LNKD ContentPromotionChecklist Podcast EN PDF

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Podcasts are listened to by 45 per cent of internet users aged 25-34

worldwide1. This strong adoption means podcasts are becoming a popular
way for marketers to interact with audiences. If you already manage a
CHECKLIST podcast, consider using it to support your content strategy.
for Content Promotion

Step One Topic

Make sure you're posting consistently. Try monthly
or quarterly for 20-30 minutes.
When discussing brand content, an ebook for example,
it should feel natural to the listener. Tailor the ebook topic
to be relevant in an audio format. Suggestions:
of podcast listeners are tuning
Consider a guest speaker in from a mobile device. Your
Tie into a current event in the news or your industry audience is on the go, so avoid
rattling complicated metrics2.
Once your theme is clear, develop an outline of the topic.
Keep the outline loose instead of scripting each word to
avoid sounding stiff.

Link to your content asset in the show notes.

Step Two Recording

Consider investing in a quality USB microphone. This is a
no-frills way to significantly enhance the quality of your
voice over a headphone microphone.
Test your equipment and record in a quiet space.
When speaking, do vary your pitch so that you don't sound
monotone and don't talk too fast.
Editing software is another important component.
A couple of free options include Garageband and Audacity.

Step Three Promotion & Subscribers

Treat the episode to some extra attention in your blog.

Mention the podcast on social channels.

Include a link in customer newsletters.

Distribute the episode to your sales team and encourage

them to share with customers.

1 GlobalWebIndex, October 28, 2016

2“Podcast StatPack: Who’s Listening? How Much are they Listening? What Are they Listening to?”, eMarketer, October 2016

About LinkedIn Marketing Solutions:

With LinkedIn Marketing Solutions, brands build relationships with the world's professionals by using accurate targeting to deliver relevant
content and communications. As today's connected buyers seek ideas and insights from people and brands they trust, marketers use
LinkedIn to target advertising and publish relevant content in a professional context.

For more information visit marketing.linkedin.com Follow us on Twitter @LinkedInMktg

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