Accenture Managing Capital Projects Growth North American Petrochemical Industry

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Managing Capital Projects

for Growth in the North

American Petrochemical

Over the next four years (2014-2017), more
than $425 billion in new petrochemical
plant investments are expected around the
globe1—and a substantial portion of these
will occur in North America.
The reason: The abundance of shale gas Those capital projects are a vital part
and shale gas liquids in the region and of North American petrochemical
the resulting stability in long-term natural companies’ growth strategies, and they
gas prices, have created a cost advantage represent tremendous opportunity for
for the industry in North America. the industry. But planning and executing
these projects can be difficult—and the
According to the American Chemistry cost of delays and disruptions can be high.
Council, 148 US-based projects—totaling Indeed, problems with capital projects
about $100 billion in potential chemicals can have a significant impact on growth
capital investment—were announced in plans. Fortunately, experience and research
early 2014.2 Many global and regional within petrochemicals and across other
producers have initiated studies or chemicals industries provide insight into
plans to build ethylene, gas-to-liquid the critical challenges that capital projects
and ammonia plants, as well as NGL typically encounter—and point to some
export terminals, LNG export terminals fundamental principles and practices that
and other gas-based chemical and companies can adopt to help ensure that
derivative manufacturing plants in their capital projects run smoothly.
North America.

Capital Projects: Key Challenges
The challenges associated with managing
large petrochemical projects vary.
They require skilled professionals and average ethylene cracker capacity was When the planning and execution
craft workers, and often involve a range 370 kmpty.3 Petrochemical facilities of large projects do not go smoothly,
of partners. They generate a wealth of usually take years to build, and have the impact on the bottom line can be
data that has to be managed and shared. to account for local regulations, significant. A shortage of key talent,
They require rigorous governance, coupled changing economics and evolving for example, can increase project
with flexibility. And through it all, technologies. The talent needed for costs by 20 percent to 40 percent,
companies need to pay close attention these projects is scarce around the world: while delays can mean lost opportunities
to environmental, health and safety In a recent global survey of chemical to take advantage of peaks in business
compliance. companies, 8 out of 9 respondents said cycles. An assessment of a North American
that talent shortages are already a major ethylene cracker project estimated that
At the same time, the scope and concern for capital projects delivery.4 In delays can equate to a daily loss of cash
complexity of such projects is growing. North America, the large number of flow of $1 million a day or more.5
The average ethylene cracker capacity is projects planned or under way makes
well over 1,000 kmpty today, which has that shortage especially acute.
nearly tripled since the 1980s when the

Focusing on the Right

Improvement Efforts
While there are a variety of issues companies need to take into
account with large capital projects, there are also a wide range of
steps available to avoid them. Companies can typically benefit from
a strong focus on five key goals:

• Optimize scarce skills and talent

• Manage complexity and integration
• Accelerate operational readiness
• Integrate information systems across capital project teams
• Establish strong project governance, risk management and
front-end planning tools

Optimize scarce skills and talent resource models, and how those will Finally, major chemical companies often
affect the unique nature of the specific have diverse portfolios of capital projects
project in question. This entails under- that are in process. This creates another
Today, large capital projects typically face
standing the cost drivers of each service layer of complexity, requiring sophisticated
resource/skill shortages in three key areas:
being provided and aligning these services approaches to governance, the tracking of
engineering, construction and project
with resource needs across the project’s financials, and the ability to manage risk
life cycle. Companies can also use supplier across the portfolio.
management programs to identify, develop
The shortage of skilled engineering talent
and manage resources before the project, To address these challenges, companies
is well documented. But with capital
and improve their ability to predict the need to develop relationship models that
projects, that shortage is often aggravated
pipeline of projects and skill requirements. enable diverse organizations to work
by the need to manage and segment
together to govern complex processes.
complicated work. Engineering firms are
In some cases, a center-of-excellence They also need to establish engineering
often working with diverse processes, and
approach can be effective in coping with data management systems and processes
need to foster communication among
skills shortages. Many engineering firms that enable improved visibility and
specialist engineers, on-site engineers
now have such centers in locations around data-driven analyses of complex problems.
and integration engineers. In addition,
the world, often drawing on lower-cost And they can use process modeling to
much of this engineering work is typically
specialized engineering support in those develop portfolio management systems
done without the benefit of face-to-face
locations. This approach allows engineering and tools that enable them to manage
discussions with customers, which makes
firms to more effectively leverage scarce diverse portfolios. The use of analytics
it difficult to conduct effective iterative
engineering talent, and to provide 24- can also play an important role in several
engineering efforts.
hour-a-day support to help speed up tactical areas, such as increasing visibility
design work. into cash flows and financial constraints,
Meanwhile, construction firms in
the testing of assumptions, and the ability
North America are often smaller private
to manage risk for a portfolio of projects.
companies—because the industry has not Manage complexity and
seen the kind of consolidation that other integration effectively
industries have experienced over the last
decade and a half. As a result, construction Today, capital projects in the petrochemi-
firms are often specialized in their services cals industry involve increasingly complex
—and often have workforces that have business relationships. For example,
varying skills and competencies. They joint ventures are often used to develop
tend to have limited resources in the core chemical plants, integrated chemical
areas of project management, specialty plants and refineries, and chemical
skills and equipment operators. facilities that link different technologies,
companies and facilities at a single site.
However, the shortage of project These business relationships can complicate
management skills is a challenge the management of capital projects.
globally. These are specialized skills that
take years of experience to develop, and Evolving processes and technology also
they require proficiency in engineering, create project complexity. Facilities may
management and commercial activities. use coal and coal-derived syngas as a
Personnel with these skills are in high chemical feedstock; ship large quantities
demand and short supply—and that is of natural gas liquids by ocean; and capture
especially true when it comes to project and efficiently monetize small natural gas
managers with experience in large fields through new liquefaction technolo-
capital projects. gies. These types of approaches require
complex designs that are flexible enough
To optimize their use of skilled resources, to keep up with changing markets and
petrochemical companies need to customer requirements.
understand the challenges and constraints
associated with their business and

Key Capabilities for Capital Projects

To improve their ability to plan and Materials quantities, procurement

execute large capital projects, petrochemical and logistics control.
companies can identify and pursue
Companies can develop materials and
improvements across the engineering,
service strategies that take advantage
procurement and construction segments
of cost and schedule opportunities, and
of projects. Accenture’s research has
rely on standard codification to support
identified five key capabilities that
accurate tracking of materials. Materials
companies need in these efforts.
management should span all EPC project
Integrated project planning and
cost control. Construction planning, monitoring
Integrated project controls that extend
and management.
from planning to start-up are vital to the
The optimization of construction
effective delivery of large-scale projects.
strategies is essential to ensuring that
They can often help reconcile conflicting
project costs are properly managed and
requirements from various stakeholders.
executed. The management of resources/
Supporting tools should ensure the
talent is often taken for granted, but it
effective tracking of progress at any
is a key driver of project excellence.
time during the entire project lifecycle.
Typically, communication and stakeholder
management can be enhanced to enable
Integrated engineering data companies to continuously align the
and documents. project goals and resources.
This capability enables engineering to
collaborate with other functions and
Human resources management.
parties, and gives the owner and its
Companies should establish clear
EPC (engineering, procurement and
responsibilities, ensure that the right
construction) partners better visibility
project management skills are available,
into project progress. Overall, the
and manage people to support execution
integration of data and systems helps
effectiveness. The control of workload
increase speed and efficiency in design,
demand versus workforce capacity is key
project work and the project handover,
in the EPC industry, where the right talent
and supports the effort to capitalize on
is often in short supply.
scarce engineering and technical skills.

Accelerate operational Integrate information systems
readiness across capital project teams

Most major petrochemical companies In dealing with complex projects, Case Study: Assessing
recognize the need to establish opera- centralized information and data
management systems are critical to
the Approach
tional readiness programs. These programs
should be started early on, during front-end enhancing communications, increasing
engineering and design, and then continue visibility and ensuring that the project When a petrochemical company was
through construction. They should focus on data is relevant and useable by operations considering a new facility to produce
asset development and integrating the right and maintenance throughout the life high-value fuels and lubricants, it began
operational principles into the selection, of the asset. by carefully assessing its approach to
development and execution of capital estimating and managing costs for
projects. This helps ensure that capital An integrated approach to information capital projects. The assessment looked
investments result in the value defined systems can help companies with capital at project-execution policies and
in their original project plans. project portfolios leverage resources, reduce procedures; engineering, procurement
rework, increase the speed with which and construction (EPC) strategies; and
Various programs can address specific projects can move from construction to the interfaces between contractors and
areas. For example, programs might include: completion and operation, and support organizational units involved in the project.
effective operations over the long run. It also drew on market intelligence to
• Safe operations—assessing job safety identify leading practices in these areas
for future maintenance and operations Establish strong project and better understand the market drivers
activities. governance, risk management of potential risk for the project.
• Outage analysis—defining areas where
outage costs can be reduced through and front-end planning tools The assessment identified a number of
better access and design. strategic and tactical procurement and
• Environmental analysis—reviewing Larger, more complex projects require contracting improvement opportunities
operating constraints related to safety, especially strong oversight. Companies across EPC activities. It identified gaps
health and environmental factors. should develop governance models that in capabilities, and prioritized them so
• Equipment asset management— provide consistent management across that the company could begin address-
developing maintenance and trouble- projects in the portfolio, and that have ing high-value, low-effort improvements
shooting practices focused on maximizing an integrated gate process that enforces quickly. At the same time, the assessment
equipment life and availability. the disciplined review and verification of identified savings opportunities totaling
• Spare parts—reviewing planned purchases each project stage before it is funded. more than $450 million.
of parts and drawings to enable the
manufacturing of those parts. In terms of risk management, companies
should establish processes that constantly
An early focus on operational readiness identify opportunities and risks associated
enables the project team to develop with project plans and cost estimates. These
assets that are flexible and customizable processes should also define and document
products. It also lets teams make use of the actions that will mitigate risks.
simulation models to optimize performance
and design systems that reduce operational Companies usually have an opportunity
and maintenance costs. And it makes it to improve front-end planning tools,
easier to find and resolve problems early as well. Effective tools will help them
on and to collaborate on potential design manage limited funding, providing better
options. visibility into the entire list of potential
capital projects and enabling them to
constantly test input assumptions related
to products, costs, schedule and the
availability of resources. Effective tools
can also help companies align front-end
engineering and financial plans with the
various partners involved in the project.

As petrochemical companies launch new operations to take advantage of North
America’s shale gas, they need to be aware of the challenges often encountered
in capital projects. Those challenges are significant—and in some ways growing, as
project size and complexity increases. The approaches that companies use to meet
those challenges can have a sizable impact on the project’s ultimate success—and
on the company’s long-term profits and competitiveness.

Experience and research have shown where the most common pitfalls lie in
pursuing capital projects—and there are clear steps that companies can take to
avoid them. Understanding and addressing these key challenges can help companies
reduce risk and achieve value with their large projects—and ultimately, grow in the
North American market.

About Accenture About the authors Further reading
Accenture is a global management Fred Vitale is part of Accenture’s Capital Projects in a High-risk World:
consulting, technology services and Sourcing and Procurement practice
outsourcing company, with approximately and Global Capital Project Services insight-capital-projects-high-riskworld-
289,000 people serving clients in more practice and has more than 33 years best-practices-perspective.aspx
than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled of experience in the development and
experience, comprehensive capabilities management of capital projects and Developing Strategies for the Effective
across all industries and business functions, has worked in more than 25 countries. Delivery of Capital Projects:
and extensive research on the world’s Fred is also responsible for the development
most successful companies, Accenture and management of Accenture’s project insight-capital-projectsglobal-survey-ener-
collaborates with clients to help them sourcing offering that has been used to gy-industry.aspx
become high-performance businesses apply strategic procurement principles
and governments. The company generated globally. In addition, he is a member of
net revenues of US$28.6 billion for the Accenture’s North American Sourcing insight-capital-projectsglobal-survey-utili-
fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2013. and Procurement Leadership Team. ties-industry.aspx
Based in Washington, DC, Fred can be
reached at
Matthew Smith is a Managing Director
in Accenture’s Energy practice with a
specialization in leading large-scale insight-capital-projectschemicals-
1 Industrial Info Resources global transformation initiatives. He has industry.aspx
more than 24 years experience in delivering
2 “America’s shale gas revolution: U.S. large scale, global transformation programs Large Capital Expenditures in Emerging
chemical investment reaches $100 billion,” in the Energy, Industrial Products, Energy, Markets:
American Chemistry Council, February 2014 Communications, and Electronics & High
Tech industries. He is also responsible insight-capitalexpenditures-emerging-
3 Achieving Effective Delivery of Capital for leading large scale capital projects marketsproject-management-practicessum-
Projects Accenture global survey of the for Energy industry and is a member mary.aspx
chemicals industry of Accenture’s North American Energy
Leadership Team. Matthew can be reached Managing Capital Projects as a Business:
4 Achieving Effective Delivery of Capital at
Projects: Accenture global survey of the Pages/outlook-online-2011-managing-capi-
chemicals industry, Accenture, February Steve Means is a Managing Director in tal-projectsmining-energy-australia.aspx
2013. Accenture’s Capital Projects Services
practice and has more than 22 years of Next Generation Asset Management:
5 Accenture Research analysis, 2014. experience delivering large scale capital
projects. Steve has served in a variety insight-utilities-nextgeneration-asset-
Additional contributors of senior leadership positions on major management.aspx
Special thanks to the following people projects in the Chemical, Energy and
who also contributed to this paper: Utilities industries. He has also provided Capital Project Risk Management
project management leadership to several Foundations Mastery:
Andrew Brown large scale construction projects and
Senior Manager, Accenture Strategy, PMOs. Based in Houston, Steve can be insightcapital-project-risk-anagementfoun-
Accenture reached at dations-mastery.aspx

Copyright © 2014 Accenture

Paul Bjacek All rights reserved.
Senior Manager, Global Chemical and
Natural Resources Research Lead, Accenture Accenture, its logo, and High Performance Delivered
are trademarks of Accenture.
Divya Goyal
This document is produced by consultants at Accenture
Senior Manager, North America Resources,
as general guidance. It is not intended to provide
Accenture specific advice on your circumstances. If you require
advice or further details on any matters referred to,
please contact your Accenture representative.

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