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Roll No.

: 1907106128
Semester: 2nd Name: TAMANNA SAMAL
Branch: PED/PSE/ESE (EE)/M. Tech. PED

Quiz Questions on SGT

Full Marks: 10
Time: 30 minutes
Instruction: Put tick mark across the right answer/answers
Q1. Fuel cell has efficiencies (with and without waste heat recovery)
Ans. 1.with waste 2. without waste 3. 4.
heat recovery heat recovery
it is 85% It is 40-60%
Q2. What is the power quality of a pure sinusoidal curve?
Ans. The power quality means voltage ,frequency and waveform..Good
power quality means steady supply voltages that STAYS IN
PRESCRIBED LIMT. So pure sinusoidal curve has good power quality..
Q3. State power equation of wind turbine.
Ans. The equation for wind power(P) is given by P= 0.5 x ρ x A x Cp x V3 x
Ng x Nb where, ρ = Air density in kg/m3 , A = Rotor swept area (m2 ).
Cp = Coefficient of performance V = wind velocity (m/s) Ng =
generator efficiency Nb = gear box bearing efficiency
Q4. What are the worldwide power frequencies available in power
Ans. Standard in the united state-120v – 60hz
Standard in Australia 220v – 50 hz
India 240v -50 hz
Q5. What is the technical efficiency of a wind turbine?
Ans. (35-45)%
Q6. Startup time of following technologies are in the range of,
Ans. MCFC=10min SOFC=10min Steam Micro-
Turbine=25min turbines=1 to

Q7. Reduction process is associated with,

Ans. Gain of e Loss of e Neutral of e
Q8. REDOX reaction contains,
Ans. Oxidation Solidification Reduction Reformer
Q9. Expand the term SCADA and state its utility in one or two lines.
Ans. SCADA is an acronym for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition.
SCADA generally refers to an industrial computer system that
monitors and controls a process. In the case of the transmission and
distribution elements of electrical utilities, SCADA will monitor
substations, transformers and other electrical assets.
Q10. State various advantages of smart grid.
Ans. More efficient Quicker Reduced Reduced peak
transmission of restoration of operations and demand,
electricity. electricity after management which will also
power costs for help lower
disturbances utilities, and electricity
ultimately lower rates
power costs for

Q11. State various advantages of micro grid.

Ans. Provide microgrids can be Critical Integrate CHP,
efficient, low- built with: less infrastructure renewables,
cost, clean total capital cost, that increases thermal and
energy less installed reliability and electric
. generation, resilience storage, and
higher capacity Reduce grid advanced
factor on all “congestion” system and
assets, and and peak loads building
higher reliability controls.

Q12. Write the band-gap energy level of following materials.

Ans. Ge=0.67eV Si=1.14eV at 273k Cu=1.3eV to Wood=0.4eV
Q13. How does AMI help to the system?
Ans. Security- Reliability - Efficiency- Economic-
Improves increases increases, previously it
improves was expensive
but now it is
not that much
Q14. What is power quality?
Ans. Electric power quality, or simply power quality, involves voltage,
frequency, and waveform. Good power quality can be defined as a
steady supply voltage that stays within the prescribed range, steady
a.c. frequency close to the rated value, and smooth voltage curve
Q15. State the ranges of HAN and NAN.
Ans. HAN- distance 1-100m (1-100kbps)

NAN – distance 100m-10km(100kbps-10mbps)

Q16. Write various advantages of WAN.
Ans. WAN covers Like LAN, it The software it supports
larger allows sharing of files are shared global markets
geographical resources and among all the and global
area. Hence application users. businesses.
business softwares among
offices situated distributed
at longer workstations or
distances can users
easily .
Q17. State advantages of hybrid system.

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