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Hello there and welcome back to Six Minutes to Success. Such a simple
concept but you’re finding it’s not that easy to execute every day. Have you
turned it into a habit? Are you up watching the video first thing every
morning? Remember it’s a choice. And that’s what I want to talk to you about.

I’m Bob Proctor and choice is one of the most important concepts that you can
get. We’re going to be talking about the laws of the universe; one of the laws
is the Law of Polarity. There’d be no inside to the room you’re in if there wasn’t
an outside. You couldn’t have a right side to your body without a left, or a top
without a bottom or a front without a back. You can’t have a bad without a
good. See the truth is we make it bad or good.

Ralph Waldo wrote In Tune with the Infinite ... a great book. He said “Nothing
is good or bad except our thinking will make it so”. Well, if everything is
both good and bad and we bring it together what’s right in the centre? If
everything in here is bad, everything here is good. What’s in the centre just is.
Everything just is. You choose whether you’re going to look at the down side
or the up side.

Michael Beckwith gave me a marvelous concept. He said it doesn’t matter

what happens in your life. Doesn’t matter what happens. You can’t control the
circumstance but you can certainly control how you deal with them.

He said when anything happens:

Step Number 1
It is what it is. Accept it. It’s either going to control you or you’re going to
control it. That’s a choice.

Step Number 2
Harvest the good. Isn’t that a neat word ... harvest? Harvest the good. There’s
good and bad in everything. Just harvest the good.

Step Number 3
Forgive all the rest. Forgive means let go of completely. It’s a choice. If you let
go of the bad, the good seems to grow. You and I have a choice. It may be
a difficult choice if you’re dealing with a particularly difficult individual or a
particularly difficult circumstance. Nevertheless, we’ve got the power within us
to do it.

So as you go through the day. Doesn’t matter what anybody says. Doesn’t
matter what happens. You have a choice to say “that’s good”. W. Clement
Stone became the wealthiest man in the United States of America by 1970
because he always said, “that’s good”. Doesn’t matter what it was ... he’d say
“that’s good”. And then he’d look for the good. That’s a good choice for you to
make. And make it all day long.

So your word for the day is choice, choice, choice. And only you have the
ability to do that and if you choose right you are going to get results that
stick. This is Bob Proctor and thank you.

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