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Language A: literature Internal Assessment

Student outline form

Global issue: The lack of a strong community as a person grows up affects their identity.

Works chosen

Work in translation: Persepolis

Work in language A: Beloved

Notes for the Oral (maximum of 10 bullet points):

● Persepolis pg 192-193- Marji’s friends do drugs, she wants to fit in with these friends b/c she has
no other community and she begins compromising her sense of identity
● panel 1, page 93 shows Marji taking long strides away from the figures of her parents in the
background- these figures represent Marji’s culture and identity and the fact that they are in the
background and unclear shows how Marji’s lack of a strong community in Europe is leading her
further away from her previous identity
● panel 2, page 193 shows Marji on the phone with her parents who are telling her they are happy
to hear she has good friends and that she is the daughter of any parents’ dream. The use of
dramatic irony- her parents don’t really know what Marji is doing in Europe- highlights Marji’s
changing identity
● panels 5-7, pg 192- Marji pretends to smoke to fit in with her friends- she is struggling to keep
her sense of self and morals when she is with this community, showing that they are not a
strong community
● The lack of the community in Europe is important for Marji because it leads her to compromise
pieces of herself, changing her identity
● Beloved ch 26, pages 292-293 - Denver is becoming a part of a community for the first time in
her life, highlighting how not having that community affected her identity growing up
● Denver’s character development- refusing help shows the pride that she learned from Sethe,
which begins to disappear as she becomes part of the community
● Denver’s gaining confidence & venturing outside her house shows that the community is
changing her. This new character development contrasts how she was raised without any
● details about memories- members of the community share with Denver memories of when 124
was full of life. The fond memories all of these people have are a result of that community,
something Denver lacked until this point.
● The community shaping people - including Denver’s- identity serves to highlight through
contrast how Denver not having this community shaped her identity, making her prideful &
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