Buddhism: Catalina Baldwin

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Catalina Baldwin
What is Buddhism?

A spiritual path in which followers are

united under the Buddha’s teachings, and
the belief that the key to happiness is
following the eightfold path and the
Middle Way.

As there is no god or deity, to some it is

not considered a religion. Yet for some, it
is more of a philosophy in which people
can find inner peace.

535 million Followers





Who was the Buddha?

Siddhartha Gautama, After years of trial and

more commonly known error in his teachings, the
as the Buddha, was a Buddha spent an entire
teacher, philosopher, and night in deep meditation
spiruatal leader, and is beneath a tree. He
recognised as the became the Buddha once
founder of Buddhism. all of the answers to his
questions were clear and
achieving enlightenment.

Holy Book

Rather than just one holy book, there are multiple sacred texts:
1. The Tripitaka
A sacred text written in a language called Pali (thought to be the language
spoken by the buddha). It outlines the teachings and beliefs of the Buddha.
2. Tibetan Book of the Dead
The purpose of this text is to ease the mind when one is in challenging
times, and was written by a Tibetan monk to explain the different stages of
death and rebirth.
3. The Mahayana Sutras
A collection of sacred recitations used as a form of meditation.

Major Sects

Theravada Mahayana Tibetan Buddhism (Vajrayana)

- Earliest form of - Buddha was also a - Developed in Tibet
Buddhism saviour god - Belief that one can reach
- Strict to the Buddha’s - Relief of suffering by enlightenment in just one
teachings and life of doing good deeds and lifetime.
meditation and keeping faith.
detachment. - People could reach
- Belief that only few Nirvana less strictly.
would reach Nirvana

Worship Practices

- Buddhists, as previously stated, do not

worship a god.
- Instead, they worship the Buddha and
- This involves showing reverence to the
Buddha and bodhisattvas and offering gifts.
- Buddhists from different sects will worship
- Mahayana Buddhists may sit on the floor
barefoot while facing an image of the Buddha
- In Tibetan Buddhist communities, it is
common to use prayer beads, wheels, and
flags to assist in veneration.


- There are several different

celebrations in the Buddhist
- One of the most important is Vesak
- Often, people will light candles to
commemorate the occasion
- Other important celebrations efdgr
include the end of vassa, or the rainy
season in countries such as
Cambodia, Thailand, and Myanmar;
All Souls Festival in China and Japan;
and New Year’s and harvest festivals.


dafredfsgx - One of the most important

Buddhist rituals is meditation
- This is thought to help you
along on the journey to
- Other rituals include
pilgrimages and repeating
mantras, which are sacred


- The leader of the Tibetan

Buddhists is the Dalai Lama
- He is considered to be the
personification of Buddhist
- In other sects, monks take a
leadership role and perform
various duties such as leading
Basic beliefs

- The central doctrine of all sects of Buddhism are the

four noble truths. These are that existence is suffering
(dukhka); that suffering has a cause, namely craving and
attachment (trishna); there is an end to of suffering,
which is nirvana: and that the way to the end of
suffering lies in the eightfold path of right views.
- These are right views, right resolve, right speech, right
action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness,
and right concentration.
Thank you for

Hays, Jeffrey. “BUDDHIST SECTS: THERAVADA, MAHAYANA AND TIBETAN BUDDHISM.” Facts and Details, factsanddetails.com/world/cat55/sub355/item1336.html.

“Home.” Buddhist Holy Books, www.buddhistholybooks.org/.

“What Is Buddhism?: The Buddhist Centre.” What Is Buddhism? | The Buddhist Centre, thebuddhistcentre.com/buddhism.

“Buddhists.” Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project, 31 Dec. 2019, www.pewforum.org/2012/12/18/global-religious-landscape-buddhist/.

“Buddha.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 9 Sept. 2019, www.biography.com/religious-figure/buddha.

“Buddhism Religion: Basic Beliefs and Practices.” Infoplease, Infoplease,


“Leadership.” Patheos, Patheos Explore the World's Faith through Different Perspectives on Religion and Spirituality! Patheos Has the Views of the Prevalent
Religions and Spiritualities of the World., www.patheos.com/library/buddhism/ethics-morality-community/leadershipclergy.

Lopez, Donald S., and Giuseppe Tucci. “Popular Religious Practices.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 16 Oct. 2019,

“Religion: Buddhism.” BBC, BBC, www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/buddhism/.

“Religions - Buddhism: Buddhist Worship.” BBC, BBC, 10 Apr. 2006, www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/buddhism/customs/worship_1.shtml.

“Vesak Festival: What Is It and How Do Buddhists Celebrate Buddha Day or Wesak? - CBBC Newsround.” BBC News, BBC, www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/48106687.


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