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A multinational corporation (MNC) has facilities and other assets in at least one country other than
its home country. A multinational company generally has offices and/or factories in different
countries and a centralized head office where they coordinate global management.

A start up or start-up is a company started by an entrepreneur to seek, effectively develop, and

validate a scalable business model.

Before deciding where a person wants to work, she or he analyses the pro and cons of both the
working system, risk factor, exposure and opportunities and most important is what the person
wants from her/his life.

1.Pre-defined role at the work place helps the employee know their responsibilities, objective to be
achieved which is important for professional growth.

2.They have got an established brand value so the experience gained there is beneficial for applying
for jobs at some other company.

2.Distribution of responsibilities and work among the employees results in efficiency of the
company and also the quality of work is high-grade.

3. An established hierarchical order ensures that there is a chain of command that corporates
follow. A well-defined path is followed by the employees working from boss to managers to
employees which help in distributing the powers, authority and load of work is not on shoulders of a
single person and hence efficiency is maintained.

4.Unlimited resources like latest technology to enable smooth working, best hotels to stay when on
field trips and the brand name of company are some of the most attractive feature of MNC’s.

5.They have many perks to offer like maternity leaves, PF plans, job security, comfortable life after
retirement, bonuses, loan schemes, business trips to other states and countries.

1.In-depth and real time exposure of the employees, even if you are a fresh recruit but now as an
employee of start-up you have to deal with all the real-time problems from day-1. This test the skills
of working people like decision making, independent thinking. It will build your appetite to be
always-on-the-go and stay abreast of the dynamic nature of the ecosystem.

2.There is something new to learn every day. Unlike MNC’s where designation and work are defined
in start-ups you might be recruited as a coder but might have to work as a writer on some days.
Thus, new challenges are always there.

3.There are no fixed chain of command, CEO might be working directly with employees.
Brainstorming that involves every member of the team, no matter their function, is a common sight
in many start-ups. It allows for an open flow of ideas and working on procedures as a team to ensure
the best possible outcome.
4.Vibrant work culture is seen in start-ups; the employees are not just professionally connected but
they become a small family.

Conclusion- By analysing the above factors and also my own wish I would like to work in a start-up
because of the challenges it offers, learning of new skills and the working environment it offers.

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