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Event marketing is growing at a rate of three times that of traditional advertising. Though
Relatively small compared to the major components of the marketing communications mix-
advertising, sales promotions and P-O-P communications-expenditures on event sponsorship
are increasing. Corporate sponsorships in India in 2001 were estimated at $3.9 billion-with
65% of this total going to sports events and most of the remainder spent on sponsoring
entertainment tours or festival and fairs.

Thousands of companies invest in some form of event sponsorship. Defined, event

marketing is a form of brand promotion that ties a brand to a meaningful athletic,
entertainment, cultural, social or other type of high-interest public activity. Event marketing
is distinct from advertising, sales promotion, point-of-purchase merchandising, or public
relations, but it generally incorporates elements from all of these promotional tools. Event
promotions have an opportunity to achieve success because, unlike other forms of marketing
communications, events reach people when they are receptive to marketing messages and
capture people in a relaxed atmosphere.

Event marketing is growing rapidly because it provides companies alternatives to the

cluttered mass media, an ability to segment on a local or regional basis, and opportunities for
reaching narrow lifestyle groups whose consumption behavior can be linked with the local
event. Olympics and its renowned five rings are “the world’s most effective property” in
terms of marketing tools. The Olympics sell sponsorship on a local and global basis, and
every couple of year’s corporation’s line up to pay as much as $50 million to be the lord of
the rings. The world of event marketing is a fast growing, high profile industry worth over
$20 billion annually, and one of the most successful marketing strategies. Event marketing
integrates the corporate sponsorship of an event with a whole range of marketing elements
such as advertising, sales promotion, and public relations. Corporations both large and small
have grown this industry at a rate of 17 percent per year, and they have achieved a high level
of success.


Event Description:

Event: A Hockey match.

Event name: The name of the event that I am going to organize is “KA-BOOM”.

Event type: This is a minor sports event restricted to Jalandhar and the cities nearby.

Location: The event is going to be organized in PAP ground jalandhar, Punjab.

Dates: The event is going to be organized from 25-11-2010 to 30-11-2010.

Duration & Timing: The duration of the event will be 6 hours a day with 30 minutes break
in between the three matches and the timing for the same will be 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Event overview and purpose: KA-BOOM is a sports event organized in Jalandhar and
students from various colleges and universities from Jalandhar, Amritsar, Ludhiana,
Phagwara and Chandigarh will be the participants. The main purpose of this event is to bring
the participants on the same platform and then to search for the real champion in hockey by
making them compete with each other. This will bring out various new faces that can
represent Punjab at Major Sports Event. The secondary purposes of the event will the
entertainment and enjoyment of the audience. I will make sure that the audience is fully
entertained and enjoyed the event to their fullest.

Aims and Objectives: The aim of the event will be to promote new talent and entertainment
of the audience.
The objectives of my event will be:
• To Search for New faces who can represent Punjab at Major sports event.
• To promote true sportsmanship among various participants.
• To entertain the audience.
• To make this event a success and memorable one.

Event Management
Management responsibility: The major responsibilities of the management will be:
• To manage the entire sports event and to make sure that the all the sports
event is conducted as schedule.
• To fulfill all the requirements pre, during and post event.
• To avoid any kind of mishaps during event.
• To invite various universities and colleges to participate.
• To invite eminent personalities in the event.
• To make this event a success so that it can happen every year.
• To ensure that fair competition is conducted as well as result is declared son as to
promote true sportsmanship.
• To make sure that audience is entertain and at the end of the day to earn profits from
the event.

Major stake holders and agencies: The majority of stake for this event is with
Lovely Professional University, Apeejay College, CT College, DAV College, Jalandhar.
These all have made combined efforts to search and promote new talent from the state of

Physical requirements: The venue for the event is PAP Ground and it was not a tough task
to book this venue as such kind of sports event keeps on happening at that ground so my
team also booked the venue 1 month prior to event. The reason for choosing this ground was
that it is big and can have a large audience capacity and it is in the central location every
major city is near by it. All matches will take place inside the ground so no route for street
event was decided. The event is an outdoor and sports event so its layout will be absolutely
according to a sports event.

Audience: Majority of audience will be the students from various universities and colleges
of the region. School students will also be invited by our management. Defense personals
will also be invited to watch our event as the ground is surrounded by various regiments of
defense forces so they can also enjoy the sports meet in their spare time.

Impact: Our aim is to promote sportsmanship and to search for new faces that will be
representing Punjab in major events. Our event will leave a positive impact on the society
and will encourage them to be a part of this event now and in future also. It will also be a
push for the talented sportsmen that where seeking for an opportunity and the audience will
be fully entertained so on the whole it will be a memorable event leaving a positive impact
on the society. The event will also be very beneficial for the organizers as we have targeted
the Mass so it will be a great source of earning profit and will be very positive in terms of
economic impact.

Approval & Consultation

State & Federal Government: Mine is a minor sports meet that is restricted to Jalandhar
region where students from various cities in Punjab will be participating so approval from
the State & Federal Government is not required. State, City & Town: Permission from the
City authorities of the Jalandhar city will be taken to conduct the event as well as from the
defense authorities will also be taken so to conduct the event at PAP Ground.

Roads & Traffic Authority: The university buses will be used for transportation purpose so
approval of running the same in Jalandhar city will be taken from the Roads & Traffic

Liquor License: This is a sports event and no liquor will be served so there was not a need
for any kind of liquor license.

Police: Police force will be there in the event for security purpose so approval for the same
will be taken by our management from SSP, Jalandhar.

Building & Insurance: PAP Ground is an open place and there is no need for any kind of
Building & Insurance approvals & consultation.

Health: No approval from the health department will be taken but yes the medical fitness of
each participant will be checked and only 100% fit participants will be allowed to participate.

Environmental & Entertainment: Music will be played during the event but it will be till 5
PM so no approval regarding the same will be taken. Approval from the environmental
authorities will be taken and to ensure them proper waste management system will be
followed during the event.

Security: The private security will be of Lovely Professional University and Apeejay college
so no approval regarding the same will be taken from our side.


Marketing can be defined as a process by which individuals and groups obtain what they
want through creating, offering and exchanging products of value with others. All sport and
recreation organizations undertake marketing, although they are often unaware that they are
actually doing so. Listing in the yellow pages, telephone directory, placing information in the
local newspaper, offering a discount and special offers etc. are all forms of marketing.

Target Audience : since Punjab has always given credible and reliable hockey players and
there is lot of interest seen on the side of population of Punjab the whole of Punjab will be
our target audience but spherically the young sportsmen, ex sportsmen and the officials of
Customer Segmentation
Segmentation of customer is done on the basis of age group and from these segment
customers from 18-26 age group are targeted i.e. students. Being a sports event the majority
of the event audience will be students.

Meeting Audience Needs

The audience will come to the event to see a fair and healthy competition and to entertain
themselves and seeing these full arrangements have been made by us.

Competitive Analysis: There are many sports events take takes place round the year in
Jalandhar so to reduce competition, we have decide to conduct our event during the above
said dates as at that time no sports event will be happening in Jalandhar and hence there was
a opportunity for us. In future we will be getting competition from various other universities
and colleges but the strategies for the same will be formulated at the time of those events.
For now we don’t have much of a competition as no other sports event is taking place in the
city. Other than this LPU, DAV and APEEJEY are the three major institutes of the city and
70% of the students are from these institutes so seeing these fact we have a competitive
advantage over others.


The “marketing mix” or marketing tools an organization can use can be classified into
Four categories:
Venue will be PAP ground.
Food will consist of snacks. This will be done by installing stalls of Punjab caterers.

Cleanliness of the venue will be done properly installing dustbins at places, there will also be
5 sweepers constantly cleaning the seating place.

Ticket price will be divided into three categories Rs 100, Rs 200 and Rs 300 depending on
the distance from the playfield and seating arrangements.

Tickets will be available at all the for students and for general public will be at Lovely
campus, few shops in model town and distinct vendors.

Tools used of Promotion
• Advertising.
• Public Relations.


It will be done by following mediums:

 Give-Away: Leaflets, Posters.

 Radio: Commercial (FM).
 Internet: social networking sites ( facebook , orkut, twitter etc).
 Television: local Cable channels.

 Press : Newspapers, Magazines
 Non-Media Alternatives: Outdoor Advertising, Street Banner.

Public Relations

Preparing a list of suitable targeted audience I will prepare a contact list and club list such
as politicians, interested people and opinion leaders , ex sportsmen etc and expose them with
interesting media ready stories, competitions, public appearances, stunts, speeches.
Depending on the size and complexity of the event, my PR strategy will range from
organizing a media launch and handing out a press kit to just sending a out a one page media
release to selected media. News releases can be staggered over the planning period to
generate increased interest in the event.


Capital & Funding Requirements:

The total budget for KA-BOOM – a hockey match is Rs 3lakhs. The majority of the capital
for the event will be raised through sponsors i.e. LPU, DAV, Apeejay College, Radio
stations, Lifestyle, Bigbazar, Hero cycles. All these sponsors will help us to complete our
capital requirement of Rs 3 lakhs.
Expenses: (cash outflows)
The majority of the expenses given from our side will be as follow:
Particulars Amount
Venue Rs 50,000
Catering and Music Rs 50,000
Security (Public and Private) Rs 25,000
Advertisements Rs 25,000
Medical aids Rs 25,000
Prizes Rs 50,000
Insurance Rs 25,000
On the spot needs Rs 25,000
Emergency and contingency Rs 25,000
Total Rs 3, 00,000.

Incomes(cash inflows)
Sponsor Rs 3, 00,000
Ticket Sells Rs 2, 00,000
Donations Rs 1, 00,000
Total Rs 6, 00,000

Expected profit

Cash Inflows – Cash outflows = Rs 3, 00,000.

Control System:
A proper control system will be established in order to avoid mismanagement of cash. A
management team of students and finance personals will be made who will make a record of
day to day expenses as well as day to day revenues and daily they have to submit the report
to our auditors. Since this is a sports event where tickets are sold daily so keeping a track of
the financial records is very important and those auditors will do the final verification of cash
inflow and outflow during the event. This will establish a proper control system of the trade

Cash Handling
Cash will be handled to the finance team and they will then further be assigned various
departments and other necessities of the events in which each of the member have to put the
cash they have been given. They will also be responsible for the cash receivables during the
trade fair and as mentioned above they have to give the final report of all the inflow and
outflow made by them at the end of each day.

Taxes will be paid to the government and other bodies according to the norms and terms of
the Indian government and also taxes will be included in the tickets which will be sold at the
sports meet. This will avoid any type of confusions for the organizers in the end and the final
amount after the deduction of taxes will only be mention in the bill books of various
departments during the event.


White, orange and green color will be used in majority for the theme and for each section we
will have all these colors depicting the Flag of India as well as trying to draw the attention of
public to make them understand the significance of our National game. This will give a
tremendous look to the ground. Each day a single color out of these will be used in majority
for tent purposes and this will give the event audience a fresh look every day and they will
also enjoy the same.

Since this is a sports event so no such decorations will be done, only the staging of event
and the preparation of ground will made for the event.

Catering will be made available by Punjab caterers.

Waste & Environment Management

Dustbins will be put up in every corner of the ground for disposable of waste. Plastic glass
and plates are the biggest medium of waste during the event so these dustbins will be put up
for proper waste management and the music will be played in limited volume so as to avoid
any disturbance in the environment.


Selection & Recruitment

The students of Management will be selected from LPU, APEEGEY and DAV will be
recruited for handling all the activities during the event, as it is a minor sports event so major
recruitment will be done. Students will be doing all the work assigned to them.

No training as such will be provided to students as such. Only instructions will be given to
them and they have to perform accordingly.

The students from each college will be given certain responsibilities and a section to handle
and they will be brief about their responsibilities and then they have to perform accordingly.

Recognization Strategy
Each selected students will have the same goal as that of the event. The Students who’ll
perform well and will fulfill all the responsibilities assigned to them will be given chances in

Recruitment of Volunteers
Students of Final Year will be selected as volunteers on the basis of their seniority and
through a series of personal interviews done at respective colleges .The selection of
volunteer will be done in the recruitment phase.


The team of students having done their work properly will be appraised either financially or
non-financially at the end of the event.


Event Premises
The premise will be guarded by the policemen of Punjab as well as there will be fire
extinguisher installed every where .Audience will not be allowed to with anything other than
water bottles. No fire products and wire works will be allowed near the premises.

Safety of the Event Audience

Safety of the audience is our top most priority. Proper entry and exit gates will be established
and no audience will be allowed to roam around in playing area. Proper barriers will be put
up by the police and security personals at the main entry gate and at the ticket counter. No
Overcrowding will be allowed, only the allotted number seats will be filled and rest of the
audience will have to wait for next shift. By managing the security like this the safety of the
event audience will be maintained.

Safety and security of VIP/Performers

There will be a separate sitting arrangements for them which will be away from the audience,
there will be proper dressing and team sitting rooms them .to enhance the further security
systems there will be separate entry and exit points for them.

First Aid
There will always be a team of 4 doctors, 2 stretchers, 4 attendees , injury kits containing
pain killers , band aids , scrape bandage , injections etc along with two ambulances present
all the time for emergency situations as players are always prone to injuries.


There will be boxes hanged outside the venue to put the complaints being faced during the
matches and there will be team of two students from management departments. There will be
separate places to sit for female and male crowd properly partitioned by bamboos to avoid
any mis-happening, ill behavior or accidents. Policies as such are planned for our sports

Procedures & Checklist

Events will take place as per the time slots allotted to them, there will be match at one time
followed by the rest two, events will be taking place one after another. To make sure that the
event happens on time the team of student coordinators will be monitoring it. The entry of
the audience will also be checked by the security guards and the student volunteers so as to
avoid overcrowding during the event. The revenues collected will be calculated at the end of
the end by the special personals selected each form each college.

Performance Standards
The performance standards are set according to a typical sports event and fair and healthy
competition will be conducted so as to promote sportsmanship and to entertain the audience
to their fullest.

Contingency Plans
Contingency plan will cover proper
1) Electricity supply: Adequate power supply during the matches to avail proper commentary

2) Fire: A fire department van will always be there to avoid any mishap.
3) Accidents: An ambulance will also be there in case of serious injuries and a team of doctor
of LPU clinic will be there in the event so as give immediate medical attention.

5) Weather: The sitting area will be covered by water proof tents and the ground will have a
plastic cover with water pumps to eject water out in case of rain.

Food arrangements for the event are done by Punjab caterers. The music will be arranged by
the music bands of each college respectively. The transportation will be done through the
buses of Lovely Professional University, Apeejey and CT College.


To ensure that our event does not get washed away inspite of having taken all the safety
measures we have a risk management system. I have classified the into two parts risk, its
assessing and its management.

Weather risks:
Risks Identification Assessing the risks Managing the risks
Lightning Low Transfer/avoid
Extreme heat Moderate Control/avoid
Extreme cold Low Control
High wind Moderate Control

Medical risks:
Risks Identification Assessing the risks Managing the risks
Needle-stick injury Moderate Control/transfer

Fall of personnel, spectators Moderate Transfer
Slips on wet surface Moderate Transfer
Dehydration Moderate Control
(i.e. Provide Drinks)
Sun burn Moderate Control
(Provide sunscreen)

Security risks
Risks Identification Assessing the risks Managing the risks
Crowd Crush Moderate Transfer
Spectator conflict High Control/transfer
Athlete protection High Control/transfer
Terrorist threats Low Avoid
Bomb scares Low Avoid

Miscellaneous risks
Risks Identification Assesing the risks Managing the risks
Food poisoning Low Control
Fire Low Transfer
Cancellation of event Moderate Transfer

Depending upon the degree of risk will first try to allocate the intensity of the risk and
thereby what action we will take is specified in the table.


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