Automatic Irrigation System Using Soil Moisture Sensor With Bigdata

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume 67 Issue 3 - March 2019

Automatic Irrigation System using Soil

Moisture Sensor with Bigdata
M.Priyadharshini, 2U.M.Sindhumathi, 3S.Bhuvaneswari, 4N.Rajkamal, 5K.M.Arivu Chelvan
1,2,3,4 Student , Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science & Technology
5Assistant Professor, Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science & Technology

the ESP8266 board manager. To have a good system
The lack of rain water and scarcity of water in
for irrigation; it can be updated with various
reservoirs and poor conservation mechanisms of
technologies. In this paper, we have discussed several
water affects the production of food products. This
methods for the maintenance and better irrigation of
motivates us to do an extensive research for
conserving water in agriculture. The advancements in
wireless sensor network help to sense several factors This paper is organised as follows section 2
like soil moisture, temperature and humidity. Thereby gives an overview of Automatic Irrigation System.
deploying sensors in agriculture fields to monitor we The several methods employed for Automatic
can conserve water for irrigation. This paper briefly Irrigation System are discussed in the section 3. The
explains the Automated Irrigation System using Soil section 4 gives the proposed method of Automatic
Moisturbe Sensor. In the proposed system, the data of Irrigation system finally conclusions and future
the moisture content updated for regulating the water enhancements are given in section 5.
pump. This paper will give a clear knowledge about
the suitable method for the better irrigation. II. AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM
Irrigation plays a vital role in the plantation of
crops. The manual supply of water does not give an
The continuous increasing of food demand ultimate result for food production. The better
requires the improvement in food production production needs a correct amount of water at a right
technology. The food production requires continues time. The introduction of Automatic Irrigation
monitoring of crops for irrigation with the help of System aims to lessen the consumption of water from
humans. This continuous monitoring by humans is the over usage of water in the agricultural field. The
not possible for all the time. Hence automatic Automatic Irrigation System improves the monitoring
irrigation system is a suitable one which helps to of crops often without the help of manpower.
irrigate the crops without the help of human
intervention. This system will have continuous The Automatic Irrigation System designed
with the Wireless Sensor Network and Mobile
monitoring that helps better production.
communication. The WSN consists of sensors which
Automatic irrigation system is a new model are employed in the agricultural field for sensing the
developed using advancement in communication moisture and temperature of the soil. The sensed data
technology. This system will monitor the soil are bring under the microcontroller for regulating the
moisture and environment temperature using wireless valve of the pump. If the moisture of the soil gets
sensor networks. The sensed information are send to a decreased, the sensor sends the data to the
centralized computing server for making computation microcontroller. Then the microcontroller instructs
and to report the need of irrigation based on the the valve to turn on. After reaching the threshold
values received from the sensors. The WSN is value of the moisture, the microcontroller instructs
integrated with the microcontroller for regulating the the valve to turn off. The updated value of the
functionality of the motor pumps which are part of moisture and temperature and the action taken by the
the system. When the soil requires water the microcontroller will be send to the user.
microcontroller instruct the motor pumps to supply
water in the field.
The most commonly used soil moisture tester
Micro Controller

and temperature sensor dht11 is employed for sensing Moisture


the data from the field. The most popularly used Sensor
microcontroller NodeMCU is used for processing the
sensed information and regulating the water pipe. The sensor
NodeMCU is constructed with ESP8266 chip which Sensor User
is developed with wifi and Bluetooth. The NodeMCU
is very inexpensive and it is very easy to work with
Arduino IDE. The Arduino IDE works by installing
Fig. 1: Block diagram of Automation Irrigation System

ISSN: 2231 – 5381 Page 58

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume 67 Issue 3 - March 2019

A block diagram reveals in which scenario the irrigation system is done by soil moisture sensor and
automation irrigation system works. The moisture and arduino. In this system, the contol is used to on and
temperature sensors are employed in the agricultural off the motor without the help of humans which is
field for sensing the level of moisture and temperature done by microcontroller. The LED is provided for the
of the soil. The sensors are integrated with the single indication of working of the arduino. The moisture
chipped microcontroller which is used to calculate level of the soil will be checked and the irrigation
and process the data from the sensor. The sensed status will be sent to the local host or server.
information is send to the microcontroller in the form Automated Irrigation System Using a
of digital signals. The microcontroller processes the Wireless Sensor Network and GPRS Module, Joaquín
digitalized data and takes relevant actions to Gutiérrez et al., proposed an automatic irrigation
regulating the water pump. If the processed data of system was introduced to help farmers. In this a
the soil moisture is low, the motor is indicated by the wireless network of soil moisture and temperature
microcontroller to turn on the water pump. sensor are employed to senses the information. The
gateway unit initiate the actuators and transmits the
A. Sensor
data which is between the web application and the
The sensor is electronic equipment employed to
farmer for the irrigation schedule. The photovoltaic
identify and react to the natural phenomena and takes
panels are used for the power supply of the system.
it as their input. The input such as moisture, pressure ,
Development of Software for the Microcontroller
temperature, heat and light. The signals are generated
Based Automated Drip Irrigation System Using Soil
as the output of the signal which is in the form of
Moisture Sensor, N.V. Gowtham Deekshithulu et al.,
human-readable format to the specified location is
proposed the design of irrigation system based on the
transmitted through a network for further analysis or
soil moisture sensor and microcontroller to help the
processing. In this paper the two sensors are used
farmers to irrigate the lands with right amount of
majorly for sensing which are listed below.
water. keil vision 3 software is employed with 8051
B. Soil Moisture Sensor microcontroller and sensor. When the land reaches
Soil moisture sensor is used for the the 70% of moisture the pump will turn off and for
measuring of the water content in the soil. The below 70% the pump will turn on till it reaches
traditional quantities description of the soil requires a particular level of moisture. The regulating of water
various methods such removing drying etc., but the pump is done with solenoid valve.
soil moisture sensor indirectly measure the water Shiraz Pasha B.R., Dr. B Yogesha (2014) The
level of the soil by using the another set of property International Journal of Engineering and Science
such as electrical resistance, dielectric constant or the (IJES) developed the Microcontroller Based
synergy of the neutrons. The soil moisture may vary Automated Irrigation System to irrigate the land with
according to the temperature, soil type and the the automation technique. The moisture sensor is
electrical conductivity. The set of moisture sensor inserted into the soil. The sensor senses the
will help to find out the potential of the water, hence information and sends the data to the microcontroller.
this type of sensors called soil water potential sensors. The controller indicates the relay to turn ON the
pump if the moisture is below the threshold value and
C. Temperature Sensor the pump will turn OFF automatically after the
Temperature sensor senses the temperature moisture level is sensed from the sensor. It will be
from the various range of physical body. It is one of displayed in the LCD of the controller.
the main thing had often calculated. The sensing of
S. R. Kumbhar, Arjun P. Ghatule (2013) International
the temperature using temperature sensor is done by MultiConference of Engineers and Computer
two ways either by direct or indirect method. The Scientists developed the Microcontroller based
direct method is done by made a contact with the
Controlled Irrigation System for Plantation for
source and the indirect method is done without irrigating the lands without the manual support . It
contacting the source body instead of that using was developed with the humidity sensor and the
radiated energy of the source. In this project, we are
microcontroller. If the set-point value of the humidity
using DHT11 which is the temperature sensor. It sensor goes low the microcontroller turn on the motor
consists of four pins, the first pins is used for the to supply the water, after reaching the set-point value
voltage supply, the second pin is used as the output
then the motor will turn OFF.
pin, the third pin is considered as NULL pin and the Karan Kansara (2015) proposed Sensor based
last pin is used for the ground supply. Automated Irrigation System with IOT for the
III. LITERATURE SURVEY welfare of farmers in the field of irrigation. The
connection of the microcontroller from the android
In this chapter, we have discussed various app and to the GSM is done by GSM and MAX232
types of Automatic Irrigation mechanism for better respectively. The moisture level becomes low, the
irrigation. Let us discuss each and every technique of microcontroller initiates the mobile to activate the
Automatic Irrigation System.Irrigation Management buzzer for the opening and closing of the valve.
System Using Soil Moisture Sensor and Arduino ,
SP.Maniraj et al., proposed that the automated

ISSN: 2231 – 5381 Page 59

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume 67 Issue 3 - March 2019

Pavithra D. S, M. S .Srinath (2014) proposed GSM In the Automatic Irrigation System, The soil
based Automatic Irrigation Control System for moisture tester and the temperature sensor are
Efficient Use of Resources and Crop Planning by connected by connecting wires. The connection
Using an Android Mobile in which the low moisture between the microcontroller and the sensor is done by
content of the soil will be deducted. The moisture connecting the ground of the microcontroller and the
data will be sent to the microcontroller. The sensor, the power supply will be given to the Vcc pin of
microcontroller calls the mobile to press the button the NodeMCU and the A0 pin of the microcontroller
after hearing the buzzer indication. After that the and the sensor are connected. When the moisture of the
valve is opened for the supply of water, and then it soil is below the threshold value, the sensor intimates
will attain the certain level of moisture content the the microcontroller to switch ON the valve. After
sensor updates the moisture level and the valve will reaching the threshold value, the sensor intimates the
be closed by the signal of the microcontroller. controller to switch OFF the pump. The regulating of
M.Jagadesh (2018) International Journal of Creative the water pump is by using relay. The routine activity of
Research Thoughts (IJCRT) Wireless Sensor the irrigation is send to the user. The communication
Network Based Agricultural Monitoring System between the microcontroller and the user is done with
proposed to monitor the field with the help of sensors the help of GSM module.
such as moisture, temperature, pH and water level.
The data from those sensors will be transmitted to the
arduino with the help of zigbee technology. The data Moisture Relay Pipe

NodeMcu ESP8266-01
also processed in the Raspberry pi for regulating the sensor
water pump. The live status of the field will send over
the webpage which is obtained from ip address which
is pre-defined in the module. Indu Gautam and S.R.N. GSM User
Reddy (2012) International Journal of Computer Temperature
Applications proposed an Innovative GSM-Bluetooth Sensor
based remote controlled embedded system for Server
irrigation which predefines the irrigation time FIELD
according to the sensor’s data and also depend of crop
type for the automation of the system. The system
interacts with the user via the SMS. The GSM
technology is employed for the message Fig 2 : Automatic Irrigation System
Wireless Sensor Network Module
transformation. The SMS charging will be avoided by
the use of Bluetooth technology within the particular The Wireless Sensor Module consists of Soil
meters. Moisture Tester and Temperature Sensor. The soil
Purnima, S.R.N. Reddy (2012) International journal moisture and temperature sensor are used for sense
of computer Applications proposed Design of Remote the moisture and temperature of the soil. These two
Monitoring and Control System with Automatic sensors are dipped in the crop field for continuous
Irrigation System using GSM-Bluetooth for remote monitoring of soil moisture and temperature of the
controlling and monitoring of the irrigation with low soil. This sensed data will be send to the
cost and less power consumption. The system is microcontroller for further processing of the sensed
designed with sensor and the microcontroller which is data from the sensor
interfaced with the Bluetooth for the data
transformation within the short range of place for A. Controlling Unit
eliminating the charging of the SMS. The GSM The control unit consists of microcontroller
technology is employed for the sending of data such which controls the execution of operation and the
as CO2 concentration, low moisture level and the sensing unit consists of different sensors such as
high temperature via the SMS to the farmer. DHT11 sensor and soil moisture sensor. The
microcontroller used in this project was the NodeMcu
IV. PROPOSED SYSTEM ESP8266.The DHT11 sensor and soil moisture
Automatic Irrigation System is used to irrigate sensors are interfaced with the NodeMcu which is
the land without the help of manpower. It works by developed with inbuilt wifi ESP8266. The sensing
using soil moisture and temperature sensor (dht11). units send the corresponding data values for two
The Wireless Sensor Network is employed in the field times in a day.
for sensing the moisture and temperature of the soil. The readings from the temperature sensor
The WSN is connected with the NodeMCU for are in analogue form. These can be converted into
processing the sensed data from the sensor. The data digital form by using ADC converter which is
manipulation is done by the centralized Server. Fig 2 internally present in the microcontroller. The
Show the working system of the Automatic Irrigation Wireless Sensor Unit operates as a closed loop
System. operation to the system. The microcontroller
interfaced with the relay for controlling the switching

ISSN: 2231 – 5381 Page 60

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume 67 Issue 3 - March 2019

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