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UPM-CALC/SEM2/2019-20/CEL2105/CM 4

CEL 2105
SEMESTER 2, 2019/2020

Activity 1
The following is a transcription of a meeting. Read the text and write the expressions used in
the meeting for the situations mentioned below.

Chairperson: Good morning everyone.

Chairperson: I’d like to take a roll call before we start.

Chairperson: James Tee?

James Tee: Here.

Chairperson: Imran Shah?

Imran Shah: Present.

Chairperson: Amrit Kaur?

Amrit Kaur: Here.

Chairperson: AtikahRamli?

AtikahRamli: Here.

Chairperson: The objective of today’s meeting is to make a decision on whether or

not to build a new oil processing plant in Kerteh.

Chairperson: I’m afraid that Mr Shan can’t be with us today. He is away on a

business trip in Singapore.

Chairperson: Before I go any further, I’d like to go through the minutes of our last

Chairperson: Are there additions or corrections to the minutes?

James Tee: Yes, item 3.2 has an error. The Green Energy Drive was
spearheaded by Mr Mathew Lim.

Chairperson: Thank you, James.Is there anything else?

Amrit Kaur: No.

Chairperson: Now that we have made some corrections to the minutes, can
someone approve the minutes?

AtikahRamli: I would like to approve the minutes.

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Chairperson: Could someone else second the motion?

Imran Shah: I second that!

Chairperson: The minutes are approved as corrected.

Chairperson: Imran, can you tell us how the new project in Macau is progressing?

Imran Shah: Sure. As you all know in April 2016, our company has ventured in….

Chairperson: Thank you, Imran. Let’s continue with the agenda.

Chairperson: Have you all received a copy of the agenda? (Everyone nods) Good.
There are 5 items on the agenda. The first item is …. The second
item is on…. The next item is … After that we will discuss item 4
which is … and the final item on the agenda is …..

Chairperson: James, would you mind taking the minutes?

James Tee: Alright.

Chairperson: Next, we will hear a short report on items 1 to 3 from the respective
head of departments.Atikah could you please start?

AtikahRamli: Yes. Thank you, Marcus. I will be presenting the financial report of the
first two months of this year.

Chairperson: Thank you, Atikah for that informative report. Amrit can you continue
with you report?

Amrit Kaur: Alright. I will proceed with my report from the Sales Department…

Chairperson Thank you Amrit. Imran would you mind reporting from your

Imran Shah: I don’t mind at all, Marcus. My report will ….

Chairperson: Thank you, Imran.

Chairperson: Now that we have discussed item 1 to 3, let us move on to item no 4

which is making a decision on whether or not to build a new oil
processing plant. What do you all think?

James Tee: Personally, I feel that we should not build the plant this year because
the economy is not doing so well and some of clients have not been
paying us on time and this has affected our cash flow. So I believe we
should wait until next year before we build a new plant.

AtikahRamli: I couldn’t agree with you more, James. Furthermore, the market for oil
is rather volatile right now.

Imran Shah: I’m afraid I have to disagree with both of you. I believe that this is the
right time to build the new plant as the price of land and properties are

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low so we should grab this opportunity.

Amrit Kaur: I’m happy either way as our sales report indicate that there was a
slight growth in our products for the last three months.

Chairperson: Thank you all for your feedback

Chairperson: Now I would like to propose a few things before we make a decision
on whether or not to build a new oil processing plant in Kerteh. Imran
could you find out the price of the land in Kertehfor a processing

Imran Shah: Alright, Marcus.

Chairperson: Next, Atikah could you prepare an analysis on our current cash flow
and tell us whether we are able to sustain the expenses needed for
the new plant in the next three years.
AtikahRamli: I’ll do that Marcus.

Chairperson: I believe at this point of time, we are unableto make a decision

whether or not to build a new oil processing plant in Kerteh. Do you all

Imran Shah: Yes. In my opinion we will only be able to make an informed decision
in the next meeting after reviewing the data that will be collected from
both Atikah and myself.

James Tee: I have no objections to that.

Amrit Kaur: I second that.

Chairperson: What are your thoughts, Atikah?

AtikahRamli: I agree with the rest.

Chairperson: Since there are no objections, let us agree to make a decision on this
matter in the next meeting.

Chairperson: I suggest that we read the two reports that Atikah and Imran have
agreed to prepare for us before attending the next meeting. This will
ensure that next meeting is a productive one.

Chairperson: Now that we have concluded item 4. Let us proceed to the last item
which is any other business.

Amrit Kaur: Is there any news on our bonus?

Chairperson: Yes, I believe all of us will be receiving a two months bonus next

Chairperson: Is there any other business?

Chairperson: Since there is nothing else, let’s warp up then. Before we leave, can
we set the date for the next meeting on the 20th of March?

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AtikahRamli, Yes.
James Tee and
Amrit Kaur:
Imran Shah: Yes, I’m free on the 20th of March.

Chairperson: Thank you all for attending this meeting.

1. Discussing arising matters




2. Discussing the items of agendas




3. Presenting ideas




4. Tabling propositions




5. Reaching consensus




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6. Making recommendations




7. Discussing any other business




8. Adjourning a meeting




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Activity 2
Collocations are word combinations that sound natural to a native speaker. In the exercise
below, choose the adjective or adverb that collocates with the words in bold letters.

1. I was exhausted, so I drank a double espresso. Now I’m _____ awake.


2. I wasn’t expecting much of a raise, so I was ______ surprised when I got a sizeable


3. We should hold ourselves to _____ standards. We shouldn’t be satisfied with these

mediocre results.

4. Our CEO and company president got into a(n) _____ debate yesterday. They were
at each other’s throats.

5. Bill’s doctor told him that he needs to start getting ______ exercise. He’s overweight
and has high blood pressure.

6. We can’t afford to hire someone we need to train. We need someone who can step in
and have a(n) _____ impact.

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7. I didn’t want to bother Carl. He was in his office and it looked like he was
lost in ______ thought.

8. I wouldn’t do that if I were you. You’re making a _____ mistake.


9. I have _____ admiration for the senator. She’s been a respected member of

Congress for over thirty years.

10. Some people will undoubtedly be a few minutes late. There is really
______ traffic today.

11. Last year we had several blizzards and it was bitterly cold almost every day.
Fortunately, this year we’re having a _____ winter.

12. There is a _____ chance that I’ll have to travel to one of our subsidiaries in April.

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13. Can we meet at 6:30 instead of 7:30 for dinner? I had a _____ lunch, and I’m
starting to get hungry.

14. Do we have any idea what the _____ cause is of this issue?


15. Honestly, I have no idea which candidate I’m voting for. I just don’t have very _____
political beliefs.


Activity 3
Correct the following collocations.

1. put attention


2. large problem


3. large mistake


4. make a test


5. very awake


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6. greatly qualified


7. exceptionally aware


8. capture their attention


9. became bankrupt


10. related with



Activity 4
This is a role play activity. Based on the transcription above write a dialogue for the follow up
meeting in the space below. The agenda of the meeting is to make a decision on whether or
not to build a new oil processing plant in Kerteh.

In you meeting, you are required to:

 discuss arising matters

 discuss the items of agendas
 present ideas
 table propositions
 reach consensus
 make recommendations
 discuss any other business
 Adjourn the meeting

Dialogue for Role-play

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UPM-CALC/SEM2/2019-20/CEL2105/CM 4

*Video record the role play and bring the video in Week 5


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