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Task 1. Big Picture Questions

Question 1 – Name 4 countries that have a great educational system. Based on what you learned in this course, what are 3
similarities that these countries have in common? In other words, what are some factors that have helped these countries to
excel in the area of education? 
Demark, The United Kingdom, Sweden and Finland all have great education systems and their students rank high on the PISA
tests. I believe the biggest commonality that these countries have is the value that they place on the people educating their
children. Having the highest caliber teachers means you have the best minds teaching the students. Would you rather have
someone who is educated and knowledgeable in the subject teaching your child or would you rather have someone who barely
passed their college courses?
Question 2 – Based on what you learned in this course; do you think the top performing countries are influencing other
countries? In other words, describe how the countries which are listed highest in terms of PISA scores are having an effect on
other countries? 
I think all countries look at their scores compared to others and investigate what those countries are doing to achieve those
higher scores. I believe the reasoning for our current Common Core curriculum is based from similarities in other countries that
focus on these main things that need to be learned. I believe that watching what works and does not work allows for new ideas
and changes to be implemented that have a better chance of success and eliminates wasting time on methods that others have
found do not work.  
Question 3 – Do you think that countries who pay little or no attention to educating its citizens can/will have a negative
impact on the world in the future? Support your answer.  
I think these countries will continue to live in poverty and war due to their lack of education and being able pull themselves out
of the situation that they are in. As long as this continues to happen, other countries have the burden to care for these people
and help them at least hang on for basic survival.
Question 4 - How does education in other countries compare to the system of education in the U.S. from your observations?
While the United States was the premier education system to follow, we have not maintained that lead. We still maintain high
over all scores and rank in the top 20 countries but have work to do. I was shocked to see how low our math scores were, we
did not even score the overall average of the countries, we were still below that. Our reading and science scores were above
average but were still 70 points below the top performing countries. While 70 points may not seem like a lot, but it is. Why are
our scores so much lower than other countries and how can we remain a top performing country if we cannot stay close in our
education system with other countries.

Question 5 - Name some populations that are denied a good education? For example, we all know based on experiences in
this class that women and girls are denied a good education in parts of world (sadly). What are other groups of people that
are denied a good education?
People who are denied a decent education are the homeless. Even though the schools are legally bound to provide them an
education, due to their circumstances it sometimes is impossible to do so. There is also still issues with both racism and sexism,
not just in other countries like Uganda, but here as well. Some people value other people’s educations more than others.

Question 6 - Thing about the things we discussed in this course – name some things you could now do differently in your
future classes because of the information learned in this course? In other words, we want you to be self-reflective (thinking
about your thinking) – tell us some things you could in your future class to make it better based on items we learned about
with regard to learning about educational systems around the world? It could things like helping diverse learners, or perhaps
being more aware about students who may live in more rural areas of your district and don’t have access to technology (these
are just some ideas I had).
One thing that I will make sure that I do in my classes is consider all the different ethnicities in that make up my classroom. Its
important to understand how each student ethnic background dictates how their families see their education pathway. Some of
those backgrounds do not see that girls need to have an education, so it would be important to try to explain that importance
without overstepping your boundaries. I will also make sure I consider my own education, making sure I am educated on the
subject matter I am teaching and not just a body in a room earning a paycheck. I will do my best to make sure that students
who come different socioeconomic backgrounds have access to the same types of technology and be and advocate for them in
helping them achieve that. I will always work to provide my students the best education possible.
(questions 7a through 7e) Let’s say that you are the ruler of your own country - think about some of the factors/conditions
that go into having a great educational system. And please have a little fun with these questions, too.

Question 7a - What would be the name of your very own country? What would be the name of the capital of your country?
Make something up! Have fun, be silly.
Welcome to Furball City, the capital of Catlandia

Question 7b – What would the population be? Big or small? Come up with a number. Why would be the size that you choose?
Would you want over 1 billion people in your country? Would you want under 1 million? Tell us why.
We are a large country with a very diverse population. We have a wide variety of ethnicities that make up our country. Our
country has 20 million people who live here. Our geographical design and our population density make for a nice change of

Question 7c - Do they have access to technology (very briefly tell us about technology in your country)?
Yes, we have access to all modern-day technology and have an amazing R&D sector that is funded handsomely and is not afraid
to try new and unproven things

Question 7d – Would your country be mostly rural? Urban? Suburban? A combination? Why?
My country would have a mix of each, like how the United States is broken up. You need to have that diversity of people who
come from different regions. We all learn from each other

Question 7e- Come up with at least 4 more facts/factors that would have impact they have on your country’s educational
system. In other words, think about conditions/factors that have led to the creation of great educational systems around the
world. Now, what condition/factors would like to see in your very own country?
1)We have high standards for our teachers that they must complete mandatory Master’s degree education.
2)We pay 100% for our college degrees.
3)We allow teachers to have input on what they teach in their classes if they basic overall goals are met on assessments
4)We allow our student the flexibility to attend their classes either in person or online when they reach middle-school and
beyond. This will allow those students who want to advance their education quickly the ability to do so without putting undo
pressure on the schools to physically accommodate this learning style

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