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Prompt: Write a description of Marji’s personality as we see it from the beginning to the end of

“The story of a Childhood.” Include ideas on how she relates to other people (family, teachers,
friends, authority figures). Offer examples to back up your findings.

Panel #1 to analyze: Analysis of how this panel demonstrates Marji’s

In this panel, Marji is telling her grandmother about her
“holy book” that she wrote. She lists the rules to her
Page 7, panel 5
grandmother, including one that says old people should
not suffer. When her grandmother asks how that will be
accomplished, Marji says “It will simply be forbidden.”
All of these rules reveal that Marji wants to make the
world a better place, but also show how she can be
naive. Marji is young and knows she wants to improve
the world, but because of her youth she does not really
know how to do that.

Panel #2 to analyze: Analysis of how this panel demonstrates Marji’s

In this panel, Marji has been stopped by two women
who are part of the guardians of the revolution. Marji is
Page 132, panel 5
wearing jeans, sneakers, a denim jacket with a Micheal
Jackson button, and is improperly veiled. Also she has
just bought some tapes which are not allowed. This
panel reveals Marji’s rebelliousness. The details
showing she does not abide by the way she is told to
dress show how she is rebellious.

Panel #3 to analyze: Analysis of how this panel demonstrates Marji’s

In this panel, Marji is hugging the two little boys of her
Page 93, panel 5
mom’s friend Mali. They were just insulted by a
woman at the store and Marji feels embarrassed and
also sorry for Mali. The fact that she is comforting
these two little boys (who she previously thought were
brats) shows that she is a caring and empathetic person.
Panel #4 to analyze: Analysis of how this panel demonstrates Marji’s
In this panel, Marji is sitting in front of very large
stacks of books. Marji reads a lot and this shows that
Page 12, panel 1
she loves to learn and wants to be educated. Marji
reading a lot helps to reveal her curious personality
because it demonstrates her desire to learn. It also
shows that she is very smart.

Panel #5 to analyze: Analysis of how this panel demonstrates Marji’s

In this panel, Marji is saying goodbye to her friends
Page 149, panel 7
before leaving for Austria. She says that she “never
realized how much they loved [her]” and that she
“understood how important they were to [her].” This
panel reveals how Marji really cares about her loved
ones. Her friends are very important to her and she is
sad to be saying goodbye to them. This demonstrates
Marji’s loving and caring personality.

Final Conclusion: What does Marji find most important in life?

Marji values her friends and family, but she also values her own identity and individuality. She
stands up for what she thinks is right and does not conform to what she is told to do. She also
cares very much for other people and has a desire to improve the world around her.

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