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Physics 1 (PHYS 1200)

Chapter 8
Electric Forces and Electric Fields
Properties of Electric Charges:

1. There two types of charges, positive and negative.

2. Like charges repel and unlike charges attract one another.

3. The electric charge is always conserved.

Charge cannot be created or destroyed, but only exchanged.


1. The nature’s basic carrier of positive charge is the proton. They do not move from
one material to another because they are held firmly in the nucleus. Nature’s basic
carrier of negative charge is the electron.

2. Objects are said to be charged if they gain or lose electrons.

3. Objects are said to be negatively charged if they gain electrons and positively

charged if they loose electrons.

4. The SI unit of a charge is the Coulomb (C).

5. The charge of the electron is, e = -1.6 x 10-19, and for the proton is +1.6 x 10-19 C.

6. Charge on a body can be written as an integral multiple of the elementary charge

Q=ne (conservation of charge)

Q - Charge on a body

e - Elementary charge

n - Number of elementary charge.

Problem .1

A body has a charge of -1coulomb. Find the number of (excess) electrons present on it.
The charge of an electron e = -1.6 x 10-19C .

Solution: Q=ne
-1C = n x (-1.6 x 10-19C ) , n = 6.25 x 1018
Chapter 8 Electric Forces and Electric Field Zuhair (ZAS)
Physics 1 (PHYS 1200)

Materials are classified into three categories in regard of their electrical

Conductors Insulators Semiconductors
Conductors are Insulators are materials in Their characteristics are
materials in which the which electric charges do between those of insulators
electric charges move not move freely. and conductors
Glass and rubber are Silicon and germanium are
Copper, aluminum and examples of insulators semiconductors.
silver etc are examples of

They are good

conductors electricity

The ways of charging the materials:

1. Charging by Conduction:
A charged object (the rod) is placed in contact with
another object (the sphere). Some electrons on the rod
can move to the sphere, when the rod is removed, the
sphere is left with a charge. The charged object is
always left with a charge having the same sign as
the object doing the charging

2. Charging by Induction:
When an object is connected to a conducting wire or pipe buried
in the earth, it is said to be grounded.

A negatively charged rubber rod is brought near an uncharged

sphere. The charges in the sphere are redistributed. Some of the
electrons in the sphere are repelled from the electrons in the rod.
The region of the sphere nearest the negatively charged rod has
an excess of positive charge because of the migration of electrons
Chapter 8 Electric Forces and Electric Field Zuhair (ZAS)
Physics 1 (PHYS 1200)

away from this location. if a grounded conducting wire is connected to the sphere which
allows some of the electrons to move from the sphere to the ground . When the wire to
ground is removed, the sphere is left with an excess of induced positive charge. Then
the positive charge on the sphere is evenly distributed due to the repulsion between the
positive charges

Charging by induction requires no contact with the object inducing the charge.

Coulomb’s Law:

The electric force of attraction or repulsion between two point charges is directly
proportional to the product of the magnitude of the charges and inversely proportional to
the square of the distance their centers.

The force on q1 is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force on q2 .

Like/ similar charges repels (Fig. a), Unlike/ different charges attracts (Fig. b).

The force is repulsive . The force is attractive.

The mathematical representation of Coulomb's Law is,

q1 q2
F = ke

ke is called the Coulomb Constant

ke = 8.99 x 109 N m2/C2 = 9X109 N m2/C2 (approximat)

q1,q2 , is the magnitude of charges measured in C , or µC.

F,is the magnitude of the electrostatic force

r,is the distance between the centre’s of the two charges in meters.
Chapter 8 Electric Forces and Electric Field Zuhair (ZAS)
Physics 1 (PHYS 1200)


1. Coulombs law is a fundamental law of electrostatic force between


two stationary point charges.

2. Coulombs law applies only to point charges and to spherical

distribution of charges.

3. Coulombs law obeys Newton’s third law, and hence the electric
forces F12 andF21 are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction,
that is

F12 = -F21

4. The coulombs law is an example of field force, where the force

exerted by one object on another without any physical contact
between them.

5. The mathematical form of the Coulombs force is the same as that

of the gravitational force. The only difference between them is,
electric force can be either attractive or repulsive, but the
gravitational force is always attractive.

Example 1:

A comb drawn through a person’s hair on a dry day causes 1012 electrons to
leave the person’s hair and stick to the comb
(i) Is the force between the comb and the hair attractive or repulsive?
(ii) Find the magnitude of this force when the comb is 1.0 m from the person’s

Solution :

(i) The force is attractive because the charge on the comb is negative and that
on the hair is positive. Unlike charges attract.
q1 . q2
(ii) From Coulomb’s law F = ke

( −1.6 * 10 −19 )(10 12 )( +1.6 * 10 −19 )(10 12 )

F = 9 * 10 9 N
(1.0) 2

or F = - 2.3 x 10-4 N

Chapter 8 Electric Forces and Electric Field Zuhair (ZAS)

Physics 1 (PHYS 1200)

where –ve sign means that the force is attractive.

The Electric Field: (E)

(1) It is defined as the space around a charge or a
system of charges where another charge will
experience a force.

If a charged particle, with charge Q, produces an

electric field in the region of space around it,

then a small test charge, qo, placed in the field, will experience a force

(2) Electric field at a point is defined as-

The electric force acting on a the positive test charge qo placed at that point
divided by the magnitude of the test charge qo
E= Where
E is the Electric field,
E= r is the distance where the test charge qo is placed.
(3) The direction of the field is defined to be the direction of the electric force that
would be exerted on a small positive test charge placed at that point.

The electric field which is produced by a negative

charge is directed toward the charge. If a positive

test charge is placed in this field, then it would be

attracted to the negative source charge. ( Fig.a) ( Fig.a)

The electric field which is produced by a positive

charge is directed away from the charge. If a positive

test charge is placed in this field, then it would be

Chapter 8 Electric Forces and Electric Field Zuhair (ZAS)
Physics 1 (PHYS 1200)

repelled from the positive source charge ( Fig.b).

( Fig.b)


1. The test charge qo should be small enough such that it does not
disturb the change distribution responsible for the electric field as
shown in the figures given below.

2. The electric field is a vector quantity; the direction of E is in the

direction of F since we have assumed that acts on a positive test

3. The electric field is a vector quantity

4. The SI unit of electric field is NC-1.

Once the electric field is known at some point, the force on any particle with charge
‘q’ placed at that point can be calculated with the help of equation (1).

F=qE ---------- (2)

Consider a point charge ‘q’ is placed at a distance ‘r’ from a test charge ‘qo’ .
According to Coulomb’s law , the magnitude of the force on the test charge is
q . qo
F = ke

Since the magnitude of the electric field at the position of the test charge is defined as
E = F / q the magnitude of the electric field due to the charge ‘q’ at the position of
‘q ’ is

Chapter 8 Electric Forces and Electric Field Zuhair (ZAS)

Physics 1 (PHYS 1200)

E = ke ----------(3)

• If ‘q’ is positive, as in Fig. 7(a) , the field at

P due to this charge is radially outward from

• If ‘q’ is negative, as in Fig. 7(b), the field at

P due to this charge is radially toward q.

Fig. 7


Example 2 :

The electron and proton of a hydrogen atom are separated ( on the average) by a
distance of about 5.3x10-11m. Compare the electric force and gravitational force
that each particle exerts on the other.

(1.6 * 10 −19 ) 2
Solution : Electric force (Fe) = ke = 9 x10 9 −11 2
= 8.0 * 10 −8 N
r2 (5.3 * 10 )

me m p (9.1 * 10 −31 )(1.67 * 10 −27 )

Gravitational force(Fg ) =G = 6.7 * 10 −11 = 3.6 * 10 −47 N
r2 (5.3 * 10 −11 ) 2

Now ≈ 2.0 *10 39 , the gravitational force between the charged atomic particles is
negligible compared with the electric force.

Example 3 :

Find the electric force on a proton placed in an upward electric field of

2.0 *104N/C.
Solution :

The electric force on the proton is (F) = qp E

= 1.6x10-19 x 2.0x104

= 3.2x10-15N

Chapter 8 Electric Forces and Electric Field Zuhair (ZAS)

Physics 1 (PHYS 1200)

where the force is upward in the positive y-direction

Example 4 :

Find the electric field strength at the point P as shown in given figure below, which is
10.0 cm from a charge of + 6.0 µC and 40.0 cm from a charge of - 8.0 µC.

10.0 cm 40.0 cm
+6.0 µC - 8.0 µC.

The electric field due to the + 6.0 µC charge (E+ 6.0 µC) = ke (q)/r 2

= ( 9*109)( 6*10-6) / (0.1)2

= 54.0 * 105 N/C

Similarly, the electric field due to the - 8.0 µC charge

(E-8.0 µC) = (9*109)(8*10-6)/(0.4)2

= 4.5*105 N/C

The field due to both charges are in the same direction- to the right.
Therefore, the resultant has a magnitude of 58.5x105 N/C and is directed
toward the right.

Example 5:
A water droplet of radius (r) =1.0 µ m remains stationary in a Millikan oildrop apparatus
under the influence of an electric field of intensity 5.1x104 N/C. How many electronic
charges does it carry? (qe = 1.6x10-19C , ρ water (density of water) = 103 kg m-3 , g = 9.8 ms-2 )
Droplet stationary under the influence of two forces, its weight acting downwards and
the electric force on it acting upwards and these forces must be equal in magnitude .
Therefore, Fe = Fg
or q E = m g
= ρ (4/3) π r3 g [ mass = density * volume ]

Chapter 8 Electric Forces and Electric Field Zuhair (ZAS)

Physics 1 (PHYS 1200)

( 4 )π ρR 3 g
q = 3
( 4 )3.14 *103 *10−18 * 9.8
= 3
= 8.0 * 10-19 C

or q = 8.0 *10-19 C

Since e = 1.6 * 10-19 C is the charge on the electron.

8.0 * 10 −19
It follows that the drop carries = = 5 electronic charges
1.6 * 10 −19

Electric lines of force: This concept is introduced by Michael


Electric field at A, EA B Electric field at B

Charge C

Electric field at C


The concept of lines of force was introduced by Michael Faraday as an

aid in visualizing electric fields.

Field at point A
Field at point B
Line of force EB

Chapter 8 Electric Forces and Electric Field Zuhair (ZAS)

Physics 1 (PHYS 1200)

Fig. 8

Path along which a unit positive test charge would tends to move in an
electric field.

Properties of electric field lines:

1. They are imaginary lines starts from positive charge ends at

negative charge.

2. Tangent drawn at a point on the field lines represents the

direction of the electric field at that point

3. The number of lines per unit area through a surface

perpendicular to the lines is proportional to the strength of the
electric field in a given region

4. The electric field is stronger where field lines are more crowded
weaker where they are far apart.

5. The field lines are racially outward from the positive charge and
inward from the negative charge.

6. Field lines extended to infinity.

7. Field lines never intersect each other. if they do so it would mean

that at the point of intersection we can draw two tangents ,which
represents two direction for the same field at the same time
.which is not possible.

Below Fig.9(a) shows some lines of force around a single positive charge and
shows some lines of force around a single negative charge .

Chapter 8 Electric Forces and Electric Field Zuhair (ZAS)

Physics 1 (PHYS 1200)

Fig. 9
The lines are actually directed radially outward from the positive unit charge in all
directions since a positive test charge placed in the field would be repelled by the
charge +q. In a similar way , the electric field lines for a single negative point
charge are directed toward the charge.
Note :
• In either case , the lines are extended all the way to infinity.
• The lines are closer together as they get near the charge, indicates the strength of
the field is increasing.
• Lines of force never intersect with each other, hence any one point in an electric
field , the field can have but one direction.
Fig.10 shows the beautifully symmetric electric field lines for
two point charges of equal magnitude but opposite sign. This
charge configuration is called an electric dipole. In this case ,
the number of lines that begin at the positive charge must
equal the number that terminate at the negative charge.
at points very near either charge , the lines are nearly
the high density of lines between the charges indicates a
Fig. 10 strong electric field in this region.

Fig.11 shows the electric field lines in the vicinity of two equal
positive point charges. In this case,
closer to either charge the lines are nearly radial.
the same number of lines emerges from each charge because
the charges are equal in magnitude.
at large distances from the charges, the field is approximately
equal to that of a single point charge of magnitude 2q.
the bulging out of the electric field lines between the charges
shows the repulsive nature of the electric force between like charges.

Fig. 11
Fig. 12 is a sketch of the electric field lines associated with the
positive charge + 2q and the negative charge -q. In this case

• the number of lines leaving charge + 2q is twice the

number terminating on the charge - q.

• only half of the lines that leave the positive charge end at
the negative charge. The remaining half terminate on
Fig.12 negative charges that we assume to be located at infinity.

Rules for drawing electric field lines for any charge distribution are as follows:

(i) The lines must begin on positive charges and terminate on negative charges.

Chapter 8 Electric Forces and Electric Field Zuhair (ZAS)

Physics 1 (PHYS 1200)

(ii) The number of lines leaving a positive charge or entering a negative charge
is proportional to the magnitude of the charge.

(iii) No two field lines cross each other.

(iv) The electric field intensity at a point is the number of lines of force
streaming through per unit area, normal to the direction of the intensity.


Note: Two equal and opposite charge separated by a small distance is

called a dipole


1. Calculate the force of repulsion between two small positive charges of 10-9C and
2x10-9 C placed 5.0 cm apart in air. [ Ans : 7.2x10-6 N]

2. Find the electric field intensity at a point P distant 10.0 cm from a point charge A
of +2x10-8 C in air. [Ans: 18x103 N/C along AP ]

3. A 4.5 × 10–9 C charge is located 3.2 m from a –2.8 × 10–9 C charge. Find the
electrostatic force exerted by one charge on the other

[Ans: 1.1x10-8 N attractive ]

4. Two identical conducting spheres are placed with their centers 0.30 m apart. One is
given a charge of 12 x 10–9 C and the other a charge of –18 × 10–9 C.

(a) Find the electrostatic force exerted by one sphere on the other.

(b) The spheres are connected by a conducting wire. After equilibrium has
occurred, find the electrostatic force between the two.
[Ans: (a) 2.2x10-5 N attraction]
[ Ans:(b) 9.0x10-7N repulsion ]

5. Consider two point charges + 1.0 µC and + 2.0 µC separated by a distance of 10.0
m. At what point ( except infinity ) on the line ( or on its extension) joining the
charges is the electric field zero?

[ Ans: Between the charges, 41.0 m from the charge +1.0 µC ]

Chapter 8 Electric Forces and Electric Field Zuhair (ZAS)

Physics 1 (PHYS 1200)

6. (a)The force required to give a 1000.0 kg car an acceleration of 2.5 ms-2 is

2.50x103 N. What would the charge have to be on two small spheres 1.0 m apart
to produce the same force between the spheres, if we assume that both spheres have
the same charge?

[Ans: 526 µC]

(b) If the charge on each sphere is negative , how many excess electrons are there
on each sphere?

[Ans : 3.29x1015]

7. Three charges are arranged as shown in Figure below . Find the magnitude
and direction of the electrostatic force on the charge at the origin .
[Ans: 1.38 x10-5N at 77.5o below–x axis ]

8. An airplane is flying through a thundercloud at a height of 2000 m. If there

are charge concentrations of +40.0 C at height 3000.0 m within the cloud
and –40.0 C at height 1000.0 m, what is the electric field E at the aircraft?
[Ans :7.20 x 105 N/C downward ]

9. An electron is accelerated by a constant electric field of magnitude 300 N/C.

(a) Find the acceleration of the electron.
(b) Use the equations of motion with constant acceleration to find the electron’s
speed after 1.00 × 10–8 s, assuming it starts from rest.
9. A proton accelerates from rest in a uniform electric field of 640.0 N/C. At some
later time, its speed is 1.20 × 106 m/s.
(a) Find the magnitude of the acceleration of the proton.
[Ans: (a) 6.12 x 1010 ms-2
(b) How long does it take the proton to reach this speed? (b) 19.6 µs
Chapter 8 Electric Forces and Electric Field Zuhair (ZAS)
Physics 1 (PHYS 1200)

(c) How far has it moved in this interval? (c) 11.8 m

(d) What is its kinetic energy at the later time (d) 1/20 x 10-15 J ]

11. A charge of 6.0 x 10-9 C and a charge of – 3.0 x 10-9 C are separated by a distance of

60.0 cm Find the position at which a third charge of 12.0 x10-9 C can be placed so
that the net electrostatic force on it is zero.

12. Determine what the mass of a proton would be if the gravitational force between two

of them were equal to the electrical force between them.

13. A 4.5 × 10–9 C charge is located 3.2 m from a –2.8 × 10–9 C

charge. Find the electrostatic force exerted by one charge on the

1.1 1
0× N

14. An alpha particle (charge = +2.0e) is sent at high speed toward a gold nucleus
(charge = +79e). What is the electrical force acting on the alpha particle when it is
2.0 × 10–14 m from the gold nucleus?
Reduced it ¼ of its previous

3.7 1×
0  N r7epulsion(
  − )

15. Calculate the magnitude and

direction of the Coulomb force on
each of the three charges in the
Figure .

1 N
p u(ion
ls )
Chapter 8 Electric Forces and Electric Field Zuhair (ZAS)
Physics 1 (PHYS 1200)

16. Two small metallic spheres, each of mass 0.20 g, are suspended as pendulums by
light strings from a common point as shown in Figure P15.15. The spheres are
given the same electric charge, and it is found that the two come to equilibrium
when each string is at an angle of 5.0° with the vertical. If each string is 30.0 cm
long, what is the magnitude of the charge on each sphere?
7.2 nC

17.An electron is accelerated by a constant electric field of magnitude 300 N/C.

(a) Find the acceleration of the electron.

(b) Use the equations of motion with constant acceleration to find the electron’s

speed after 1.00 × 10–8 s, assuming it starts from rest.

13 2
5.27 ×
10  m s ,

5.27 ×
10  m s

18. In Figure P15.27, determine the point (other than infinity) at which the total

electric field is zero.

1.8 m to the left of the  2.5  C charge − µ

Chapter 8 Electric Forces and Electric Field Zuhair (ZAS)

Physics 1 (PHYS 1200)

Chapter 8 Electric Forces and Electric Field Zuhair (ZAS)

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