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Auditing theory day 05

Internal Auditing Approaches and Techniques a. Audits of financial statements prepared

on another comprehensive basis, cash
121. Operational Auditing or tax basis of accounting
This is a future-oriented, independent and b. Audits of specified elements, accounts
systematic evaluation performed by the internal or items in a financial statement
auditor for management of the operational c. Audits of information accompanying the
activities controlled by top-, middle-, and lower- basic financial statements (client-
level management for the purpose of improving prepared or auditor-submitted
organizational profitability and increasing the documents)
attainment of the other organizational objectives. d. Compliance with contractual
122. Management Auditing e. Summarized financial statements
It is an assessment of methods and policies
of an organization’s management in the 128. Auditing and Accounting Distinguished
administration and the use of resources, tactical Accounting is the process of recording,
and strategic planning, and employee and classifying and summarizing economic events in a
organizational improvement. logical manner for the purpose of providing
financial information for decision making. On the
123. Financial Auditing other hand, auditing is concerned with the
It refers to a historically oriented, determination of whether the recorded accounting
independent evaluation performed by the internal information for the entity properly reflects the
auditor for the purpose of ensuring the fairness, economic events that occurred during the
accuracy and reliability of the financial data. accounting period.

Divisions of State or Government Auditing

129. Philippine Accountancy Act of 2004 (R.A.
124. Compliance Audit 9298)
It is the examination, audit and settlement in It is an act regulating the practice of
accordance with law and regulation. accountancy in the Philippines, repealing for the
purpose P.D. No. 692, otherwise known as the
125. Financial Audit revised accountancy law, appropriating funds
It is the audit of the accounting and financial therefor and for other purposes.
system and controls to ensure reliability of recorded
financial data. 130. Objectives of R.A. 9298
a. The standardization and regulation of
126. Performance Audit accounting education;
It is an objective examination of the financial b. The examination for registration of
and operational performance of an organization, certified public accountants; and
programme, activity or function and is oriented c. The supervision, control, and regulation
towards opportunities for greater economy, of the practice of accountancy in the
efficiency and effectiveness. Philippines.
131. Scope of Practice of Public Accountancy
a. Practice of public accountancy
127. Other Types of Audit Classified as Limited b. Practice in commerce and industry
Assurance Engagements c. Practice in education or academe
d. Practice in the government

Auditing theory day 05
132. Professional Regulatory Board of Accountancy examination, are being offered or
(PRBOA or BOA) conducted, nor shall he/she be a
See no. 10 for relevant notes. member of the faculty or administration
thereof at the time of his/her
133. Composition of BOA appointment to the Board.
The Professional Regulatory Board of
Accountancy, hereinafter referred to as the Board,
under the supervision and administrative control of 136. Term of Office of the Members of BOA
the Professional Regulation Commission, The chairman and members of the board
hereinafter referred to as the Commission, shall be shall hold office for a term of three years Any
composed of a chairman and six (6) members to be vacancy occurring within the term or a member
appointed by the President of the Philippines from shall be filled up for the unexpired portion of the
a list of three (3) recommendees each position and term only No person who has served two (2)
ranked by the Commission, from list of five (5) successive complete terms shall be eligible for
nominees for each position submitted by the reappointment until the lapse of one (1) year
accredited national professional organization of Appointment to fill-up an expired term is not to be
certified public accountants The board shall elect a considered as a complete term.
vice-chairman from among its members for a term
of one (1) year meetings of the board and in the 137. Compensation and Allowances of the Board
event of a vacancy in the office of the chairman, the The chairman and members of the board
vice chairman shall assume such duties and shall receive compensation and allowances
responsibilities until such time as a chairman is comparable to that being received by the chairman
appointed. and members of existing regulatory boards under
the commission as provided for in the General
134. Accredited Professional Organization (APO) Appropriations Act.
Philippine Institute of Certified Public
Accountants (PICPA) 138. Powers and Functions of the Board
The board shall exercise the following
135. Qualification of Members of BOA specific powers, functions and responsibilities:
A member of the board shall, at the time of
his/her appointment, possess the following a. To prescribe and adopt the rules and
qualifications: regulations necessary for carrying out
a. Must be a natural born citizen and a the provisions of this Act;
resident of the Philippines; b. To supervise the registration, licensure
b. Must be a duly registered Certified and practice of accountancy in the
Public Accountant with at least ten (10) Philippines;
years of work experience in any scope of c. To administer oaths in connection with
practice of accountancy; the administration of this Act;
c. Must be a good moral character and d. To issue, suspend, revoke, or reinstate
must not have been convicted of crimes the Certificate of Registration for the
involving moral turpitude; and practice of the accountancy profession;
d. Must not have any pecuniary interested, e. To adopt an official seal of the Board;
directly or indirectly, in any schools, f. To prescribe and/or adopt a Code of
college, university or institution Ethics for the practice of accountancy;
conferring an academic degree g. Other powers as expressed by the
necessary for admission to the practice provisions of R.A. 9298.
of accountancy or where review classes
in preparation for the licensure

Auditing theory day 05
139. Administrative Supervisions of the Board, conditions affecting the practice of accountancy in
Custodian of Its Records, Secretariat and Support the Philippines.
The Board shall be under the administrative 142. The Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
supervision of the Commission All records of the Examinations
Board, including applications for examination and All applicants for registration for the
administrative and other investigative cases practice of accountancy shall be required to
conducted by the Board shall be under the custody undergo a licensure to be given by the Board in such
of the Commission The Commission shall places and dates as the Commission may designate
designate the secretary of the Board and shall subject to compliance with the requirements
provide the secretariat and other support services prescribed by the Commission in accordance with
to implement the provisions of this Act. Republic Act No 8981.

140. Grounds for Suspension or Removal of the 143. Qualifications of Applicants for Examinations
Members of the Board Any person applying for examination shall
The President of the Philippines, upon the establish the following requisites to the satisfaction
recommendation of the Commission, after giving of the Board that he/she:
the concerned member an opportunity to defend
himself in a proper administrative investigation to a. is a Filipino citizen;
be conducted by the Commission, may suspend or b. is of good moral character;
remove any member on the following grounds. c. is a holder of the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Accountancy conferred by a
a. Neglect of duty or incompetence; school, college, academy or institute
b. Violation or tolerance of any violation of duly recognized and/or accredited by the
this Act and its implementing rules and CHED or other authorized government
regulations or the Certified Public offices; and
Accountant’s Code of Ethics and the d. has not been convicted of any criminal
technical and professional standards of offense involving moral turpitude.
practice for Certified Public
Accountants; 144. Scope of Examinations
c. Final judgment of crimes involving moral The licensure examination for certified
turpitudes; and public accountants shall cover, but are not limited
d. Manipulation or rigging of the certified to the following subjects:
accountants licensure examination a. Theory of Accounts
results, disclosure of secret and b. Business Law and Taxation
confidential information in the c. Management Services
examination questions prior to the d. Auditing Theory
conduct of the said examination or e. Auditing Problems
tampering of grades. f. Practical Accounting Problems I
g. Practical Accounting Problems II
141. Annual Reporting Requirements for BOA The Board, subject to the approval of the
The Board shall, at the close of each Commission, may revise or exclude any of the
calendar year, submit an annual report to the subjects and their syllabi, and add new ones as the
President of the Philippines through the need arises.
Commission giving a detailed account of its
proceedings and accomplishments during the year 145. Rating in the Licensure Examination
and making recommendations for the adoption of To be qualified as having passed the
measures that will upgrade and improve the licensure examination for accountants, a candidate

Auditing theory day 05
must obtain a general average of seventy-five his/her qualification, prior to entering upon the
percent (75%), with no grades lower than sixty-five practice of the profession.
percent (65%) in any given subject In the event a
candidate obtains the rating of seventy-five percent 149. Issuance of Certificate of Registration and
(75%) and above in at least a majority of subjects as Professional Identification Card
provided for in this Act, he/she shall receive a A certificate of registration shall be issued to
conditional credit for the subjects passed: Provided, examinees who pass the licensure examination
That a candidate shall take an examination in the subject to payment of fees prescribed by the
remaining subjects within two (2) years from the Commission The Certificate of Registration shall
preceding examination: Provided, further, That if the bear the signature of the chairperson of the
candidate fails to obtain at least a general average Commission and the chairman and members of the
of seventy-five percent (75%) and a rating of at least Board, stamped with the official seal of the
sixty-five percent (65%) in each of the subjects Commission and of the Board, indicating that the
reexamined, he/she shall be considered as failed in person named therein is entitled to the practice of
the entire examination. the profession with all the privileges appurtenant
thereto The said certificate shall remain in full force
146. Report of Ratings and effect until withdrawn, suspended or revoked in
The Board shall submit to the Commission accordance with this Act.
the ratings obtained by each candidate within ten A Professional Identification Card bearing
(10) calendar days after the examination, unless the registration number, date of issuance, expiry
extended for just cause Upon the release of the date, duly signed by the chairperson of the
results of the examination, the Commission shall Commission, shall likewise be issued to every
send by mailing the rating received by each registrant renewable every three (3) years.
examinee at his/her given address using the
mailing envelope submitted during the 150. Roster of CPAs
examination. A roster showing the names and place of
business of all registered certified public
147. Failing Candidates to Take Refresher Course accountant shall be prepared and updated by the
Any candidate who fails in two (2) complete Board, and copies thereof shall be made available
Certified Public Accountant Board Examinations to any party as may be deemed necessary.
shall be disqualified from taking another set of
examinations unless he/she submits evidence to
the satisfaction of the Board that he/she enrolled in
and completed at least twenty-four units of subject
given in the licensure examination.
For purposes of this Act, the examination in
which the candidate was conditioned together with
the removal examination on the subject in which
he/she failed shall be counted as one complete

148. Oath
All successful candidates in the
examination shall be required to take an oath of
profession before an member of the Board or before
any government official, authorized by the
Commission or any person authorized by law to
administer oaths upon presentation of proof of

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