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OU TELIA I IE ET bbb f Control Parameters in Line Balancing Reference Manual Prabir Jana ey Department National Institute of Fashion Technology New Deli Kolkata llyderabadWangalore Chena? Mumbai Gandhinagar eevee s doo" CFFIECOZVOT TOE SS Apparel Production Control Control Parameters in Line Balancing There are different parameters, which control balancing of assembly line garment manufacturing. Some of the important parameters are defined and explained here, Opeartors Skill Inventory: This database maintains the record of each operator, who can do what operation and at what rating. It is very important to keep this database updated as over the time operator acquires skills for new operations as well as improve performance in existing operations. Allocation: Appropriate allocation of operators to operations is the key to any balancing. Allocation also depends on type of balance required, One approach of allocation i 10 find the closest match between operator performance required and operator performance available. This type of allocation results intrinsic balance of line. Another approach of allocation is to utilise the operators in operations they can do best. This approach results dynamic balance of line, Let's understand thic hom an example: Operation SAM | Machine | Target | Operator performance | ais Required fates A. Collar attaching {1.5 |SNLS [40 pes | 100% 7 B. Cuffattaching | 1.2 [SNLS | 40 pes [80% UC. Band Hemming [1.0 [SNLS [40 pes | 66% From operators’ skill inventory the operator performances available are Sita Urmila Rita [Savita] ForOpA | 70% 105% 140% ForOpB | 80% 100% ForOpC [120% 70% 100% 70% Allocation Operation A. Collar attaching . Cuff attachin; LC. Band Hemming ' { ‘ . Dynamic Balance Savita Rita Apparel Production Control For intrinsic balance we have allocated total three operators with closest performance available. For operation A we need 100% operator, and closest available is Urmila (105%) and so on. Also interesting to note that Savita is not utilized for operations, what she can do best. For dynamic balance we hav allocated only two operators, total performance needed is 246% (100+80+66) Savita and Rita together (140+100)% can match the requirement. Here operators are allocated to operations, what they can do best. This dynamic balance results better operator utilisation but comparatively difficult to maintain, Some of the characteristies of these systems are mentioned below. Parameters Intrinsic balance | Dynamic Balance No. of people required ___| More Movement of operators Less Heavy absenteeism jot preferred Supervisor skill Less headache More headache [WIP management Easier Difficult [Operator utilisation Not so good Better _ Material movement [Les More Less More | Balance: The aim of balancing is to maximise operator and machine utilisation, while ensuring least operator shuffling, (Movement between operations) Attendance: Record of attendance is very important prerequisite for balancing a line. Only the present operators are allocated to different operations. While planning for balancing a line, average absenteeism figure is used to calculate the no. of expected present operators, whom operation can be allocated. Movement of operators: Output is lost every time an operator is moved to a new job. Anticipation of problems is the best way to keep this lost output to a minimum and line operator should never be moved for less than an hour except in an emergency. Even floaters should be given a sufficiently long run to work up their speed. On occasions it is more efficient to arrange the manning. NIFTIGMT /APC/ Prabir Jana (2000 2 SESS 'S'F5re Apparel Production Control Floater: Floater generally can perform all operations but at much lower efficiency, Floaters should not be allocated to any specific operation in any line plan. Floaters are there 10 handle unforeseeable circumstances, once operators are absent, performing below standard, sick, or any such emergencies, then floaters are allocated to the problematic operation, Rating: effective, In a 0-100 scale, 0 represents zero activity and 100 the normal rate of working of a motivated qualified worker - ie. the standard fate. Rating is used as factor by which the observed time can be multiplied to give the basic time. In Opeartors Skill Inventory database the rating should be updated regularly for near accurate balancing, Pitch Time: Pitch time is the theoretical operation time, each operator should take for a planned balanced line. It is calculated as: = (SAM value of a style) / (No, of operator required to meet the target) WIP: [1] Balance between the speed of workers [2] To take care of absenteeism [3] To take care machine breakdown NIFTIGMT /APC/ Probir Jana /2000 3 : Computer Aided WIP Management Developed by: Sunil Motwani & Prabir Jana Version: 2008.01 (Beta) (Faculty Guidelines, not to be distributed to students) New Delhi Kolkata Hyderabad Chennai tumbai Gandhinagar Bangalore 9 e ® ® ® ) 3 3 o @ ree @ @'O« oo & oe ww TECYTOw UY & © @ wran Garment Manufacturing Process / Apparel Production Planning and Control Objective: To enable quick decision making while simulating sewing line by analyzing many what-if conditions. While the computer program helps in mathematical calculation and logical decision, students will tty to maximize production, maintain healthy balance of WIP by allocating right operator to right operation, As students will be able to plan the whole day in advance, and also able to monitor several key performance parameters (lke WIP variation, line efficiency, operator utilization, etc.) they will be able to simulate different scenarios to’ prioritise requirements. This time-based computer aided exercise will promote use of basic computer program to enable quick decision-making in actual shop floor condi Disclaimer: This module was developed as a part of APPC subject for B.F.Tech and GMP subject jor M.Tech students of NIFT. This remains an intellectual property of NIFT, Department of Fashion Technology and any unauthorized copy is strictly prohibited. Copyright © GMT-NIFT 2000-2008 ain aii Garment Manufacturing Process / Apparel Production Planning and Control Instructions for the faculty member supervising the exercise Split the class into groups of maximum 4 students each. Ask each team to sit separately so that each team can work independently without consulting or disturbing other groups. Each group should have at least one laptop, one pencil and one eraser. Please copy the excel file ‘Computerised WIP Management to each laptop. Ask each team to open the “Computerised WIP Management” program and read the ‘students’ guidelines’ and ‘Skill Chart’ sheet carefully. Ask each team to fill up ‘production balance (1)' worksheet for one day assuming all operators are present. Time allowed is 30 minutes. Ask each group to read the rules for evaluation. ‘Address and discuss any query that any student has; now students are ready to start the exercise for second day. Start the Exercise Here students will require to achieve target when either selected operators are absent, or machine broke down or any realistic situation that commonly happens in sewing floor. i Announce the actual operator situation on Monday at 8:00 hrs to each group and ask them to re-allocate operator and fill up the ‘produ Worksheet for first two hours i.e. between 8:00 hrs to 10: ‘operator situation sheet’). Once a group is ready with answers, note down the operator's name, production and WIP figures for that group in the ‘Group Comparison’ sheet’ Inform the next situation (at 10:00 hrs.) to that group and ask them to again reallocate operator (if required) and fill up the Production Balance Sheet for next two hours i.e. up to 12:00 hrs. Carry on the exercise till end of the day and note down the cumulative time taken for each group in group comparison sheet. Please let each group works at their own pace, and announce the situation to every group separately as and when they are ready. Each group should be able to complete one full day exercise in total one hour. Note down the WIP position for each group in the ‘Group Comparison’ sheet four times as indicated. Students are not allowed to change the operators or hours of previous hours in any condition. Cross check with group comparison sheet for any misdeed. The total time required for above module will be 60 minutes; instructor may repeat the exercise with different situation for different days. Each student will submit soft copy of the file to the faculty. Evaluation for every student was done automatically based on 4 parameters. Faculty member can open the worksheet tied "marks” and take note accordingly. Important: Faculty instructor should not reveal the operator situation beforehand to the group. This computer aided exercise should be done only after the students completed the manual exercise. Copyright © GMT-NIFT 2000-2008 eee Garment Manufacturing Process / Apparel Production Planning and Control Group Comparison Sheet WIP eV wT EOEeY Ye OBO Hes t aad ‘ 2 Copyright © GMT-NIFT 2000-2008 nat Garment Manufacturing Process / Apparel Production Planning and Control Monday 08:00 Operator Situation [Urvashi absent 10:00 12:00_ [14330 14:30 Gita Sick, Stop work One m/c in operation [1] breakdown for 2 Hours mic in operation [1] O.K., Urvashi O.K Urvashi returns : ‘One machine in operation [6] breakdown for 2 hours Tuesday [08:00 Kalindi absent. Floater absent 10:00 Urvashi sick again, goes home, Floater comes in 10:00 Bhanu sews finger, goes home 14:30 Sangita produces bad Quality, Lost 1/2 hour production on repairs (j.e. kalindi is available for 3.5 hours only) Wednesday 08:00 Kalindi back, Urvarshi 0.K. 40:00 Devi in tears. Production down by 20 pieces 12:00 Ramar produces bad quality, spend 1 hour on repair (Le. Rai /ailable for 1hour only) 12:00 ‘One machine in operation [5] breakdown for 2 Hours 14:30 Copyrigh [All 0.K. (all mic ok, all operator present and ok) | IT-NIFT 2000-2008 Garment Manufacturing Process / Apparel Production Planning and Control ‘Apparel Production Planning & Goi ‘Computer Aided WIP Mi al Developed by: | [Guidelines for Faculty Monitored Exercise ae ats operation 1 feed O 2 ve the target ouput ai 3 [Any operator should work ry alocated operation en a two-hour slot any operator can work for maximum 4 dierent operations Be 7 [You may alate floaters to cover for abserteism andor WiPrproduction balancing (Le. alocae floater as and when requted) Seer 3 front e gure (00 decimal = 7 ch opersten ai 3 Negative WiP figure tbe aveided any negative WiP igure wil dingy Team [instructions to fill up ‘production balance’ worksheet 1 Operator's Name’ and Hs or every two hour slot, Rests calculated automaticaly 2 jucfon balance" sheet for solving diferent days problem Save each producion balance sheet in cferent names and submit Weacher Copyright © GMT-NIFT 2000-2008 @ OC OO .0:0:£6:.0:0.8: © BA CB0LBM AMF AMALIE OM © (Mec Managing Assembly Line: Simulation Exercise Developed by Alan Chandler & Prabir Jana Objec' To enable the students’ balance and manage bottleneck in a assembly line simulated situation. This time-based exercise will imbibe quick decision making power to students in actual shop floor condition. Duration of the Module: Three hours This module is developed as a part of APC subject for GMT students of NIFT. This remains a property of NIFT, GMT Department and any unauthorized photocopy of this is strictly prohibited. New Delhi Calcutta Hyderabad Chennai Mumbai Gandhinagar ca & w & Cw MeO EH Sw G ONS S © 6 OO BOOS © © 0 DO ME . Apparel Production Control Managing Assembly Line: Simulation Exercise Instructions for the faculty member supervising the exercise: Split the class into groups of maximum 6 students each, Each group should have at least one calculator, Handover the Exercise Kit (5 pages) to each group, eye oe ‘Ask each group to read the Skill Chart carefully. ‘Ask each group to fill up the blank Skill Chart operation wise production of each operator (allow 10 minutes time). ‘Announce the Rule Of The Exercise to each group members Ask the students to fll up the Allocation Sheet (allow 30 minutes time). Collect Allocation Sheet for evaluation. Discuss one possible allocation with the students. Pano 10." Distribute the Allocation Sheet to all groups. 11. Move different groups into different rooms so that each group can work independently without consulting or disturbing other groups. Monday situation: 12, Announce the actual operator situation (at 8:00 hrs.) to each group and ask them to reallocate operator (if required) and fill up the Production Balance Sheet for first two hours i.e. up to 10:00 hrs. (Allow 20 minutes time) 13, Note down the operator, production and WIP position for each group in the Group Comparison Sheet 14. Announce the actual operator situation (at 10:00 hrs.) to each group and ask them to again reallocate operator (if required) and fill up the Production Balance Sheet for next two hours ie. up to 12:00 hrs (Allow 20 minutes time) 18. Note down the operator, production and WIP position for each group in the Group Comparison Sheet 16. Announce the actual operator situation (at 12:00 hrs.) to each group and repeat steps as earlier. 17. Announce the actual operator situation (at 14:30 hrs.) and repeat steps as earlier, 18. — Collect final Production Balance Sheet from each group for evaluation. 19. Assemble all groups together and discuss the results. The students may like to practice the exercise further with operator situation as on Tuesday and Wednesday. Important: Faculty instructor should follow the sequence strictly Faculty instructor should not reveal the operator situation beforehand to the group. Managing Assembly Line: Simulation Exercise/APC/GMT-NIFT/PJ/2000 Appscel Production Consol Managing Assembly Line: Simulation Exercise (KIT-1) SKILLS CHART Kalindl | Urvashi 7 ‘Output = Operators Performance (2) suiPer| @ 100% |~Gita [Devi | Ramar [Ramesh | Bhanu | Sunil Operation : Bs t Unit” | Pert (Per | A = ‘5 fie Houy | t | a I 1 ss] 90/ 110 7 100 eee err ears eee | Managing Assobly Line: Simulation Exereise/AC/GMT-NIFT/PI2000 80 90) es é & @ Qe e@ eo 6 6 5 4 @ ® Qe oo Cow POG DWH Appuel Production Control ‘Managing Assembly Line: Simulation Exercise (KIT-2) SKILLS CHART Output rs Performance (2), ‘operation | SM Per] @ 100% |~Gita [Dav [ Ramar [Ramesh | Bhanu | “Sunil | Kalindl | Urvashi [Sangita eration | “Unit | Pert. (Per nee et Bal eee 4 5 6 7 aoe 1 133 53 2 040 150 3 020] 207 4 oso 102 | 5 108 8 0.40 rQcGr Q G: Managing Ascmbly Lin: Simulation Exercise/APCIGMT:NIFTIPJ2000 Apparel Production Control Rule of the Exercise (KIT- 3) ial Balance 1. Allocate specialist operators first 2. Use operators on operation they can do best, i.e. try to get maximise time on standard ((by using operators on operations where they work on incentive) 3. Enough hours must be worked on each operation to give the target output in this case 1000pes/Day. 4. Any operator should work for minimum ¥% hour at any allocated operation, i.e. in a two-hour slot any operator can work for maximum 4 different operations. 5. Do not allocate float operators, they are intended to cover for absenteeism. 6. Machine/attachment used in different operations are different. Re allocation *. Opening WIP between operations are 100. 8. Try to-maintain maximum WIP of total 400-600 pieces in line. 9. Allocate floater as and when required 10. When any operator is unavailable, his/her m/c can be utilised by other operator. During any mic breakdown operator can move to other operation or m/c to work. 1 Check that enough machines at different operations are available. For example in operation [1] three machines are available whereas in operation {2] only one machine available and so on 12, Use operators on operation they can do best, i.e. try to get maximise time on standard (by using operators on operations where they work on incentive) Managing Assembly Line: Simulation Exercise/APC/GMT-) FT/P1/2000 9 é & @ e e 8 6 6 6 & i € ® eo 2 @ 5 3 wre Se e& @ ww Ow CBO @ Q@rbi Apparel Production Control POSSIBLE SOLUTION IS ALLOCATION SHEET Style No. Section: Req. Prod/Da Date: Machine [Operation [SM | Operators [Operator | Hours | Balance | Total Used _| No. Prodn. | Worked | Hours _| Prodn. 3 tt] 1.13. | Devi 382 8 Ramar 466 8 -| 1039 Gita 191 4 4 | 2] 0.40 | Sangita 1050 7 | 1050 1 el 0.29. | Ramesh 1025] 55 | 1025 3 tal 0.69 | Bhanu 816 Sangita 61 ~| 959° | Katina 82 1 - | 3 5) [1.08 | suni 448 8 Kalindi 490 7 1015 Ramesh 7 25 (6) 0.40. | Urvashi 969 8 : | 960 | ee ee ee ee eee tee [Totaino, Operator Allovated 2 [Totalno, of m/c used 12 Operators doing multiple operation 3 ‘Complete garment at end of shift 959 Need to train Operator for operation no. [6] ] Managing Assembly Line: Simulation Exercise/APC/GMT-NIFT/PJ/2000 Apparel Production Control Managing Assembly Line: Simulation Exercise (KIT-4) ALLOCATION SHEET for Exercise Style No. Section:, Req. Prod/Da 000 Date : Machine | Operation [SM | Operators | Operator | Hours | Remaining | Remarks Capacity | Per Day |__ Hours Managing Assembly Line: Simulation Exercise/APC/GMT-NIFT/PJ/2000 9s 3 2 Q ® ® @ 6 6 6 5 ¢ 9 @ @ @ 8 4 sw wm ee & & 4 OG-3-@ Apparel Production Cont [ Managing Assembly Line: Simulation Exercise (KIT-) PRODUCTION BALANCE SHEET ‘GROUP [DAILY TARGET [Date = ‘pm | Open 5:00 10:00 10:00 12:00 "00-1030. 30-7830. one | wir [Operator _] Prod | WIP | Operator | Prod | WiP|_Operator | Prod | WIP | Operator | Prog | WiF Managing Assembly Line: Simulation Exerie/APCIGMT-NIFT/P2000 Appasel Production Control PRODUCTION BALANCE SHEET = BUY TRTOET DATE [= one Foo Tao Two a0 7430-1630] |S | wr [operator | Prod [WP | “Operator | Prod | WiP | Operator | Prod | WIP] Opera | Sew] [fossa] [peas te} Ths page|] Ramar (2) 16 amar (2) 16 amar (2) 6) Ramar (1) 8 Pe ls alas Hem sees =| fase | [eet es eof] 5 a : 2 Fe ee aaa | [sas oy a Baila a lel Cea ae |as | [fae [eae] reap ta] fal a me lessee cl oer | = anaes fe fasta —P ens tt tommy for | fam at | [ee] or Stag * | Bie s |Urvashi(ay | 240, | floater ay | 270. | _| 240 | 100_| | ome L 1 | ee Managing Assrbly Line: Sinalation Execss/APCIGMT-NIFT/PI2000 6 “TCC LUVDYCDOSOO @-@-30°@086000- ‘Appel Production Control GROUP COMPARISON SHEET [Sioa [Oper 3:00 -10:00 00 200 12:00 = 48:30 430-1630 [ation [wir T'Producti| WIP] Producti] —— wir Producti] WIP | Produat a [aa2 [as 38 385 556 142 283 ae 455 "a6 1 eVraa | 283 J [Sas a5 586 Daz, 253 384 55 380 epraz, 2a 384 85 a8] Managing Assembly Lie: Simulation Exereise/APCIGMT-NIETP/2000 1 ew Mom ¥ Apparel Production Control Monday Operator Situation {08:00 Gita absent 40:00 | Urvashi Sick, Stop work One mic in operation [1] breakdown for 2 Hours 12:00 ‘mic in operation [1] O.K., Urvashi 0.K. 14:30 Gita returns (14:30 ‘One mic in operation [5] breakdown for 2 hours Tuesday 08:00 ‘Sangita absent. Floater absent 40:00 Urvashi sick again, goes home: Floater comes in 10:00 Bhanu sews finger, goes home. 14:30 Wednesday Lose 1/2 production on repairs {08:00 Kalindi produces bad Quality. ‘Sangita back, Urvarshi O.K. 10:00 [Devi in tears. Production down by 20 pieces 12:00 | Ramar bad quality | Repairs 1 hours : | Sunit's Machine breakdown for 2 Hours 14:30 [AILO.K. End of Exercise ‘Managing Assembly Line: Simulation Exercise/APC/GMT-NIFT/P1/2000 Te oo yo] _al___tfuoms dorg seyoa} sol _saNal_ai sanaais 9] 01 yo] a i pioau (¢) youns doi} 90} ysrl a su xo} vl} 60] way diun| 20] teddy} uno] oe} no HI yifuo_sersais uv] eo] sons vo} oi 2} 2 y08U OF purg| si yo] 9] _vojecei z Bupuia wv} volisa) sn} _ ‘04 001 yol_r} _rhuoy_o1 sce av} 90) | stueas onsois luof pue siepinoys| B]_ ib tfuiog wor] zo] vols ayOK yoRG “We DO} Zeyh yuoy wy] eo} sails VO] + sweas| EI tpyoeq ony _uior} zo} 0} __2} +— SOROaS 1se13} I 20] seddiunal 4 aly Ta aI dim] ‘posd} | etn] ‘Posd aim ‘On Gea} [1] posal iris} 40}e18do} auyoen} “do| IM] “Porg POLES © OO OOOO 02 COOKE MOO ODO MUmMD Determination of In-Process Inventory Requirements Reference Manual Developed by Siddhartha Sankar Ray & Edited by Prabir Jana Garment Manufacturing Technology Deparment Nationa Institute of Fashion Technology @ VSCoes STOOD eS © SO0-H4d e@o@ 0a . www CC OC ES w ‘Scheduling Calculation: Determination of Work In Process Prodtonseheae ee wee Tecessy io yield a balanced producson ie fr oven ee ost stop in making the procese’ meses. clang the proper amount of backog ime, Wik na oes: botienecking with a minimum “in trove bundles to Spscter fee_2 pam m operation 1 preducass bundee ft Gear Seared But can we pass olor wo nee ner eoh27 NO 38 ther oe operators wating. So, here has bear produced in operation t be progam ss nam gpraton 2 Now lo produces bundles of Serato, Sakon tae (though actualy 6 bunds wi ‘be produced as each operator works ona whole bundle, onsss une Bae ates that an bo Used to Calculate the minum bickog ie required tor minimum inventoryin- process without Botlenecting, ‘The steps fr tho graph method are as flows: 4. Determine he operating tine par bundle for each operation. 2 tetra ramet peers needed fo each operation order to ld he balanced producton roquired per unit time (pretoraby in hou). 4 Fem be nee a Xa he abscissa, marked off in Sime uns andthe ai, he orsinat, ‘marked off in bundle uit, * Bering aaaraten fom tp 1 and 2, plot he operating te roqured omens sane ra bbundtes for each operation, Prot this in a block format as iustated fn fg, 1 ro ascumptionsy on a Sada phases Tartan ay Sssombly tne marulactuing procste, Whe bak ‘parators for a new style, old WIP is Tinian Seed el Pa hfe WI les I We goneraly dont be ie ‘rem 2210 every tine, This modcle will explain roauate WipbelwcenmasereT Peston fr aveldng botleneck. You Rave Walon Mise fag time to bul pre- ‘roquiste WIP betwen process, . : NIFTOMT /APC Sedans Ray Pais 2001 Lot's explain this with an exampl In a production schedule the targeted production 's 6 bundles por hour. And lat us take 4 successive oporations whose work Contents por bundles are 20,60, 20, and 80 SM (Standard Minutes) respecively. Hence to produce 6 buncles per hour the number Of operator requted in each operation and the number of bundle prosuced by eadt operator in those operations ara determined fand shown in the following table joke E a | Bunaie produced by one 13 a of operators required to produce 6 bundles par hour 2 Plot the Bock graph stucture foreach job in the sequence in which the operations are parformed in tha line. While plting the operations keep the 1" operavon atthe X, Y zoro juncture ofthe graph, The Sock graph structure for cach job will have a sing Stop formation Tha slopes of the block graph structures wil be alike fr all the operatons because the fotal amount beng preduced or unit ima in each successive operation is alike for each operation (ae the Ine le Balanced). See fig 1 The stsinvay dimensions, rise and oad, of each “slainway’ grach tine wil vary according to the relative gragh space measurements assigned to bundles and time values. The block g’aph sivcture fora successive operation will begin atthe time Value at which sufcient bundes have been produced in the preceding operaton to permit al of the operators of the successive operations to begin working simultaneously I blocks trom two successive block structure overlap, this signifies a botlanack between the two operators. It means a lag time is required between the tie al which sufficient bundles are produced and the time al which successive operators can begin without ‘overtaking the production ofthe operators i tho preceding operation. Tha minmum lag, needed to present such bottlenecks, can be dolemined easly by measuring the greatest abscissa overlap in two overfanging blocks re assumptions Comperents of 10, 15 220 numbers and tied (or bundled) together and vested ae unit for material movoment between operations uncles eant be broken while material is moved from one operalin to anoler. Foc example if wo bundies and three operators are ‘available, we can’ brgak the bundle ang cistibuto the work. We need minimum of three bundles to giv to three operators, Control Parameters in Line Balancing Reference Manual Prabir Jana As rofessor Department of Fashion Technology National Institute of Fashion -chnology New Delhi Kolkata Hyderabad ‘Bangalore Chennai Mumbai Gandhinagar Apparel production Planning & Control Floater: Floater generally can perform all operations but at much lower efficiency, Floaters should not be allocated to any specific operation in any line plan. Floaters are there to handle unforeseeable circumstances, once operators are absent, performing below standard, sick, or any such emergencies, then floaters are allocated to the problematic operation. Rating: Rating is the assessment of a workers rate of working, What the observer is concemed with is therefore the speed with which the operator carries out the work, in relation to observers’ concept of normal speed. Thus rating is very subjective exercise. It is necessary (0 have a numerical scale of rating (o make the assessniont effective. In a 0-100 scale, 0 represents zero activity and 100 the normal tate of working of a motivated qualified worker - ie. the standard rate. Rating is used as factor by which the observed time can be multiplied to give the basic time. In Operator’s Skill Inventory database the rating should be updated regularly for near accurate balancing. Pitch Time: Pitch time is the theoretical operation time, each operator should take for a planned balanced line. Itis calculated as = (SAM value of a style) / (No. of operator required to meet the target) Clubbing and Splitting of operations are done to match every operation timings with pitch time. Lesser the deviation of operation timings from pitch time, better the balancing efficiency can be achieved wip: {1] Balance between the speed of workers {2] To take care of absenteeism [3] To take care machine breakdown, Copyright © Prabir Jana 2000-2003 = Apparel production Planning & Cor For intrinsic balance we have allocated total three operators with closest performance available. For operation A we need 100% operator, and closest available is Urmila (105%) and so on. Also interesting to note that Savita is not utilized for operations, what she can do best. For dynamic balance we have allocated only two operators, total performance needed is 246% (100+80466) Savita and Rita together (140+100)% can match the requirement. Here operators are allocated to operations, what they can do best. This dynamic balance results better operator utilisation but comparatively difficult to maintain. Some of the characteristics of these systems are mentioned below. [Parameters —__ Intrinsic balance Dynamic Balance ['No. of people required [Less Movement of operators __| More ae Heavy absenteeism Not preferred Preferred Supervisor skill a Less headache More headache | [WIP managem Operator utilisation — Material movement [ More _ Balance: The aim of balancing is to maximise operator and machine utilisation, while ensuring least operator shuffling. (Movement between operations) Attendance: Record of attendance is very important prerequisite for balancing a line. Only the present operators are allocated to different operations. While planning for balancing a line, average absenteeism figure is used to calculate the no. of expected present operators, whom operation can be allocated, Movement of operators: Output is lost every time an operator is moved to a new job. Anticipation of problems is the best way to keep this lost output to a minimum and line operators should never be moved for less than an hour except in an emergency. Even floaters should be given a sufficiently long run to work up their speed. On occasions it is more efficient to arrange the manning, Copyright © Prabir Jana 2000-2003 2 ‘Apparel production Planning Control Parameters in Line Balancing There are different parameters, which control balancing of assembly line in garment manufacturing. Some of the important parameters are defined and explained here. Operator’s Skill Inventory: This database maintains the Fecord of each operator, who can do what operation and at what rating. It is verysimportant to keep this database updated as over the time operator acquires skills for new operations as well as improve performance in existing operations. i Allocation: ! ~ Appropriate allocation of operators to operations is the key to any balancing. Allocation also depends on type of balance required. One approach of allocation is to find the closest match between operator performance required and operator performance available. This*type of allocation results intrinsic balance of line. Another approach of allocation is fo utilise the operators in operations they can do best. This approach results dynamic balance of line. Let's understand this from an example: : Operation SAM | Machine | Target | Operator performance 5 Required A. Collar attaching [1.5 _|SNLS__[40pes [100% B. Cuffattaching [1.2 | SNLS__ [40 pes [80% C. Band Hemming [1.0 [SNLS__[40 pes [66% From operators’ skill inventory the operator performances available are Sita Urmila Rita Savita For OpA | 70% 105% 140% For OpB [80% 100% For OpC__| 120% 70%. 100% 70% Allocation Operation Intrinsic balance Dynamic Balance A. Collar attaching Urmila Savita B. Cuff attaching Sita Rita C. Band Hemmin| Savita Savita + Rita Copyright © Prabi Jana 2000-2003 1 ? ? : : ! ! Make Through System Itis the traditional method of manufacture in which an operator makes right through one garment at a time. The advantages and disadvantages of a make through system are shown in Table 1 [The advantages of the Make Through [The disadvantages of the ‘System are: lare: | [f. Quick throughput time. 't. Low productivity, i [2 Easy to supervise 2-High labour cost. SSS + 3. Only very experiences jused 4. It is a system only suitable in couture and sample making. Table 1 - Advantages and disadvantages of Make Through System. Conventional Bundle System With this system,. sewing machines are arranged in lines. The work flows: from the central (store) area to the first machine, from the first machine back to the store, and then on to the next machine, and so forth. A distributor stationed at the store is responsible for receiving and dispatching the work. The work in progress is in the form of bundles. These bundles may be put on to a tray, a box, or a bag, or the garment Parts may be wrapped and tied. The conventional bundle system was widely used in garment factories in Hong Kong during the 1950s. At that time, the level of managerial skill was not as high as itis today. The system is still used in certain places where there are frequent changes in garment style but a low level of managerial skill Figure 1 - A conventional bundle system. GMP Handout 2005 - Manufacturing Systems ‘Source: The Clump System Another system that has the same characteristics as the conventional bundle system is the ‘clump’ system as shown in Figure 2. In Figure 2, a worker collects a clump of materials from the worktable and carries out the first operation. After he has completed his part of the work, he returns it to the table. A worker for the second operation then continues the work and so on. The process is ' collection - work - return’ continues until the whole garment has been assembled, Table of Work ops) {ops lops| _—_fop3 ] eps| [ops] Figure 2 - Another example of a conventional bundle system - the clump system. The advantages and disadvantages of Conventional Bundle System he disadvantages of convent ak ce os 1. Tt requires excessive handing of the materials | fremnl Sule ctanes a ecm Pe Vie marco meen ek ier nee fie og, a [back to the central inventory. B: Worker absenieciam doos not cause any major Problems, as the eontraler can contol the amount 2. is ficult contol the ventory of work received and dispatches, [3.1L is difficult to see the work in progress at the '3. The system is easy to operate and supervise, Far ali phtee ra es i een ee lay Orne ee oes i4. Engineering of work places is difficult because itheir own work to the central inventory [machines are arranged inthe ited capaci {S. It is easier to obtain a uniform level of quality, as eer ne, | {the controller can check the quality control. r Tob lage cogs ew Sed bovis aE ae ohne rene ist [5. High tevel of work-in-progress. | GMP Handout 2005 - Manufacturing Systems Source: Progressive Bundle System With the progressive bundle system, the sewing operations are laid out in sequence. Each operator receives a bundle, does his work, reties the bundle and passes it to the next operator. Figure 3 shows a schematic view of the progressive bundle system There is usually a storage facility such as rack, bin or table for storing the inter-process work between each operation. The work is routed by means of tickets. Any imbalance in production can be corrected by using utility workers. This system is the most widely used system in the garment industry today. it is used in shit factories, jeans factories jacket factories, etc. feat orr| ort Figure 3 - A progressive bundle system. The advantages and disadvantages of Progressive Bundle System High productiviy {Machine investment costs are hghy | [B.The system isnot very adaptabie (oF éhorirun 2. A high eve of abor uiization can be achieved. [production and frequent ive canoes, Sena [require rearrangement of he workstations, 5. 1 involves high handing costs for bundle handing and transportation at requies a high level of workin progre [therefore a high aptal commitment [5- It requires a high level of management ek to 5. Semisited labor canbe used arrange the workow and decide on the number of operator for each operation [3 A uniformly Tigh standard of work can be [achieved and [a Training time and costs can be ecco |S. tnavidval perfomance ean be monitored and : lincentves ofered, | GIMP Handout 2005 - Manufacturing Systems Source: Flexible Flow System Itis similar as the progressive bundle system, sh ure 4. The main feature of this system is that @ section of sewing operators, each with a supply of work in a rack at the side, work at an engineered work place. The machines are laid out in such a way that a flow of work can be planned using the correct number of operators in sequence. In Figure 4, two styles of garment are being made at one time. For style A garments, the work distributed after operation 1 can be distributed to the two operators performing operation 2. On Completion, the work fram both workers is then sent to operator 3. After operation 3, the work is continued by the two operators performing operation 4 and s0 on. Style 8 progresses in more or less the same way. One important point to notice is that when a new style is to be loaded on to the system, the umber of operators needed for each operation must be planned in detail to ensure a balanced output. The number of operators for an operation should be proportionate to the time needed for that operation. Detailed planning ensures that if the production run on a style is short, only a few operators are allocated to that style. STYLE A STYLE A STYLE B fora] [orRa ] co [OPa3s OPrs3 | ] OPaz | a [Opr2 ] OPai = ors] £ 5_| OPBI ] STYLE A STYLE Bl STYLE B Figure 4 - Flexible flow system. The advantages and disadvantages of Flexible Flow System [Phe advantages of the exible flow system are: [The disadvantages of flexible flow system are: progressive bundle system, ip ie [2. The system is adaptable for short-run production | land frequent style changes, as these do not require rearrangement of the workstations, [3. A uniformly high standard of work can be 3. It involves high handling costs for bundle handling lachioved, land transportation. f Machine investment costs are less tac P A high level of labor utiization can be achieved. 4. It requires @ high level of work in progress and |therefore a high capital commitment. is. it |S. It requires a hi ment skill to) aie wai requir igh level of management skill to ican iasel perfomance) can he monitored Snel anes tie work fowiend decile onthe risrber of] eserves ote loperators for each operations. GMP Handout 2005 - Manufacturing Systems Source: Straight Line System With this system, the manufacturing process is broken down into several operations, which take the same time to complete. Figure 5 shows an example of a straight- line system. Groups of operators are required to handle only individual garments. The garment parts (in trays) pass from one operator to the next, until the garment has been completely made up by one group of operators. The central distribution unit may be a fixed table, which must be wide enough for the type and style of garment being assembled and long enough to accommodate the OF: me required number of operations. Alternatively, the Cre distribution unit may be @ conveyor belt, as shown in ro PR Figure 5 when a moving conveyor belt is used, its speed es will be set to suit the cycle time. ft The straight-line system is used wheré production OM | continues for six to eight weeks. In the garment industry, examples of this system can be found in factories Figure § - An making underwear, overalls, shirts, and certain classic example of a straight | garments line system. The advantages and disadvantages of Straight Line System straight line system are: [progress is low. 1. The system is not very flexible to style change [2. Material handing time is low and there is no |back tracking of material | 2. Quality control can be difficult to achieve. | {Absenteeism can cause problems, as the system | is based on workers working within a time limit. | [4. it does not require @ great deal of technical/4. Machine breakdowns and worker absenteeism | lsupenision or lateness may disrupt the workfiow. [3. The space required for each operator is small 5. The opportunities to engineer work places are limited and itis difficult to introduce specialization, . The system requires a high investment in machinery, as it is necessary to duplicate several different types of machines. 7. A high standard of work measurement is) necessary and high pre-production skills are requires [5. Shading control can be improved GMP Handout 2005 - Manufacturing Systems Source: Synchro Flow System Another system having similar characteristics to the straight-line system is the ‘Synchro flow’ system, shown in Figure 6. With this system, garment parts of the same size and color are processed separately. Different garment parts can be processed simultaneously for assembling. You can see from Figure 6 that the main body of the garment goes down a central line, At the seam time, collars, sleeves, cuffs, pockets, etc., from other lines also go down a central line. The different garment parts are then processed together to form completed garments. A Direction of Flow A Figure 6 - A synchro flow system. The advantages and disadvantages of Synchro Flow System {The advantages of the synchro Now sysiem are: [Thedisadvantages of synchro ow system are) e a ve { z Hi. Absenteeism can cause probloms, es the Ipromtetiquaneut time Is fast and tho Work iasatem is based on workers working win a tie! progress is low. rary [2. Material handling time is low and there is no Iback [2. Machine breakdowns and worker absenteeism ior lateness may disrupt the work i Fi (dea! of waymalé. A High slandard” of wok meaturenont | Frage nt raule © great deal of cto cseaty and high prepreducien Ste oe " lrequired. GMP Handout 2005 - Manufacturing Systems Souree: Unit Production System ‘A unit production system (UPS) is a computer-controlled production line. It is a type of line layout that uses an overhead transport system to move individual units from work- station to work station for assembly. All the parts for a single garment are advanced through the production line together by means of a hanging carrier that travels along an overhead conveyor. Production operations are completed without removing the parts from the carrier. Automated materials handling replaces the traditional system of bundling, tying and untying, and manually moving garment parts. Electronic data can be collected from workstations, which provides payroll and inventory data, immediate tracking of styles, and costing and performance data for prompt decision - Unit Production System using computerized selector conveyors. Source: A.J, Chuter, Introduction to clothing production management, 1995 The advantages and disadvantages of Unit Production System [The advantage in System ares it. The system is very flexible and complied with |work meansurement. of the unit produa {The disadvantages of | {control i : cause (2: Small orders are not economical for using this '3. Fast through put time can be achieved because [2 Smal OF eae lof the lower WP of the system, |system because high preparation works is needed {for plant layout and line balancing, | [4 Low WIP leads fo spa [5 Appssin of Eon yet ests nan time [6. High quality of garments can be made. | GMP Handout 2005 - Manufacturing Systems ‘Source: Modular Manufacturing System Modular manufacturing groups operators into teams, or modules. The team works on one/a few garment at a time instead of a bundle of garments. The operators stand /sit at their stations and rotate to different machines as they work, becoming familiar with multiple steps in producing the garment. They also inspect their team's own work, caiching and correcting mistakes as soon as they happen. Early experiments with modular manufacturing show that, besides inspiring teamwork and improving morale, it also enhances quality and reduces worker turnover. To make a garment using modular manufacturing or the unit production, the through put time is reduced of Producing a garment. Figure 8 - Modular Manufacturing System. The advantages and disadvantages of Modular Manufacturing System [The advantages of the modular twanufacturing [The dl neon lea can handle more than one task 1, Multi sklfl and very sill labors 2. The system is very flexi fine ba . Fast through put tine, lowe size can be achieved [4- Less floor space is required [5. More teamwork spnt is alowed, which creates @ feather “working “emwrenmen end improves | needed. | le and permits better [2. Success of the system needs highly cooperation | lof the team, | quick response to the fashion change, which helps to develop feshion| (garment capability GMP Handout 2005 - Manufacturing Systems Source: Unit Production System: The Real Benefit? Now-a-days Unit Production System (commonly known as UPS) has become a buzzword in- garment manufacturing industry. We will demystify some common myths and discuss about its’ bertefits. UPS was developed in 1963, after a garment production manager in a shirt factory discovered that only about 20% of manufacturing costs were associated with the value added time (actual sewing), while 80% of these costs represented material handling, Two years were committed to develop the UPS, so that the relative share of value- added (stitching) time on the part of the operator would increase. UPS is actually derived from generic "Unit Flow Production System’ which may be defined as when all the components of a single garment is put on a single hangeritray/chain and pass through a line where different operators are going to work on different operations using different components. Though the common perception of UPS is “overhead rails and hangers”, but It is important to understand that UPS is basically a system of manufacturing (in garment sewing) and not an equipment. Instead of putting on a hanger all the components of a single garment may be kept on a tray and being pushed from operator to operator through center table, this is also called Unit Production System. While the system itself (without the costly infrastructure!) offers numerous benefit itis unfortunate that sales guys are trying to sell the equipments without knowing the real benefit themselves. Unit Production System is a basically overhead transporter that moves single garments between workstations. It is also known as ‘mover’, ‘hanger’ or ‘overhead conveyor’ system. There are different levels of technology available in UPS, manual and automatic. While the garment components are being hanged by a chain/hanger from a over head rail, the movement of the hanger/chain between workstation to workstation may be manual and achieved by simply pushing. A good example of such equipment is Switchtrack from UK. In the automatic category the movement is achieved by pressing Of a button by the operator. Eton, SMART-MRT, Tukalna, Invesmove, Gartner, Schonenberger etc. are examples of automated UPS. As traditionally Indian manufacturers always resisted investment in technology (giving the excuse of cheap labour!), the UPS did not have a good presence in India till recently. While countries lke Thailand have around 950 ETON workstations running in 1997 India has only 13 by 1999. Till date approximately 250 (200 manual and 50 automated) workstations in India run on UPS! Which is an abysmal figure. The non- Popularization of UPS in India is mainly attributed to two reasons. Firstly the technology vendors not focusing on core benefit areas for India and secondly absence of the right product categories. Benefits Statistics show that operators in most Progressive Bundles Systems (PBS) factory often spend a considerable time on tying and untying bundles, pulling the bundle tickets, handling works and associated clerical works. The UPS presents the garment directly 1 Copyright © Prabir Jana 2002, All Rights Reserved i the operator for easy pick-up and then automatically removes the garment upon completion. This reduces the Direct Labor Content by eliminating bundle Handling costs and the associated clerical duti The primary benefit of UPS system is reducing handling time in sewing, no crushing of components while sewing (especially beneficial for structured garments like blazer etc.) It is surprising that even today some of the premium UPS suppliers only talk about secondary benefits like reduction of throughput time (by reducing WIP) ete. if anybody wants fo improve throughput time, he can do so even without investing on costly UPS infrastructure. It is merely incidental that UPS also encourages reduction of WIP. Mr Varun Sharma, managing partner of JPC India, who is using Switchtrack for nearly = decade now aptly puts it ‘while the space utilization and material handling time accounts for 10 p: vings over traditional PBU system, the other hidden benefits (specially important for Indian manufac urers!) are in cleanliness and accountability of pieces" Conveyorised UPS maximises space utilisation as garment components occupy more vertical space than horizontal. As components are being hanged from overhead, less chances of accumulating dust and getting dirty. Another potential area is real time data collection; commonly counting and tracking of pieces in assembly line is arduous task due to piles of WIP. UPS offers great benefit in tracking any particular bundle from systematic arrangement of pieces. Ease in linking with Management Information Systems ( Drawbacks There is common fear that once line is set up with overhead hangers, flexibility of change in layout (whenever required due to product change) is restricted. However the apprehension is completely baseless, as Mr. Sharma puts it “Flexibility of layout has no impact. In case we are starting a new style, machines siill can be relocated”. Another very important challenge of UPS is that minimized WIP tends to result poor operator utilization. Traditionally for volume orders manufactures tries to maximize operator Productivity by sectional (PBU) working system Conclusion While the automated equipments offer additional benefits like real time data capture, automatic operator re-allocation etc. the manual movement types still offer you the key benefits, value for money. Return on Investment lies on appropriateness of technology « and clever and improvised use of it Copyright © Prabir Jana 2002, All Rights Reserved Manufacturing System Comparison [ Make Through ations are being done by one machine /one person ‘Assembly Line Different operators are doing different operations. make through 2. No Scope of special machine or 2. Lots of scope of special machines, attachments attachments & work aids 3. Inmake through there is no 3. Inassembly Tine, there te standardisation in production. There standardization in production and also | isno consistency in quality. consistency in quality. 4. Generally piece rate salary 4. Generally monthly paid salary structure, structure 5. Pride of work lots of chances to get |5. No pride of work no chance to get ihe the popularity __ popularity i“ 6. No WIP i.e. work in process in WIP i.e. workin process is higher in [6. | ~ assembly line specially in line system, High and low quantity of order, both are welcome. 7. Only huge quantity of order are preferred 8. No problem of Absenteeism Easy to establish labour cost 8. Absenteeism is a very big problem in assembly line | [ 9. Its difficult to establish labour cost. 10. This process requires much handling time 10. Less handling time is required Ti.Less supervision cost. 11.More supervision cost 12. Difficult to Identify errors. 12.Easy to identify errors. 13.lts a work of creativity person enjoys while working 13. No creativity in work. All monotonous work is to be done 14. Less chance of duplication of error it not supervised 14. More chance of duplication of error not supervised. 15. In this process, there is no possibilty to improve the productivity 16.Plant & machinery costisless___| 16. In this there is chances to improve the productivity 16. Plant & Machinery cost is higher 17. Non-repetiive job, No RSI 17. Repetitive, job, Risk of RSI Copyright © Prabir Jan 2000 All Rights Reserved Kit INSTRUCTION MANUAL An Exercise in Flexible Manufacturing Welcome to Penville A 2 ‘The Road to the Future aaa 2 What is Included in the Penville Kit? 4 ‘What is the Push System? . 15 Conducting the Push Exercise 15 Record Keeping for Exercise 1 16 Review of the Push System Exercise 16 Exercise 25.the Kanban:system< What is the Kanban System? 19 Conducting the Kanban Exercise: 19 Record Keeping for Exercise 2 20 Review of the Kanban System Exercise 2 What is the Team System? ae as Conducting the Teant Exercise 2B Record Keeping for Exercise3 25 Review of the Team System Exercise 2s Se Journey's End or Just the Beginning? 26 elcome to Penville Congratulations on your pu Penville Plant Kit, The task efits of f nonstrating the bei of d -on, interactive oppc become aasier. The kit provides managers, engineers, designers or line personnel to experience three stems. Participants in the Penville Plant exercise produce ballpoint pens using the Push, Kanban and Te Systems of manufacturing. Guiding participants through the tran m traditional batch manufacturing to demand-flow manu rained employees. the Penville Plan wufacturi cturing amwork and crass- how the use of flexible ma Kut vividly demon ( cds can result in d productivity over mare nual is written for the person leading participants throug! This 8 Pemille Plant exercises, The "Gewi g Ready" section describe: he actual exercises. These are the should be required housekeeping chores. "Getting Started” establishes the lone prior to runnit e exercises such as selecting groundwork com non to each of the thr ntrodu 2 production li ng the pen parts to the parti bly and introducing the panicip: ‘ille kit. Each cludes a emonstratin; the pen as systems used in the Per the tree manufa: rehzing system is presented as a separate exercise and it .senption of the exercise’s manufacturing system, directio ducting the exercise, how to record pertinent data, and a review of the nded to facili erted di The Road fo The Future - ican companies are in transition. Managers are searc row ways to supervise as organizations undergo niassive restructuring ing eliminated and company Ie {-2dsonal jobs are changing o ting busines with new approaches for conduct s seek more flexibility. mare accou ihe workplace. many American co jayees 1n what Was 7 5 © the Penviie Plant Kits nF 4. They are anereasit anagem ax opinions ean help solve critical problers, There cand apprecimon for the “espent™ shill and dest ‘gon elosest ty the job, The intense compen al ahitity of the pe marketplace and the result buted to the increa jgcus on peti’ duality ‘customer salisfichon has contr of each employee's input and performance, The 3 + what they help create is drwy importa cianding that people suppor is mvetmgnt away from a authorstative, coere}se ED sa wantwork, Companies are realizin «does nat fully utilize tts workforce oF provide the company Suh narkerpiace. needs to survive in a highly conipet expertise of ind ng on the wisdom tn the occasional challenge company, Jory are inereasinaly rely! xi specialized teams to solve t operitional problems faced by ever viduals a and the day-to-day {Wen individual employees are isolated, the opportunity of creat: comething collectively is lost. The output of employees working 1 sater than the combined output of its teams is. in many instances, gr¢: individual members working alone. The Penville kit addresses many of these innovative ideas by providing an opportunity for participants to experience the transition from a tradi- tional manufacturing system to mod- em flexible manufacturing. Exercise 1. The Push System, demonstrates the inefficiency and ineffectiveness of participants working alone. In this traditional system, no consideration is given to how problems will be solved, the effective use of materials or to the snaximum utilization of the skills and abilities of the individual worker. The ‘voal is to produce as miuuch as possi- market demand. ble. regardless of Nexible manufacturing as a Self-balanci ster wement style which promotes teamwork and Ivement atify the characteris he environment and product Pree What is included in the Penville kit? kit includes: The user's guide you are currently reading. It describes the ch methods and all the direct requred for conducting the s that demonstrate cach method. Alse cluded are: WAZ Se parts necessary to assemble 150 int pens. These are the metal cap, plastic insert, plastic click plzce, top barrel, ink eylin metal ring and bottom barre WL: risstic tubs 5 Xecban cards >. cardboard shippi eels for recording exercise results The Mit does not sopnateh or tim sid watches 0 ccomuyet the nie study wate mavalable, ordi scatches will suk clude a + wo time he required ises. I srist ec. One watch and ane to clock the througi-pul time. The Pen ithe be used to time the producti the amount of tine defines through-put tim quired to move one pen completely throush the production Tine when operating ma Firs In First-Out mode al caps, plastic clickes p etal rings into individu lids of the tbs. The manipulation of these small size components by the of the nub lids.) | Ploc ink icker | ovinders | pieces ond 1 | portels ot | ond springs | top barrels | workstation at #4 | workstation | workstation #3 #2 Place the metal caps nd plastic inserts ot workstation #1 Te Penutie Plant tablished tn "Getti BE Select another participant 1 keep production records far ord of bet of defects, the total number of pens in cand the throush-put time will ena sons at the end of the Penville ou to make con exercise Procedure: Show the participants each of the pen parts and the cardboard Doses to be used by the Penville Plant production line. As each partis shown, identify it by name. Explain to the participants that there are ent parts. The parts are the: Poasiesy «7 / plastic insert ink cylinder metal ring. plastic clicker piece shipping bo Operation 1 a Pick up the met fh one hand @ From the left, pick up the subassembly produced n Operation j \rR ack op plc licker pie \ i Phice the plastic clicker piece into the bottom of the subassembly Pick up a top barrel E Drop the subassembly into the top b metal up fist “e the new subassembly on the Fe to the night Operation 3: 1 From the lef, pick up the subassembly produced in Operation 2 15 Pick up an ink cylinder Put the open end of the ink cylinder into the top barrel of the subassembly produced in Operation 2 Pick up a spring S Put the spring onto the writing end of the ink cylinder Place the new subassembly on the table to the right Drop the metal nn end of the ink eyh Pick up a bottom barrel Drop th e wyiting end of the in assembly on the table to th Operation 5: wottam barrel of the pen o VENT PAR’ AS se] J2°4 Introduce the Three Manufacturing sysiems. ane” wall assem BE spline to me parmcapants that the Peasaibe nem dunng thie esereises using three dillerent manufset: the Push, Kanban and Team Systems, Heech run-time. determine stems. These snereise Sill be uinied to standardize resuits, Th ty vat, sitonkd be exactly the same for each maulacturites route eunetine 1s usually: suiTietent Qhoth the prehiminary requirsmmenty established. the Bist cies he Pash System, 18 ready to began, Traditional Manufacturing System 44 Waat is the Push System? The first manufucturin: ill use is the Push System, Explain to the part or batch system, is operator producing as ma 2 individ! of asl ; - mance ony by the number of subassemb does not directly tie nee to the nu com number of sul als his or her pay. Conducting the Pu: B Fach of the five participants selec he record per will participate the Push Syste ach participant has a goal to p subassemblies as possit ough the ach subassembly to be of the highest quality: R explaining to the “workers” that they a based on the number of pens produced E Announce the pro: es, (See Step Four. p. 13) E Inform the participants that the run-time as well as the through-put time will bz measured. Remind the througi-pu time measurement to be accurate, iis important fos them 9 complete subassemblies on a firs: & Ask the nanicipants if the: ny questions. cor n System procedure © Ask the participants to start production and bs in keepin the run-time and the through-put time. A recommendation is ibegin timing through-put one minute he line F Stop production after the run-time has ee ee ee me d, the fol stem c: 1d participation, the Push System exercise comp paint neering the Push Manufacturing the pa nts. Encourage discussio Key Points: 1) The Pu on keepin kstations busy rather than the efficient use 0 ng to order th the line, 4) The Push System requii balancing th 5) Th visors to spend large amounts of time 1 inherent in the Pu k of agility and long through-put ¢ puke this pro 6) Line benttenceh ysten = musiufaetur ur for several reasons. The two causes this exercise stlenrecks 0% focuses on are: the work ured cent on one task may be different tro a The work co! increasing, or decreasing content on another task, to complete the task sfirm tasks at different rates of speed and B indivi efficiency ejine starting the next exervise, have the participants isin pons in-process jinn the Push System exercise Moving Toward a “Pull” : Manufacturing System The Pendle Plont Ka, to Me What is the Kanban System? The second int uning systema the Penville tne wail utilize ts the Kanban System, Esplain to the participants that the Kanban System nironduices the concept af the Kanban card and the pull system aban isa Japanese word meaning visual fgnal, In this manulivctur gystem, the Kanban card is visual signal that rep for a product or product component, The Penville Plant's Kanban card looks like this 7 ents i request withe two rectangles on gard represents uv order or signal for the pioducti for one subassembly, In a pall system, such as the Kanban, the end of the line contrals the production process, When the last operator takes a finished pen from the card and puts it into a shipping box. the empty rectangl or requests another subassembly from the operator to the left. This process repeats itself all the way up the production line, Each operator pulls 2 subassembly from the Kanban card to the right co fill an ot This ereates an order for the card on the left on the Kanban eard “pulls The production line under a Kanban System is controlled by the last operation. When that operation pulls a subassembly and opens 2 pos!- tion in its Kanban, a chain reaction takes place and moves back up the line initiating orders to keep Kanbans full. During the Kanban ex effect of the last operation controlling the line may not be obvious To illustrate the pull as controlled by the last operation an optional se ‘ond Kanban exercise, “Illustrating the Pull”, is included in this chapter Conducting the Kanban System Exercise in this transitional manufacturing system, there are still Five operations and five participants as there were in the Push System. Begin by placing one Kanban card from the Penville kit between. each participant. A total of four cards will be used Explain to the participants that during this exercise each participant hhas a goal to keep the Kanban card o their 1 full. When one rectangle is empty, the participant has a request to produce one pen or one subassembly, When both rectangles are emp pant h When path recta the partic) a request to produce two pans or two subassemblies os are full, the Kanban is said to be full ea at least one Pl 2, there should n a lustrate thé jon to a pull system, ph a > duction of subassemblies before they are requ ( Ask the participants if ther tions eonceming th ban System procedi « 11 run-time will be § minutes & Inform the pants that the run-time as well as the through-p time will be measured. Remind the participants that for the throuzh: put time measurement to be accurate, itis important for ther t first-in/ -out basis. B Ask the participants to start production and begin keeping track the run-time and the through-put time. 1B Stop production after the run-time has elapsed. Record Keeping for Exercise 2 ¢ mAs with Exercise 1, after the agreed upon production time has passed, ask the record keeper to prepare to record data, 4 © Ask the participants for production dat ~ and then ask the record keeper to list . the data on the same ecord Form begun in Exercise 1 Data includes: ~ total finished pens — total d total pens in-process through-put time The Penile Plant Ki in Exercise In Flew lanufacring What is the Team System? « Explain to the participants that the Team System, like the Kanban System, is a type of pull manufacturing system. However it relies on a 2roup of workers who have the responsibility for manufacturing a prod- Ut from beginning to end and for maintaining finished product quality The Team S; ‘balancing system which creates flexibility in the manufacturing process by overlapping the responsibilities of ‘ workers, Unlike the Push System or the Kanban System, workers are = cross-trained to perform multiple tasks. tem is a Some of the benefits of this type of flexible manufacturing system come from decisions the operators make on how to handle problems that arise during the production process. As members of a team, any member can temporarily step out of the production process to handle a problem knowing that fellow team member is capable of assuming | the performance of their task. IF it is a minor problem, the operator may simply step aside and handle it Ifthe problem is critical, an individual operator has the option to | stop the production line to discuss it with the entire team. i Conducting the Team System Exercise Before going any further, ask operator and operator 5 from the origi- nal production line to drop out ofthe line. In this exercise, the feam Consists of three operators performing the original five operations. i Since the success of the Team System relies on fewer operators per forming more operations it is necessary to crass-muain the operators. In : this Penville exercise, cross-raning is accomplished inthe following way: « operator will need to know how to perforni the operation tothe left (preceding operation) and to the right (following operation) oftheir ‘original workstation. Allow the three operators to cross-train one i | | [5 Each operator will have to perform at least three operations. Each | | another before continuing with the exercise. j & The goal of this exercise is forthe team to produce as many pens ‘out defects as possible. The process is similar to the previous Kanban exercise, but instead of a card, the empty hand of the operator to the rigit is the visual signal that represents an order. However, unlike a card. the hand of the onerntor ie aetivn and « no longer laid on the table. The operator in ms the pe of subassembly reaches out and pulls’ hgprevious operator at any stage in the proc « operator who pub the pen completes as many operations as possible before the 0 assembly and completes as many operations 3s opgrator pulls the sub ‘goon, Ian operator gets 10 an operation whe fe there pogsible, an anther operator they mm 4 wait until that operator pulls their sub- rodiuction li assembly or move tothe next operation down the ai to bring a new pen into the pr ator 3t rnc places it in a box. Oper pulls from operator 2, who pals from operator |. THA nal gin the process b operator 1 10 begit P anew pen in the process.] sticipant in position position 2 1 the participants to allow the P rations 1 and 2 before the participant complete 0 bly and completes operation 3. Finally parnciPs 7 bly and completes operations 4 and 5. pulls the subasse 3 pulls the subas tg During this exercise each operator may not have MOT than one if subassembly ata time. Operators should be reminded that they 2 onger working for themselves, but as 2 member of a team. AS team are responsible for the quality of the pens Team all members of t at Ask the participants if there are any questions concert te Announce the production runtime will be 5 minutes | (See Step Four, p. 13) | ough-put as well as the th x a Inform the participants that the run-time eS time will be measured. Nott: First-In/First-Outis & by-product of < the pull system; this eliminates concern about production sequencing Ask the participants to start production: Begin keeping track of run-time and through-put time. er the run-time has elapsed Stop production af ‘Te Penile Plot Kits in Exercise fe PlesiMe Afanyfacimring € Record Keeping for Exercise 3 As with Exercises | and 2, after the upon production tine has passed, ask the / record keeper to prepare to record data. Ask the participants for production data. / and ask the record keeper to list the s data on the same Record Form used in Vand 2, Exerc total pens in-process ~ through-put time - Data include toial finished pens total defects Wien the Record Form is complete, report the results to the | participants and any observers. | Review of the Team System Exercise \With the Team System exercise completed, the following key points canceming the Team Manufacturing System can be discussed with the participants, Encourage discussion and comparisons between the | Push, Kanban and Team Systems. . Key Points 1) Cross-training and team effort eliminates bottlenecks and reduces the number of pens in-process 2) The Team System focuses on the most efficient use of materials and labor. Materials do not enter the process until they are needed. The signal to bring new materials into the production line is - controlled by the end of the process. - production to take care of a quality problem without stopping production of the entire line. Other operators are capable of assuming one of more operations to balance the process. | Ih 3) Cross-training of operators enables each tearm member to halt their | | 4) Worker empowerment and production efficiency comes from worker involvement in decision making, solving production line problems and an individuals sense of responsibility to the team The team and in essence, the individual worker as a member of that team, has responsibility for the entire production process and the quality of the goods produced. B @ Journey's End or Just The Beginning? ille kit has lead participai onstrate the differen n Push, Kanban and Team While participants have gained an understanding of nicalities and characteristics of cach s ture ilone cannot paint a clear pi anizational requirements sary to facilitate the transition to flexible manufacturing and the iccompanying changes necessary in the workpkice environment hese requirements include: = Com iment and Support & Teanmwork: # Cross-Training = Pull Small ich Sizes and Minimal In-P & Flexibility m Employee Involvement © Continual Improvement m Alternative Pay Systems & Organizational Culture Chang The successful establishment of a flexible manufacturing system is dependent upon commitment and support from all levels of the organization. Such a commitment requires a move away from the n management style. In its place, a manage- . courages employee involvement and teamwork will . traditional, authorit . ment style that e \courage personnel to assume responsibility for their own work ommitted to the environment. When all levels of management are not implementation of the changes required by flexible manufactiring { preparation costs can be lost invest ment in training of these exercises was not to prove that one ma her. Rather, th system is universally superior to an y and customer how the potential for improved q) | by the utilization of flexible manufacturing practices. Quality is't into the flexible manufacturing process, not inspected. Whether ¢ flexible manufacturing suits the needs of an organization is deper on multiple factors. In addition to the organizational conditions t support a move to flexible manufacturing, determining the right production system for a manufacturing operation also requires cc cration of financial, physical ahd strategic realities that are inhere the organization. ‘The Penville Plant exercises were developed by [TCP. ITCP operates a full-time flexible manufacturing facility Ahat serves as @ demonstration site foe industry, (TC} is @fon“profit consortium of industry, ior Boveri it chartered to Fevitalize US. industry. ls snember and asocate | tie fiom Mnarufacturers to tailers Included in (TC}'s | miembérghipttfe Boveri ns tide associations | and other enigs With an interest in strengthening US. industry | | through’ “research: id development, education and demonstration of modem’ techy and techniques. (TCP offers a wide range of seminars including agile manufacturing and methods engineering. These seminars incorporate hands-on, interactive lessons that encourage audience participation and promote the development of knowledge and skills. To inquire about (TC's Educational Services, call 1-800-786-9889. | | i 4 Tooegt p 24 Ua -p2onpoid 2q 2xp soa sty “souewioysod ‘{aaxo 31 auop 94 pyno> jo seare 3p \Oqel 241 Jo 50> 242 2an4 103 lu! Op r0uUe> suostao4 12 &q umop 1doq 24 posd Alsaa duidea4 4q poonpor aq 894 Uv> SU, }M SPEDY39A0 DH Jo 3$09 244. “(81809 1941 Gea ypryar 2504p pus (, "Bo1e9 ureur os O% suouNWs Yous 40) 4809 ay3 Bu]s3nD uononposuy ySo7 SI JaynG Mopy o 9 2 ruovafay) UNL Srassenrneneer acne + 2piog “f andpuuy 7 ‘mony *] siuiod 4oy, ee ee yo 1epads yo asaya” — Jeeds toon on worst suoffa jopods °s Puepuris.yo — suosiassdns ‘sein — bos SuuueM — 20 spas wou = 1W10> 92084 — Bunuoyg “¢ uosueduios — ‘umop 10 dn = sourmuiofiog “7 ‘ovesodo 4q paosde “eut -Butuao> 218) nyoew a2eds Jo uoRtpuaD “kop snoisaid woy siredou Bunpueisino “Buidojanap saygnon jo sudis 305 400) siv9qs uodnod) +z Burdooy-ouny “9 samupoy °s luoweBeveW Lovonpo.d BURNOID o} UoONPOAUE Zp I: machine delays; balancing; work ictories operate at about half their potential. equipment) elv to be able to help to reduce the standard work th respect to work aids reducing How Output is Lost 15 Work content ‘The costs of production ‘A garment factory is a place where cloth and trimmings are turned into garments by people and machines. Some of the costs are called ‘overheads’ and do not vary much with the output which comes out. These are the costs of the building ines and fixtures; management and supervisory staff and also ancillary workers like the examiners and cleaners. Other costs are more easily identified with output and for that reason we call them the ‘direct’ costs, Potential production For any unit there will be a limit to the number of dicect operatives that can be accommodated efficiently. Indeed, the author recalls on ass where the output was increased by reducing the number of ma q usual to work only five days a week for one Supervision has control only over the output foi week, Except in the cutting room, the supervis effect on the material and trimmings costs. Their main the way that they use the workplaces allotted to them. Each workplace ‘can be considered to have a potential for production of the hours which {go to make up the working week. Manutacturing time ‘The actual time to produce a garment in a factory can be considered in two parts: the standard and the excess. The reason for recognising is that their level is determined by different peopl be achieved in different ways. The imber of working hours required under usual to refer to this ds he ‘work content’. Manufacturing time [eae Standard time Excess Intrinsic and process controlled work content Standard work content = sic work con + Process controlled work content pivpuess papa ia PS WS od aunesadg) ‘soueuizoysod ay 2tp wodn puadsp xd puadap pts andano yo 3} wm andhino ay) prepueis uo 51 2pipo ou st 2231p vue uDys Se “Kr fas aq 01 aut 4Ajpesor 2q Avus puepuers yo, quads oun pepuane soinuyy PIEPER vo FAN = vonesqun aaneado, sn Uy ssoj aonposd yy doup Ajpeamieny “2anusous uo 2q 10U 104 s90p y>Iys ‘Indino Jo s3nseaw ainjosqe UE aAey das uayp ‘oinunur prepueas aya jo Kouozsn9 942 W) 40m aunseoU UeD 2M jf Aoua}o1sd “Isa 001 wpeosdde & — souvunopied aanesodo « eI sof pinoys sty sas0usm anc ‘huowizsinbos aieumpin ay ~ Aoustayyo aanvsodo @ ‘huauidmbs yepeds asn 01 oantey oF peo} ue woneatou sot Kew prepuris yo yu0m — uonesgin aanei2d0 9 ssoqaiy e : mst esoav — Gouspyss Gururen 2anvi2do © prepuras ysiag) 19q $2 00 2 24-3807 S}INdIN MoH, | | Feconssuintosonuemm an rate: {sso Sumurens pur siasdn Busuejeq — z2x0um snoqe] so9y ues uorstaasdns pue wow dewey (prin staat Fuupisuo> Aq porenyead ag ED s899X9 [eLaSEULP ‘smnseou 01 9peus yo aesuaai0d jo Aaygyssod ~ yun jo s218 ‘soBueyp ssaooud ‘sosueyp Suypury ~ a¥uey> suqey jo ae ov ‘seBueyp Supsurjeq “Fururesnos — a8uey> pas jo anes {ssaooud Ut yom Uo sul] ~ auIB andynosp :wodn spuadap ssaox9 A210q 1ua1u09 90m puepusas THSNIOD YOM TT sso jrusteuryY 4 s82919 Loyd = auaiuo> 30m purpuns — atu Bupjew [eM>y = aussUOD ALON Ss29%y SSE % = OT x ss00x0 jupoBeuew pus Koyoq ‘25m Jo 9q yu Courypews sou 343 YI 20) win jo nua] 21qeqosd ays pur sfuraes 3jqussod Jo 142) 243 ur paxapisu0> aq steayje asnur sign inq Azounppeur mu ur Sunsaau) ssa201d ay“ Aayjend, z9pun 302%] passnosip. st polgns siya pue SuuosuIu9 would, 3]qeuns Sq paonpax 2q deur 11 stuswasinbod i2yzeu! 242 uodn spuodop suaIu09 yom SisuEEUT Oyp ASA “19 ‘Buisny — sossaooud yepods jeadeo pue ers souruorureur ayqesins Jo Auge} -uons9s ‘uornpoad yo 9[es ay 02 padejax — 4a0u 12 ‘san1aap dn-ypid ‘Soaypys — spre 3008, ‘suawypene pur paods “Aygeuns — Assunyoeus ‘uonesjeuondes ~ uoneiuauiaey qo! yo 3ax89p fuuoywoo pue 2unyy — suonrpuo> aunyzom suodn spuadap ruaru0> 20m pojjonu0s ss2205q -sprepuers Aaypenb ‘410m puey ‘Suissoadzopun pue dunseq @ ‘sSuyprews 94> Ssojpung us2au0q pur Sump soduey> peasy fypur aod soypans ‘uonoapes sSunuwin pue Yroy Ssounue9y oaneIO>9p @ ‘sureas jo oameu pue raquinu ¢ quawaBevey vouonpord BuIIOIg 0} uoKanpANU) gp

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