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EMPLOYED: Thank you for calling ______________________ company, this is ________ speaking,
Who do I have the pleasure to be a speaking with?

CUSTOMER: My name is _________

EMPLOYED: Thank you ___________, tell me how I can help you?

CUSTOMER: Okey _____ I have a problem and I hope you can help me! Now, let me tell you what is
happening. I got my bill and I’m trying to understand why I have to pay $120.000 (one hundred twenty
thousand pesos) for 30 (thirty) huacales and 20 (twenty) boxes, If I Usually pay $60.000 (sixty
thousand pesos). Can you explain me that?

EMPLOYED: Alright, I will need to collect some information in order to help you. Could you please tell
me what is your full name, Your ID number and your phone number?

CUSTOMER: Yes, my name is __________, my ID number is :____________ and my phone number

is _____________

EMPLOYED: Could do you spell ___________ please?

CUSTOMER: Yes, ___________

EMPLOYED: Perfect, now, regarding that you said you got a bill for $120.000 (one hundred twenty
thousand pesos) and you want to know why.

Could you wait me a moment please?

CUSTOMER: Yes, no problem take your time


EMPLOYED: Thank you for waiting __________, I already checked the bill that you have and I could
see all the activities that you did. Last week you paid $60.000 (sixty thousand pesos) and now you
have on your account a balance due for $120.000 (one hundred twenty thousand pesos). it is
because, you didn’t have enough founds in your credit card last week and it was rejected, for this
reason, you see on his bill the current payment for $60.000 (sixty thousand pesos) and $60.000
pesos from last week, this is the reason that you have to pay this week $120.000

CUSTOMER: Okay Steban, now I understand what happened. Thank you for your help, and don't
worry, I will pay all the amount

EMPLOYED:Perfect ___________, Is there anything else I can help you with today?

CUSTOMER: No, that's all, thank you

EMPLOYED: Okey perfect ____________, thank you for calling _____________________ company,
Have a nice day

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