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Oromia Region: East Wollega Woreda name : ________Kebele name :

SMS project Clerk Name: Email: Phone:

Sector Revised Indicator Target Achieved Agencies Data Source

Relevant Kebele Returnees Management

Committee(s) have been formed/Returnees Yes Yes Identified through Kebele Committees
Represented in Kebele Committee

% of Returnee women represented in Local

35% gather from sms clerks
Community Representation Structure
SMS Minimum Target will depend on agreement with
Conduct Regular Kebele level Coordination 1 per Kebele. Propose replacing with Date of
month Last Kebele Coord meeting
Feedback and Complaint mechanism is
operational Yes Yes or No

Establishment of community Mark N/A if not planned to build CIC in

communication center this Kebele
% of Returnees/Vulnerable HHs in need of
10% Confirm with Shelter Cluster
shelter repair/construction
% of returneess covered with non-food
100% Confirm with Shelter Cluster
# of functional safe water sources available
5 Confirm with WASH Cluster
on kebele
Average water availability
15 liter Confirm with WASH Cluster
% of vulnerable Households without
<2% Confirm with WASH Cluster
Hygiene materials
Number of persons per latrine (get target
12 Confirm with WASH Cluster
from WASH)
% of children regularly attending primary Confirm with Education
school 100% Cluster/Woreda Edu Office

Education Number of schools (out of how many) in Confirm with Education

100% Cluster/Woreda Edu Office
need of rehabilitation or scholastic material
support Confirm with Education
1 Cluster/Woreda Edu Office
% of returnees hired through cash-for-work Confirm with ICCG - Calculate % based
programme 40% only on ADULT RETURNEES
% of Returnees/Vulnerable HHs in need of
farming <10% Confirm with ICCG

% of Returnees/Vulnerable HHs in need of

farming equipments <10% Confirm with ICCG

% of Returnees/Vulnerable HHs in need of

FSL farming <10% Confirm with ICCG

% of Returnees/Vulnerable HHs in need of

farming seeds <10% Confirm with ICCG

Ask Protection Cluster for number of

% of in-need returnee households receiving 100% households referred for inclusion in
food ration Joint Targeting list to calculate the %
Ask Health Facility management and
Health facility running at pre-conflict Yes Health Cluster service
capacity? (Yes/No) provision/facilities are is back to the
level they were at before the conflict.
Functional health facility in the Kebele? Yes Ask Health Cluster
% of SAM prevalence below 5 years of age <2% Ask Nutrition Cluster
(by MUAC)
% of MAM prevalence below 5 years of age <10% Ask Nutrition Cluster
(by MUAC)

% of vulnerable Households without <2% Ask WASH & Protection clusters

menstural hygiene management materials
% of protection cases assisted, of those
 100% Protection Cluster

Longitude Latitude contact person

Kebele Location GPS
Site Replace with IOM Team Leader contact
informatio details who can put people in contact.
Kebele Name
Top 3 priority needs 2nd Source should be from CFM data
RETURNEE POPULATION DATA Male Female TOTAL Data Source should be DTM's VAS.
Households Under Male & Female, add number of
Male Headed Households and Female
Individuals Headed Households, if known.
Complied Vulnerable Group Male Female TOTAL
as of 26
August Unaccompanied/ Separated Children
2019 Pregnant and/or Lactating women Identified through Kebele
People Living with a Disability (PLWD) Administration and/or Committee (if
Child Headed Households they have this information)
Grand Total

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