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(Q2- 1998)

Psychological aspects of hospitalization in children

-typical responses are anxiety, regression and mood changes

-changes in bodily function are not eating and not sleeping

-emotional problems in hospital are more prevalent in younger, particularly up to 4 and around 4

-other children are susceptible to explanation and are less disturbed by separation

reference: physiological aspect of illness and well being

2. doctor patient model

a) paternalistic model
-autocratic model/teacher-student model-doctor knows best
-doctor prescribes treatment and pt is expected to comply without questioning
-doctor may withhold certain information
-doctor dominates the interview
-advantage:-favourable in emergency situation ie making life saving decision
-pt feel overwhelmed and comforted
-disadvantage:risk a clash of values
b) informative model
-active passive model
-dr dispenses info, but the choice is up to pt
-expect pt to make their own decision without suggestion or interfere from them
-advantage: appropriate for certain one-time consultation, brief relationship
-disadvantage:- pt may feel cold and uncared
- pt is seen unrealistically autonomous
c)interpretive model
-mutual participation model
-shared decision making, discussed with pt’s participation
-dr has good r/ship with pt(understands about pt’s life, families, values and hopes)
-thus, able to make recommendations taking into account the unique characteristics of the
-dr is flexible, willing to consider criticism and alternative suggestion
d)deliberative model
-friendship model
-dr acts as a friend or counsellor
-not just presenting info but advocating the actions
-advantage: favourable in modifying certain behaviour

Discuss the important ego defense mechanisms and their relevance to mental health (2003).

 There are 4 types of ego defense mechanism;

 Narcissistic
 Immature defense
 Neurotic defense
 Mature defense
 Narcissistic develop a sense of selfishness.
 This means the person loves self more than others, subsequently, won’t harm self.
 Denial is part of the characteristic in narcissistic.
 A person denies what he or she see or hear and refuse to acknowledge it.
 The narcissistic mechanism is important in making the person loves them self and not harms
 Immature defense is the 2nd ego defense mechanism.
 Hypochondriasis is part of the immature defense mechanism as the person develops a fear
in life of having illness and of developing symptoms too.
 It is important to develop a sense of awareness in the person to take care of themselves.
 The 3rd ego defense mechanism is neurotic defense.
 It develops the cognition of a person.
 Part of the characteristic is rationalization which means the person done something
irrational just to justify themselves, means it is rational in them.
 This develops rationalization in them.
 Mature defense mechanism is the last ego defense mechanism.
 Suppression is part of the mature mechanism which for example the person delays less
important activity.
 The person then develops the sense time awareness and the degree of importance of
certain activity.

(Q2- 2009)
Stages of human development n specific development in each stage


 Formation of intimate differentiated attachment to the mother in the first year of life
 2nd year of life marked by acceleration of motor development and intellectual development
 Take year of life for:
o Toddler use short sentences
o Toddler begin to reason n listen to explanation
o Engage in symbolic activities
 Two years and 6 months to 6 years marked by
o Physical and emotional growth
o Baby teeth begin to fall
o Ready to enter school
 6-12 y.o. marked by
o Enter elementary school
o Express complex ideas with association


Early = 11-14 y.o

 Biological changes:
o development of 1st n 2nd sex characteristic
o increase in height n weight
 Psychological changes:
o Acceleration of cognitive development
 Social changes:
o Preparatory period for the role of young adulthood
o Eg : spouse n work choice imminent

Middle = 14-17y.o.

 Sexual behaviour
o Increase of sexual behaviour such as heterosexual crush, variety of sexual role n
 Cognitive and personality development
o Abstract, conceptual and future oriented thinking
o Shows remarkable creativity : music, arts, writing
o Develop interest in philosophical ideas : religion
 Negativism
o Demonstration; have minds of their own
o Express their independents
o Make their own believe systems

Late = 17-20y.o.

 Psycosexual development
o Sex drive


Early adulthood: at age 20-40y.o, peak potential for personal fulfilment

 Peaking of biological development

 Assumption of major social roles
 Evolution of adult self and life structure

Middle adulthood: 40-65y.o

 Women start to menopause

 Decline in biological functioning
Old age: at 65y.o.

 Biology of aging
o Gradual decline of in the functioning of the body systems
 Psychological aspect of aging
o Healthy older people maintain a level of social activity, only slightly change
 Cognitive
o Recall and learning new information maybe diminish

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