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Nivea Case

In the reflection proposed here, we will choose to study the customer marketing of Nivea's
Baby category. This category is particularly interesting because the buyer of the product is
not the consumer himself. Indeed, baby products are bought by parents for their child.
Thus, the consumer satisfaction, which is key for Nivea in building customer loyalty, is the
satisfaction of the parents. Product marketing is therefore aimed at parents. This aspect is
central to the discussion below.

The following are the responsibilities and possible responses that Nivea Baby must assume
towards its customers.

First of all, Nivea must ensure that a choice is possible within the same product category.
For example, several ranges of wipes must exist, depending on the baby's skin and
potential allergies. The specific audience for the use of each product must be clearly
described on the product. With this in mind, on the different baby washing products
(micellar and washing water), the effects of each are indicated (for sensitive skin or to
protect the skin's protective barrier for example). It is thus indicated to the customer
whether the product purchased corresponds to the expected effects. The performance of
the product must therefore be clearly indicated, which is indeed the case on current Nivea
baby products.

In addition, and this is certainly a major element, Nivea must describe the precise
composition of the product, highlighting the product's advantages (0% paraben for
example), and the risks involved. For components at risk, they should be highlighted in
bold, and the potential dangers of these substances should be explained. These dangers
do not necessarily appear on the product itself but must be easily accessible. By scanning
the product via a cell application, one could have access to the product components and
their risks.

In addressing these potentially harmful components, particular attention will be paid to

developing baby products that are completely healthy for the child and viable for the
planet. Eco-responsible products must be promoted. The baby range today is very poor in
eco-responsible products. In 2019, the Consoglobe website, which describes the harmful
substances present in the products offered to consumers, widely criticized the Nivea brand.
Indeed, it appears that certain solvents and even hydrocarbon oils are present in some
baby products. While the brand clearly displays its commitment to sustainable
development, it seems that some products, even for babies, are not healthy for the baby
or the planet. The emergence of certain labels such as Cosmebio which guarantee a certain
commitment of the brand to health and ecology should stimulate Nivea to develop safer
formulas. The product packaging itself can be rethought. Most baby products are in plastic
jars or bags. One could think of a deposit system: after finishing the jar of baby cream or
soap, you return the empty jar to the supermarket and buy a new one. The price should be
attractive to encourage responsible behaviours.

As far as consumer information is concerned, the manufacturing process must be

accessible to customers. First of all, we can focus on the origin of the ingredients. It is
currently difficult to trace the components of Nivea baby products or even where they are
manufactured. Labels of origin (such as Made in France) are a guarantee for the consumer
of a certain quality and compliance with certain production and social standards.

Finally, as far as customer satisfaction is concerned, advice on use must be given. This
advice is particularly valuable in the Baby range: young parents are always quite helpless
and need help in finding products that are good for baby. The Nivea website is quite rich
in advice with sections such as "protecting baby from the cold" or "sun protection for
children". This technical advice is very relevant for specific products such as oleo calcareous
liniment. The collection of customer reviews is very well done by Nivea: once posted, the
reviews are directly related to the product concerned. They are thus readable by other
consumers. This is very good because it helps to create a community of Nivea baby
customers. To make these notices more accessible, an item scan application could provide
access, directly during the purchase, to all notices collected. In addition, on the idea of
creating a community of customers who exchange on their Nivea experience and on their
experience as young parents, a forum on the Nivea website could be proposed.

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