

confidently. Lastly, it is one of my objectives to call Mr.Gearhart again and discuss what my plans are for

beginning my outline paper. This process is going by much quicker than I thought it would, and I am so

ready to continue the process and reach my final goal: an amazing paper.

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