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Lee High School

Police Officer

Isaiah Ramirez-cummings

Senior Capstone

Brain Scott Cahoon

April 24, 2020

Isaiah Ramirez-cummings
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Brain Scott Cahoon

Students capstone

April 24, 2020

Technology is an important tool for an officer because it helps officers in many

ways that they wouldn’t have if the technology wasn’t like it is now. Technology that

officers use that helps in many ways on the job are the prowl car, the two-way radio,

and the dashboard cams. Technology that is used advances a police officer that allows

them to communicate with each other, get to the incident/scene as fast as they can, and

provide a clear perception of what actually happened. Although technology may not

work all the time when it does police officers can use it to help the community out, and

possibly even save a life.

There are so many benefits that prowl cars bring to police officers. The prowl car

was presented within the 1920s and drastically increased the mobility of officers and

radically lowered reaction time. “A police officer traveling in a car could patrol a larger

area”. This an important thing to an officer because they can cover more ground faster

and more efficiently than if they were on foot if a robbery happened you would want the

police to be fast and to find the robber before he gets away or before something else

happens and they can definitely do that when they are in a prowl car rather than on foot.

Another example of why a prowl car is a benefit to officers is that when officers are in a

prowl car they can “quickly respond to increasingly distant calls for service.” This is

important because it is important for an officer to respond quickly when they get a case
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so that they can get there, especially if an emergency to execute the situation. Prowl

cars may not seem that important and yes there are other ways to get around but the

truth is prowl cars do provide officers with advantages that are needed when on the job.

In 1933, the government department in Bayonne, New Jersey initiated regular

two-way communications with its patrol cars, a major advance over previous one-way

systems. “The very high-frequency system developed by radio engineer Frank A.

Gunther and station operator Vincent J. Doyle placed transmitters in patrol cars to

enable patrolmen to talk with headquarters and other cars instead of just receiving calls.

Two-way police radio became standard throughout the country following the success of

the Bayonne system.” Frank A. Gunther invented the radio to help officers

communicate. The Bayonne system uses the radio to communicate throughout the

country. Ever since 1933, the two-way radio has been developing throughout the years.

“They’re used to dispatch officers to investigate criminal activity, enabling faster

response times. ... During search and rescue operation, the two-way radios allow

various groups to share crucial information and organize their efforts.” The two-way

radios are essential pieces of equipment, officers use the two-way radios to protect

citizens as well as other officers from harm, they also use it to collect data and

information that is needed. The two-way radios are way more effective than the one-

way radios because officers can communicate back and forth with each other, with


Finally, another piece of technology that helps officers out is the dashboard cams

they are important because they can catch real evidence for a case. For example,

“Dashcam footage can show driver behaviors that can affirm a narrative that a driver
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was at-fault and acting negligently. For instance, if an injury victim alleges that a car

was driving recklessly before it merged into their lane and collided with them, footage of

the car swerving moments before the accident can be beneficial.” Dashcams are

beneficial for police officers because it shows the real evidence of what happened. It’s

also beneficial for victims that are being assaulted or being injured. “The use of

dashcams has increased conviction rates for most cases. Officers may now collect any

evidence of value and still have video as an additional piece of evidence for cases. In

some instances where there is no other evidence collected, the unit cam remains as a

source of evidentiary value. In most cases, juries appreciate the ability to review

dashcam footage so they have the clearest perception of the events in question. This

may also provide a more solid account and, in turn, help the officer win their case.” This

example shows that dashcams are very important for everyone who is involved in the

case. People, especially juries don’t have to believe whatever someone says happens

they can rely on actual footage. Dashboard Cams provide real-life evidence that is used

in cases and is important because it shows the real story and who’s wrong in the story.

Over Time technology has definitely advanced, even for police officers they use it

every time they are on the job. Technology is important for officers because they can

communicate with each other, get to the scene as fast as they can, and provide a clear

perception of what happened. They use technology such as the prowl car, the two-way

radio, and the dashboard cams all to help them on the job. Developments in technology

will supply police departments with viable equipment which will greatly improve the

effectiveness and efficiency of enforcement personnel.

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“5 Reasons Why a Police Department Needs an in-Car Video System.” PoliceOne, 3

Jan. 2018,

Ramirez-Cummings 5

Cambridge, Ellie. “Shocking Moment Road Rage Thug Knocks Driver to the Ground

and Beats Him.” The Sun, The Sun, 10 May 2017,


“Milestones: Two-Way Police Radio Communication, 1933.” Milestones: Two-Way

Police Radio Communication, 1933 - Engineering and Technology History Wiki,,_1933.

“Technology and Police Operations.” National Police Foundation, 27 Mar. 2018,

“The Social History of Crime and Punishment in America.” Google Books, Google,




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Ramirez-Cummings 6

“Using Dash Cam Evidence in Your Car Accident Claim - Personal Injury Attorney

Florida: Steinger, Greene & Feiner.” Personal Injury Attorney Florida | Steinger,

Greene & Feiner, 21 Oct. 2019,


Zegarra, Maria. “Technological Advancements of the Criminal Justice System.”

Florida National University, 27 June 2019,


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