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Create a Class Bag or Bin

Essential Oils
� Top 10 Oils (Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint, Frankincense, Melaleuca, Oregano, Breathe, OnGuard,
DigestZen, Deep Blue)
� Extra Possible Oils: Wild Orange to diffuse, Deep Blue Rub for demo, Fractionated coconut oil if
you need to dilute, and Serenity and Balance to showcase other popular blends

Class Guides
� Purchase 1 Pack of Natural Solutions Class Guides.
� Insert a blank piece of paper into every Class guide.
� Tell guests when you hand them out that they are your master copies and collect them back up at
the end to save on repurchasing.
� Text them a digital copy after class if they’d like one to take home.

Enrollment Forms
� Insert into the back of your class guides.
� Don’t forget to give people this tangible action step to begin.

*Watch a training video on the 7 Characteristics and also 2 other qualities we look for.
� One that hold 8-10 sample viles
� Use for demo when handing out prizes for good listeners or for those who share their oils story.
� Use to show what a Host will get if they book with you that day.

� You may not store this in the box all the time.
� Just don’t forget to grab it on the way to your class! but if you’re running out to teach a class,
throw your diffuser in your plastic bin.
#2. Have a Water Bar
Purified Water in a Pitcher

Oils to Experience
� Wild Orange
� Lemon--energizing, cleansing
� Wild orange-relaxing, mood-enhancing
� Grapefruit-metabolism booster, blood sugar balancer
� Tangerine-clears congestion,
� Lime-creates focus
� Slim n Sassy-curb sugar cravings

Glasses or Cups
#3. Oil Snacks
� Choose simple things you can add doTERRA essential oils to 3-5 min prior to the class.
� Always taste test before serving.
� Choose a snack according to the time of day your class is scheduled for.

1. SALSA: Add a 1-2 drops of Lime and/or Cilantro to any store bought salsa

2. HUMMUS: Add 1-2 drops Lemon in plain hummus

3. YOGURT: Add 1-3 drops Wild Orange or Lemon to plain or vanilla yogurt to create a dip; serve with
fresh seasonal fruit or berries.

4. SPICED APPLES: Soak sliced apples in OnGuard. In a bowl, cover apple slices with cold water. Add 1
drop oil per apple sliced. Soak 5 minutes, drain water off and serve.

5. SUMMER YUM APPLES: Soak sliced apples in Wild Orange. In a bowl, cover apple slices with cold
water. Add 1 drop oil per apple sliced. Soak 5 minutes, drain water off and serve.

6. SPICED PEACHES: Put 2-3 drops of OnGuard in a spray bottle with water. Spritz over sliced peaches.

7. PEPPERMINT BROWNIES: Add 2-5 drops Peppermint oil to brownie mix before baking. Serve plain
or with frosting. Add 2-3 drops of your favorite doTERRA essential oil to chocolate or vanilla frosting (i.e.
Peppermint, Lemon, Wild Orange, or Lavender).

8. CHOCOLATE DIP: Add 3 drops oil to several bowls of melted chocolate chips or baking chocolate,
sweetened with honey or agave (i.e. Peppermint, Wild Orange, Lavender, Lemon, OnGuard, Cinnamon
Bark, etc.). For dipping, serve raw almonds, cashews, seasonal fresh fruit, pretzels, or crackers.

9. CREAM DIP: Add 3 drops variety of doTERRA essential oils into small bowls of whipped cream (or
TruWhip or Coconut Whip). Serve with small pieces of pound cake or fresh fruit for dipping.

10. MUFFINS: Add 2-5 drops Cassia or Cinnamon to Apple or Pumpkin Spice muffin recipe.
#4. Seating Set-Up
Circular Seating
We love to encourage circular seating versus rows to create connection and interaction. A round
room where everyone is eyeball to eyeball makes for talking with your audience not at them.

Plus, it logistically makes it easy for you to pass around your oils for all attendees to try.

#5. Presentation Posture

Sit If Possible
Standing over your guests in a living room can feel disconnected and awkward. In a home or small
group setting, sitting down, eye-level with your guest is typically most effective in order to best

Take into consider your environment and surroundings so that you know best how to posture
yourself during your presentation to connect with your audience.




Check out our Advanced Training for to skill up even more on teaching oil classes

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