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English XI Lubna

Q1: Was the creation of a new bomb by Henry Corrie is the step towards progress?
Ans: Progress means to construct things for benefit not for destruction. The invention which makes the life
of humanity easier is in fact the work of progress. The bomb made by Professor Corrie was devastating
and dangerous for humanity and a recipe of disaster for world peace, so his invention was not a step
towards progress.
Q2: What was the invention of Prof Corrie?
Ans: Prof Corrie invented a lethal bomb. It was the combination of gases and explosives. It meant to
obliterate the place where ever it would be dropped. It not only devastates the large area it would also emit
colorless and odorless gases which would rot insides of the body who ever inhale it.
Q3: How does Prof Corrie wanted to revolutionize war?
Ans: Prof Corrie worked hard to make a bomb for war which was never used before by warmongers. His
invention in his own words meant to revolutionize warfare by making it speedy and hugely devastating like
never before. He reveals about his invention in his following words “The formula for the bomb will make
war not stupendously horrible, but will end it almost as quickly as it began.”
His powerful bomb was mixture of explosives and gases and was supposed to be dropped by airship. It not
only wipes out the huge area it also meant to kill people by its colorless and odorless poisonous gas
whoever inhales it. This is how Professor Corrie wants to bring revolution in war by making it horrible as
possible which was not witnessed before in history of wars.
Q4: Professor Corrie is materialistic rather than patriotic scientist. Elaborate?
Ans: Professor Corrie is a greedy scientist; his invention was not for the country's defense or to increase its
potential. He rather had ulterior motives he was looking to get fame and fortune out of his invention. He
says to his sister that “I've got just exactly what I wanted Charlotte, Absolutely the thing. This will
bring fame and fortune to me I shall be rich now, but more than that I shall be famous.” His intentions
were not patriotic either he was ready to sale it off to any government if British Government fails to pay its
price he desire. His disloyalty to his country become evident when he tells his sister that, “I shall offer it
the British Government of course, but if they don't pay my price I'll offer it to somebody else.”
Q5: What are the views of Henry Corrie about Women?
Ans: Henry Corrie was a misogynist, according to him women lack concentration and proper use of things.
They can easily be distracted and has no capacity for complete impersonal devotion that's why they are not
able to achieve anything great in their life.
Q6: Why does Mrs. Meldon fight against war?
Ans: Mrs. Meldon suffered a lot after her son died in the war. She also lost her husband after her son's
death and was left alone with her grief. She is a peace loving lady who does not want anyone to contribute
to war in anyway. She considers war as an organized butchery of boys. Her brother's bomb meant to bring
huge destruction which was not acceptable to her. She favors humanity against destructive science, she
does not want any mother to suffer like she did so that's why she was against war.
Q7: According to Mrs. Meldon what is an organized butchery of young boys?
Ans: Mrs. Meldon hated war and want to completely abolish it. When she met her brother who told her
about his invention to revolutionize war she stood against it. She had suffered a lot after her son's death in
war. In her view war should put to end since in it in an organized manner the young innocent soldiers are
butchered and brutally killed. According to her young boys fresh from school are recruited and send to the
battlefield where they are killed in cold blood.
English XI Lubna

Q8: Was Mrs. Meldon justified to kill Henry Corrie? Or How will you justify the killing of Professor
Corrie by her sister?
Ans: With great power comes great responsibility, but Henry Corrie proved it wrong. His invention was
against humanity; it was a bomb meant to obliterate and kill thousands where ever it is dropped by air ships
in war. If that was not enough greedy and selfish Henry Corrie wants to make fortune out of it. Man with
such intentions promote evil not progress in science.
Mrs. Meldon on other hand serves humanity. She wanted to abolish war and she pleaded her case to her
brother to give up his invention. She wanted to safe thousands of life and undue suffering by destroying his
formula of bomb, when he refused she destroyed it herself. Prof. Corrie mocks her that his formula is still
safe in his mind in rage and passion to destroy his formula for good when she comes upon a knife she
picked it up stabbed her brother to death.
Mrs. Meldon killed her brother to justify her cause of saving humanity. She wanted no more suffering of
people and living out of fear of the horrors of war. She sacrificed her brother's life for the cost of human
Q9: What did Mrs. Meldon find out about Eddie's death on his death anniversary?
Ans: Mrs. Meldon found out about Eddie's death on his death anniversary that he was sitting in a shallow
trench with his soldiers when a shell fell on the trench and destroyed all of them. There was nothing left of
their bodies to be buried.

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