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Physical appearance is an obvious personal characteristic which is immediately accessible to others

during social interactions and which contributes to expectations regarding other persons.

The cosmetic industry is one of the most flourishing. Makeup, widely used by women, performs
various functions. The foundation covers the imperfections of the skin, the mascara makes the eyes
appear larger, the lip gives the shape of the lips. We already know that childhood traits are preferred
as criteria for evaluating beauty (Perrett et al. 1998). The same is true for skin texture, which is
important for beauty appreciation (Fink et al., 2001). We also know that symmetry is associated with
the power of attraction (Tovée et al., 2000) and that the foundation helps to smooth the texture of
the skin. Men attach great importance to the appearance of the physical appearance and beauty of
the woman's face. Makeup, which helps women be more beautiful, should lead to a positive
evaluation. But what contributes most to this? Mulhern and colleagues (2003) asked men to evaluate
the physical beauty of women's faces, depending on how much makeup they were wearing. Women
between the ages of 31 and 38 were photographed (face only) with and without makeup. Where
appropriate, eyes, lips, complexion, all three or none were makeup. Men saw the photos and had to
evaluate the power of attraction of the woman based on criteria, but also to choose the picture with
the face that they liked most of the five representations.

The researchers advance two hypotheses, which are otherwise complementary. According to some
researchers, the power of attraction increases because the makeup determines positive evaluations
of certain physical and non-physical features. Mulhern and his colleagues (2006) found that a
makeup person, compared to the hypostasis in which she is not makeup, is considered more
attractive, but also healthier, even with higher incomes and being more trustworthy. Health and trust
are important criteria for evolutionary psychologists, who consider that the man, concerned about
having children, wants to improve his chances of transmitting the genetic inheritance. Health is
necessary for finding partners capable of bearing their offspring and, in this case, confidence
enhances the safety of being a parent. In addition to this effect, the attraction of makeup women is
explained by women themselves. Cash and his colleagues (1989) observed that women who self-
make-up manifest themselves with greater self-confidence and satisfaction with the way they look. It
is possible that these positive self-assessments will make them feel more attractive and emit signals
that men can spot, thus explaining the effect on the interval until approaching.

Each participant was seated alone in a private room, in front of a computer. Two pictures were
displayed accordingly to the four conditions of the independent variable:

As anticipated, the present study shows plainly that a smile could make an individual increasingly
more attractive. Additionally, smiling is proven to increase someone s face value. This positive
assessment is supported by a number of attributes unrelated to smiling (being nice, smart,
charming). being attributed to the grinning individual.

Nu este de mirare ca, intr un context social nou si important pentru societate, indivizii doresc sa
arate bine, sa fie atractivi.In cazul femeilor, se remarca un interes deosebit in alegerea
vestimentatiei, mascarea defectelor si accentuarea trasaturilor faciale prin machiaj, si nu in ultimul
rand, abilitatea de a infatisa emotii positive prin zambet.Este bine cunoscut faptul ca bebbelusii
zambesc instinctiv inca inainte de a deschide ochii, activitate ce se realizeaza spontan, nu necesita
invatare, cu rol in crearea de reactii positive, induiosate ale celorlati (Gillian,2006).Eficienta
zambetului a fost analizata si de Cunningham(1986), eficienta care poate fi explicata si prin faptul ca
zona orala a fetei s a dovedit a fi extreme de importanta, in functie de ea realizandu se evaluarea
atractivitatii intregii noastre fizionomii(apud Reis et al., 1990).Motivul pentru care am ales sa accord
importanta zambetului este Acela ca el are un impact major asupra perceperii unei personae ca fiind
atractiva fizic si, prin aceasta, devine un factor major de declansare a stereotipului ‘’ceea ce este
frumos este si bun”.Reis si colaboratorii sai (1990) au certificate in studiul lor aceastra stransa relatie
intre zambet si atractivitatea fizica, in sensul ca fetele care zambeau au fost considerate semnificativ
mai attractive de catre subiectii investigatiei decat cele care aveau o expresie facial neutra. Astfel,
judecata privind atractivitatea fizica ne apare ca fiind profund influentata de prezenta sau absenta
unui simplu zambet.



To conduct our experiment, we will test 50 mttyyytaatt from UK, ranging from 15 to 18 years old. The
sample will be gathered by emailing multiple families or by contacting them in person. Participation
will be entirely voluntary and the decision to participate or not will depend on the parents of each


The study will be a within-subjects design and will consist of 1 independent variable and 1
dependent variable. The independent variable is cosmetic usage which will undertake two conditions
(make-up/no make-up) and the dependent variable will be levels of self-esteem (high-low).

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