Panel Quote Analysis Persepolis - CH 13-16

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Panel/Quote Analysis 

Page #: 104 Panel #: 2 Panel description or any quoted text: lots of people all talking on
the phone

CONTEXT (2 sentences minimum) – give a complete summary of what is happening at this point in the
story / summarize plot
Marji is now living under the very strict new regime and a war has begun. Marji is describing what happened
when they would get bombed.

ANALYSIS (4 sentences minimum) - Determine which aspect (text, graphic weight, figures) is the most
interesting to analyze and explain the significance or focus on a particular literary element (symbolism,
characterization, theme, etc.) to analyze.

Each of the figures in the panel is conveying a different emotion and is reacting differently to news they get
over the phone. A few are smiling, some look extremely worried, and others look sad. This range of emotions
shows how this war was a trying time for many people, Marji included. Additionally, the panel has a lot of
heavy graphic weight, which contributes to the feeling of helplessness conveyed in the panel. The people are
all calling their loved ones and hoping that they will pick up and be alright after the bombings.

CONNECTION (2 sentences minimum) - Explain how the panel is significant to a bigger meaning in the
The horrors of war are a common issue in the novel. This panel portrays the feeling of helplessness of
ordinary people trying to make sure their loved ones are okay. Additionally the feeling of helplessness is one
that Marji experiences when Anoosh is killed.

Analysis - Sentence stems to use when analyzing the graphic novel

- In panel ___, the character/situation is portrayed as _________________through the author’s use of [elements].
- The use of the element _____________ in panel _______ suggests ________________.
- The purpose of the element in panel ___________ is to ________________.
Analysis Example: In panel one, the author uses (puts next to each other) heavy graphic weight and light graphic weight. The women
in support of the veil are represented by the heavy graphic weight, while the protesters are drawn in the light graphic weight. Satropi
uses this element to suggest that one side has a negative feeling (the veil) and the other side has a positive feeling (freedom). The
author’s bias towards freedom is seen because of the light graphic weight she gives to the people demonstrating against the veil.

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