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“The Effects of Classroom Conduciveness in the Academic

Performance of the Senior High School Students of

Northeastern College.”
Chapter I
Background of the study
People who are studying nowadays are seemed to be like
experiencing hardships and difficulties. What would be those
things that can help students lessen their hardships in
studying? In this research study, the topic was opened for
the senior high school students of Northeastern College.
This research will going to have a deep and thorough
understanding and knowledge with regards the things that
makes studying easy, the classroom conduciveness.
What is this classroom conduciveness? As far as this
research will go on, classroom conduciveness are the things
such as the equipment that helps students and even teachers
inside the classroom. One of the examples of these is the
projector. Instead of spending overnight to make visual aids
using cartolina or manila paper or writing on the board,
students can now use projector for the visual aids through
As we can see, these classroom conduciveness are really
helpful to students especially in the senior high school
students in which we’re going to conduct a research. It may
be helpful for them in studying but not just for them but
also for the teaching of the teachers.
On the positive side, yes, it’s really helpful for
everyone. It can minimize the time frame of making visual
aids or reporting in classes. In short, it makes the
studying of students easy as well as the teaching of the
teachers. On the contrary to that, there is also a negative
side. These classroom conduciveness can also cause students
to be idle or indolent. They may not also put their effort
since there are things prepared for them. But it always
depends on the user.
The purpose of this research study is for everyone to
be enlighten in many ways with accordance to student’s
academic performance, in short studying. Studying is really
part of everyone’s lives. Having an education actually is a
person’s right. But sometimes, studying requires things. And
one thing to be considered is if the students are
comfortable in studying. That’s why this research was opened
for everyone’s perceptions on classroom conduciveness.
If we will compare the ways of learning before and
today, there is a big difference in between. Without any
underestimation, but according to John Hennedy, it is really
easier to study in these days than the days before where
still there are no gadgets and equipment. But in terms of
how they study, people studying before are better on giving
their best efforts and exerting time.
As this research study goes on, this will result in the
effects of classroom conduciveness in the academic
performance of the senior high school students of
Northeastern College. To be specific, respondents will be in
all the strands in Senior High that Northeastern College
have such as Accountancy and Business Management (ABM),
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM),
Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Home
Economics (HE), General Academic Strand (GAS) and Humanities
and Social Sciences (HUMSS) and/or in all Blocks of grade 11
and grade 12.
Statement of the Problem

 How classroom conduciveness really affects the students

in the classroom that are working? Non-working?
 Are the students in Senior High School are comfortable
with everything surrounds them?
 What are the positive and negative effects of the
classroom towards the students?
 What learning theories or studies can prove that
classroom conduciveness affects the academic
performance of the Senior High School Students?
 What are the examples of these classroom conduciveness
in each classroom of all Senior High School Students of
Northeastern College?

Significance of the Study

The researchers conducted this kind of study that would
benefit to all the senior high school students of
Northeastern College so that this will enlighten them on how
the classroom conduciveness contributes effects to them. In
some cases, they may either take those classroom
conduciveness in a positive way or in a negative way with
regards of their academic performance.
Also, the teachers may gain advantage in this study
especially who are teaching in the senior high school
students of Northeastern College. In their students’
academic performances, those classroom conduciveness can
help them to teach more easily.
Researchers and also as well as the ordinary people or
readers may have their concept and ideas either about the
things that makes studying easy or what do we call the
classroom conduciveness. This might be helpful for those
other senior high school students also. This study can later
be used by students/researchers who venture on a topic which
is somehow related in this study, this may serve as a review
of related literature, greatly contributing to the
accomplishment of their research.
Theoretical Framework
The following theories are somehow connected and
concerned about the academic performance of students and how
the factors surrounded by them are affecting them.
According to Burns (1995), “Conceives of learning as a
relatively permanent change in our behavior with behavior
including both observable activity and internal processes
such as thinking, attitudes and emotions.” It is clear that
Burns includes motivation in definition or learning through
studying. Burns considered that learning might not manifest
itself it observable behavior until sometime after
educational program has taken place.
Facilitation Theory are considered by Carl Rogers and
others. They developed the theory of facilitative learning.
The basic premise of this theory is the learning will occur
by the educator acting as facilitator, that is by
establishing an atmosphere in which learners feel
comfortable to consider new ideas and are not threatened by
external factor. (Laird, 1985).

Conceptual Framework
H1. To have classroom conduciveness that affects the
academic performance of the senior high school students of
Northeastern College, you must first focus on the physical
space. Use every possible area of the room to create an
atmosphere that encourages participation and learning. The
physical space includes the layout and arrangement of the
desks or tables, the placement of computers and equipment,
and items on the bulletin boards and walls.


 There are many factors that affects the academic

performance of students. Those may be their teachers,
co-students and the things surrounded them.
 Classroom conduciveness affects the students’ academic
performance whether in a positive or negative way.
 The students may feel comfortable since there are
things in their environment that helps them to study
 This research study is to distinguish what effects
classroom conduciveness bring to the students in
Scope and Delimitation of the Study

 This study is focused on how does classroom

conclusiveness affects the academic performances of the
Senior High School Students of Northeastern College.
 Only the Senior High School students, which are the
grade-11 and grade-12 students, of Northeastern College
will be the respondents of the said study. And of
course the quantity of all the senior high school
students will be checked and observed. The respondents
would be 5 students in each block/strand in the Senior
High School.
 The study will be specifically to be conducted in all
the classrooms as we goes on with the research. The
result of this study will be the instrument of the
faculty to make a changes for the next semester or the
next year. The research instruments were only
administered once to the respondents during the first
semester, S.Y. 2017-2018.

Definition of Terms
 Air Condition - to equip (something, such as a
building) with an apparatus for washing air and
controlling its humidity and temperature.
 Armchair- a comfortable chair, typically upholstered,
with side supports for a person's arms.
 Conducive- to make something easy, possible or likely
for something to happen or exist.
 Equipment- these are the supplies or tools needed for a
special purpose.
 Fluorescent Light- producing light when electricity
flows through a tube that is filled with a type of
 Gadget- it is a small, handful device that people are
 Outlet- a receptacle for the plug of an electrical
 Projector- An object that is used to project rays of
light, especially an apparatus with a system of lenses
for projecting slides or film onto a screen.
 Table- a piece of furniture consisting of a smooth
flat slab fixed on legs.
 Technology- it is the machine or piece of industry that
is made to make things easy and faster.
 White/Blackboard- a hard smooth usually dark surface
used especially in a classroom for writing or
drawing on with chalk. It is also a hard
smooth white surface used for writing or drawing on
with markers.

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