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10 minutes to mingle and socialize, get to know why your guests are there, and experience and Essential
Oil water bar (citrus oils in water).

Part 1: Welcome/Edification
TRANSITION Line to Part 2: “Before so and so shares with us tonight, I’d love to share with you how I
was introduced to essential oils...”

Part 2: Your Brief Story

TRANSITION Line to Part 3: I'm assuming you're here because you're looking for natural solutions to
something going on in your life right now.

Part 3: Connection Question

TRANSITION Line to Part 4: My intention for this class is that you walk away a little more…

Part 4: Set Intention

TRANSITION Line to Part 5: It sounds like some of you have some experience with EOs and many of
you not at all. But the reality is that Essential Oils been around for a really long time!
*Watch a training video on the 7 Characteristics and also 2 other qualities we look for.
Part 5: History Of EOs
TRANSITION Line to Part 6: So even though EOs have been used all throughout history we’ve gotten
a little off track. I want to show you 3 really cool things about Essential Oils and why people are turning
back to them for solutions to help them get back on track with Healthy, Empowered Living.

Part 6: 3 Cool Things About EOs

TRANSITION Line to Part 7: so you heard 3 cool things about Essential Oils. Now I want to show you 3
ways to use them.
Part 7: 3 Ways to Use EOs
TRANSITION Line to Part 8: Ok, here is what I want us to do now...I want you to take 2 minutes to
write down your top 3 health priorities and why that’s a priority to you - what is it costing you to not
solve it...time, quality of life, money?

Part 8: Top Health Priorities

TRANSITION Line to Part 9: So you just wrote down 3 top Health priorities. What I want to do for
the next few minutes is to give you some very specific solutions that dōTERRA has and when you hear
something that applies to your health priority, I want you to write it at the bottom in these blanks.

Part 9: dōterra Product Solutions/Stories

From Guests
TRANSITION Line to Part 10: Now this is my favorite part because I get to show you how to get these
amazing oils into your home. There are 3 ways to purchase...

Part 10: 3 Ways to Purchase

TRANSITION to Part 11: dōTERRA has made getting started really easy by grouping some of our most
popular products in enrollment kits. Let me show you a few of those so you can see which kit fits your
needs best.

Part 11: Review Kits

TRANSITION Line for Part 12: Let me show you how you can get set up with the kit that’s right for you.
It’s super simple...

Part 12: Review Order Form

TRANSITION Line to Part 13: So here’s what we are going to do now….remember I told you that my
intention was for you to leave empowered with a custom health plan? We are going to take the next
20 minutes to look up our top 3 health priorities in our resources or I will come around individually
and help you...
Part 13: Personalized Plan to Take Home
TRANSITION Line to Part 14: Before we do that, I just have to say a couple last things to help you
clarify the best place to get started. I have found that there are 3 main types of people that come to my
classes - people that want to Live better, Share with others, or Build a business and earn income like

Part 14: 3 Ways People Join dōterra

TRANSITION Line to Part 15: doTERRA has made a huge impact in my family…(transition to your
closing story)

Part 15: Close With A Powerful Story

TRANSITION TO GETTING ORDERS: We are going to take the next 15-20 minutes and I am going
to come around to each of you to help you get set up with the kit that’s right for you. I also have my
surprise coming in a few minutes so stick around!!

Post Class
Get guests started looking through Essential Life books or other resources.

Bring out oil snacks and surprise Peppermint Brownies to serve.

Take 15-20 minutes to help each guest get set up with the kit that’s right for them by walking around to
each individual, reviewing their top 3 health priorities, looking in the Essential Life book for solutions,
and selecting the kit that meets their goals and budget.

Fill out the Order Form.

Basic Business Overview

Do a reminder announcement that you will be sharing a Basic Business Overview for 10 minutes for
anyone that wants to stick around and see how sharing oils can help them earn income.
For a full Essential Oil Class script and training series called Presenting Made Easy, check out our
advanced training.

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