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Each question carries 1 mark. 70
1. Multiple choice questions:
i. Which of the following is a water tube boiler-(a) Locomotive boiler, (b) Lancashire boiler, (c) Cornish
boiler, (d) Babcock & Wilcox boiler. (d)
ii. An economiser in a boiler-(a) increases steam pressure, (b) increases steam flow, (c) decreases fuel
consumption, (d) decreases steam pressure . (c)
iii. Draught may be produced by a- (a) chimney, (b) mechanical fan, (c) steam jet, (d) all of the above. (d)
iv. The water tube in a single vertical boiler are-(a) horizontal, (b) vertical, (c) inclined. (c)
v. La-Mont boiler, is a ______ pressure water tube steam boiler working on forced circulation. (a) low,(b)
medium, (c) high, (d) none. (c)
vi. A device used to increase the temperature of a saturated steam without raising its pressure, is called-
(a) blow off cock, (b) fusible plug, (c) super heater, (d) economiser. (c)
vii. A device used to put off fire in the furnace of the boiler when the level of water in the boiler falls to an
unsafe limit, is called-(a) blow off cock, (b) fusible plug, (c) super heater, (d) economiser. (b)
viii. The efficiency of the plant______ with the mechanical draught. (a) increases, (b) decreases, (c) remains
constant. (a)
ix. The draught in locomotive boilers is produced by a- (a) chimney, (b) centrifugal fan, (c) steam jet, (d)
none of these. (c)
x. In a boiler, various heat losses take place. The biggest loss is due to-(a) moisture in fuel, (b) dry flue gas,
(c) steam formation, (d) unburnt carbon. (b)
xi. A condenser in a steam power plant –(a) increase expansion ratio of steam, (b) reduces back pressure of
steam, (c) reduces temperature of exhaust steam., (d) all of these. (d)
xii. The temperature of condensate is_________ on leaving the condenser than that of circulating water at
inlet. (a) higher, (b) lower. (a)
xiii) The ratio of actual vacuum to the ideal vacuum in a condenser is called-(a) condenser efficiency , (b)
vacuum efficiency, (c) boiler efficiency, (d) nozzle efficiency. (b)
xiv. Surface condenser is suitable for ________ capacity unit. (a)low, (b) high. (b)
xv. In a Carnot cycle, heat is transferred at-(a) constant pressure, (b) constant volume, (c) constant
temperature, (d) none of these. (c)
xvi. The ideal cycle on which a steam engine works, is- (a) Carnot cycle, (b) Rankine cycle, (c) Otto cycle,
(d) Joule cycle. (a)
xvii. In the operation of steam engines, the vapour cycle adopted is- (a) Carnot cycle, (b) Rankine cycle,
(c) modified Rankine cycle, (d) Regenerative cycle. (c)
xviii. The efficiency of steam turbines may be improved by- (a) reheating of steam, (b) regenerative feed
heating, (c) any one of these. (c)
xix. The volume of air delivered by the compressor is called- (a) free air delivery, (b) compressor capacity,
(c) swept volume,(d) none of these. (b)
xx. The volume of air sucked by the compressor during its suction stroke is called-(a) free air delivery, (b)
compressor capacity, (c) swept volume,(d) none of these. (c)
xxi. The pressure of air at the beginning of the compression stroke is _______ atmospheric pressure.
(a) equal to, (b) less than, (c) more than. (b)
xxii.The volumetric efficiency for reciprocating air compressors in about-(a) 10 to 40%, (b) 40 to 60%, (c) 60
to 70%, (d) 70 to 90%. (d)
xxiii. The volumetric efficiency of a compressor-(a) increases with decrease in compression ratio,
(b) decreases with decrease in compression ratio, (c) increases with increases in compression ratio,
(d) decreases with increases in compression ratio. (d)
xiv. One tonne of refrigeration is equal to-(a)21 kJ/min, (b)210 kJ/min, (c) 420 kJ/min, (d)620 kJ/min. (b)
xv. In air-conditioning of aeroplanes, using air as a refrigerant, the cycle used is- (a) reversed Carnot cycle,
(b) reversed Joule cycle, (c) reversed Brayton cycle, (d) reversed Otto cycle. (c)
xvi. In a refrigerating machine, heat rejected is __________ heat absorbed. (a) equal to , (b) less than, (c)
greater than. (c)
xvii. The boiling point of ammonia is-(a) -10.5oC, (b)-30oC, (c) -33.3oC, (d) -77.6oC. (c)
xviii. During a refrigeration cycle, heat is rejected by the refrigerant in a-(a) compressor, (b) condenser,
(c)evaporator, (d) expansion valve. (b)
xxix. The curved lines on a psychrometric chart indicates -(a) dry bulb temperature, (b) wet bulb
temperature, (c) specific humidity, (d) relative humidity. (d)
xxx. For summer AC ,the relative humidity should not be less than-(a)40%, (b)60%,(c)75%,(d)90%. (b)

2. Fill in the blanks:

i) Superheated steam behaves like __________. (perfect gas)
ii) Natural draught is produced by __________. (chimney)
iii) Modified Rankin cycle is used in __________. (steam engine)
iv) Thermal efficiency of reheat cycle is __________ than that of regenerative cycle. (less)
v) Reheat cycle is widely used in steam __________. (power plant)
vi) Efficiency of Carnot cycle is __________ than that of Rankin cycle. (greater)
vii) If the condenser shell is leaky, the __________ may enter into the condenser. (air)
viii) Overall efficiency of a steam plant __________ with the use of condenser. (increases)
ix) In condenser the water resulting from condensation is called __________. (condensate)
x) During compression of air in any air compressor, delivery valve should be kept __________.
xi) Minimum work is done by a compressor, when the law of compression is __________. (PV = C)
xii) Compressor capacity will be __________ if the temperature of the intake air is the lowest. (highest)
xiii) The refrigerant commonly used in vapor absorption system is __________. (NH3)
xiv) Bell Coleman cycle is reversed __________. (Joule cycle)
xv) During sensible heating of air specific humidity __________. (decrease)
xvi) The steam and circulating water does not mix in a __________ condenser.(surface)
xvii) A_________ is a place in the combustion chamber of a boiler upon which coal is burnt. (grate)
xviii) The thermal conductivity of the refrigerant should be_________.(high)
xix)As per Boiler Regulations, each boiler should be fitted with _______ number of safety valves.(two)
xx)The boiler _______ is made to prepare heat balance sheet. (heat loss data)

3. State whether true or false:

i) In locomotive boilers, the draught is produced by chimney.(True)

ii) Cochran boiler is a fire tube boiler. (True)
iii) In economizer feed water is heated by fresh steam from turbine. (False)
iv) Fusible plug is a boiler mounting. (True)
v) An ideal regenerative cycle is equivalent to Carnot cycle. (True)
vi) In Rankin cycle working substance is to be only gas. (False)
vii) Rankin cycle as compared to Carnot cycle has high work ratio. (True)
viii) Sub cooling of condensate in steam condenser will increase the plant efficiency. (False)
ix) If air is removed from a surface condenser, there is fall in absolute pressure maintained in the
condenser. (True)
x) Actual vacuum in a condenser is equal to barometric pressure actual pressure. (True)
xi) The ratio of work done per cycle to the swept volume in case of compressor is called mean effective
pressure. (True)
xii) Ratio of I. P. and B. P. is known as mechanical efficiency. (True)
xiii) Dew point temperature is always an indication of moisture content in air. (True)
xiv) In humidification process R. H. decreases. (False)
xv) On psychometric chart DBT lines are horizontal. (False)
xvi) Once through boiler is natural convection boiler. (False)
xvii) R-502 is a CFC refrigerant. (True)
xviii) Air pre-heater ensures economy of fuel. (True)
xix)The domestic refrigerator uses centrifugal type of compressor.(False)
xx) The increase in air movement increases the evaporation from the human body. (True)

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