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Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect


We use both of these tenses for finished and unfinished actions.

The present perfect simple can be used (often with 'since' and 'for') to talk
about unfinished actions that started in the past and are still true in the
present. It's often used with stative verbs:
 I've known John for three years.

The present perfect continuous can also be used (often with 'since' and
'for') to talk about unfinished actions that started in the past and are still
true in the present. (Of course, we don't use the present perfect continuous
with stative verbs):
 She's been living here for three years.

Sometimes there's really no difference in meaning between the two tenses.

This is especially the case with verbs such as 'live', 'work' and 'study':
 They've lived in London since 2004.
 They've been living in London since 2004.

 I've studied French for ten years.

 I've been studying French for ten years.

 He's worked at the company since 2009.

 He's been working at our company since 2009.

Sometimes, there is a difference in meaning:

1: The present perfect continuous can be used to emphasise the length of

time that has passed. The present perfect simple is generally neutral:
 They've been waiting for hours! (This emphasises the length of time).
 They've waited for hours. (This doesn't emphasise the length of time).

2: On the other hand, the present perfect simple is often used when we're
talking about how much or how many. This isn't possible with the present
perfect continuous

Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect Simple?

• We use the Present Perfect Continuous to focus on an

action or process (which may or may not be complete).
Questions in the Present Perfect Continuous often begin
with how long:
How long has she been writing books?

• We use the Present Perfect Simple to focus on an

achievement or the result of an action. Questions in the
Present Perfect Simple often begin with how many:

How many books has he written?

• We don't use when in questions in either of the two tenses.
• State verbs are generally used in the Present Perfec1

I Use the prompts to write sentences in the Present

Perfect Continuous.
Add since or for where necessary.
1 I / study / art / 2009
2 how long / you / wear / your glasses?
3 you / swim / all afternoon?
4 it / rain / two hours now
5 we / not watch / the match
6 my parents / study / English / fi ve years
7 how long / Joanna / work / in that café?
8 amy / surf / the Internet / all day?
9 my sister / work / as a photographer / three years
10 Hannah and Eve / revise / for their exam / all evening?


I Page 116

1.5 (do exercises 1, 2, 3)

II Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous Exercise

1. ___________________ (you / buy) your train ticket yet?
2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What ___________________ (the children /
3. Julie ___________________ (learn) to drive for six years!
4. Amanda ___________________ (already / have) lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
5. How much coffee ___________________ (she / drink) this morning?
6. Simon ___________________ (write) three books.
7. I ___________________ (do) everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
8. It ___________________ (not / rain) all summer, so the garden is dead.
9. I ___________________ (read) your book. Here it is, thank you.
10. She ___________________ (forget) how to get to my house.
11. I ___________________ (work) in the garden all day and I need a rest.
12. She ___________________ (make) three cakes. They look delicious!
13. David feels great these days. He ___________________ (get) up early lately.
14. We ___________________ (always / hate) rush hour traffic.
15. Recently, I ___________________ (study) a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
16. We ___________________ (write) this book for months and months.
17. I ___________________ (always / love) chocolate.
18. I ___________________ (want) to go back to university for a long time.
19. What’s that delicious smell? ___________________ (you / cook)?
20. I ___________________ (watch) seven films this week

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