Panel Quote Analysis Persepolis - CH 1 PG 7 Panel 6

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Panel/Quote Analysis 

Page #: 7 Panel #: 6 Panel description or any quoted text: “I wanted to be justice,

love, and the wrath of God all in one.”

CONTEXT (2 sentences minimum) – give a complete summary of what is happening at this point in the
story / summarize plot
Marji explains her uncertain feelings towards the veil the conflict between her deep religious faith and her
family’s modernness. She talks about being visited by God and her desire to become a prophet. Her teacher
and classmates think Marji’s desire to be a prophet is problematic, which leads her to keep it hidden. She
explains feeling guilty for hiding her aspirations, but that she still has a strong desire to become a prophet.

ANALYSIS (4 sentences minimum) - Determine which aspect (text, graphic weight, figures) is the most
interesting to analyze and explain the significance or focus on a particular literary element (symbolism,
characterization, theme, etc.) to analyze.

In panel 6, the idea of seemingly contradictory ideas coexisting is portrayed through Satrapi’s use of symbols
and figures. In this panel, there are three figures of Marji, each in a different position. The first figure is
holding evenly balanced scales, meant to be a symbol of justice. The next figure, meant to represent love, is
holding up her hand like the hand of benediction and blessing, which in Christianity represents blessing and
the Holy Trinity. Marji’s hand symbol could also possibly be interpreted as a peace sign. The third figure is
holding a sword and shield, meant to represent the wrath of God. These symbols are all the aspects that Marji
wishes to embody that she sees in God. Satrapi’s choice to portray these three aspects (justice, love, and the
wrath of God) by showing Marji holding up symbolic items is important because it conveys the belief that
although these ideas may seem contradictory, she believes they can all coexist in one person. Justice is the
balance of love and wrath, love for good things and wrath upon evil. The idea of these three values coexisting
is made clear through Satrapi’s choice to portray three figures of Marji representing each of these aspects.

CONNECTION (2 sentences minimum) - Explain how the panel is significant to a bigger meaning in the

This panel is significant because it shows that seemingly contradictory ideas can coexist. This relates to
Marji’s mixed feelings about the veil because it may allow her to see how she can keep her deep religious
faith and still remain modern and avant-garde like her family.

Analysis - Sentence stems to use when analyzing the graphic novel

- In panel ___, the character/situation is portrayed as _________________through the author’s use of [elements].
- The use of the element _____________ in panel _______ suggests ________________.
- The purpose of the element in panel ___________ is to ________________.
Analysis Example: In panel one, the author uses (puts next to each other) heavy graphic weight and light graphic weight. The women
in support of the veil are represented by the heavy graphic weight, while the protesters are drawn in the light graphic weight. Satropi
uses this element to suggest that one side has a negative feeling (the veil) and the other side has a positive feeling (freedom). The
author’s bias towards freedom is seen because of the light graphic weight she gives to the people demonstrating against the veil.

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