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26 Palynology and Its Application to Geomorphology

PT Moss, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
r 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

14.26.1 Introduction 315

14.26.2 Palynological Analysis 316 Palynological Laboratory Techniques 316 Pollen and Charcoal Counting Methods 317 Generation of Pollen Diagrams 319
14.26.3 Palynology and Its Applications to Geomorphology 320 Age Control 320 Environmental Palynology 321 Depositional Environments 322 Human Impact 323
14.26.4 Conclusion 323
14.26.5 Use of Exotic Markers 324
References 324

Glossary Palynology Analysis of fossil pollen and spores used for

Carbonized particles Burnt organic material (i.e., reconstructing past environments.
charcoal) that occurs in sedimentary rocks or sediment. Palynomorphs Microfossils (generally pollen and spores)
They are commonly associated with palynomorphs as preserved in sedimentary rocks or sediment.
microcharcoal. Sporopollenin Decay-resistant organic compound that
Environmental palynology The use of palynomorphs to forms the surface of pollen and spores.
reconstruct past environmental conditions and ecological Stratigraphic palynology The use of palynomorphs to
communities. correlate sedimentary sequences or provide age control for
Exines Distinctive surface structure and morphology of sedimentary sequences.
pollen and spores.


Pollen analysis can provide a number of valuable applications to a geomorphological context, which include providing
both relative and absolute age control; significant environmental data in terms of past climates and depositional
environments; and information on impacts of people on landforms and geomorphological processes. This chapter provides
an overview of these applications, as well as a detailed examination of palynological laboratory techniques, pollen iden-
tification/counting, and the production/interpretation of pollen diagrams.

14.26.1 Introduction related to both taxonomic origin and depositional environ-

ment. Generally, fossil pollen and spores preserve best in
Pollen analysis is the study of fossil pollen and spores and is anaerobic conditions (e.g., bogs, swamps, lakes, and marine
one of the main methods for reconstructing past landscapes. sediments) and can be destroyed if any oxidation occurs
Pollen grains are unicellular, microscopic (15 to 100 mm) re- (Coil et al., 2003; Seppä, 2007). In addition, different plants
productive gametes of seed-producing plants, whereas spores species have different pollen and spore production rates and
are the analogous organs of nonflowering pteridophytes also utilize different transport vectors (i.e., wind, water, or
(mosses, ferns, and fern allies) (Faegri and Iversen, 1991; animal) that can significantly impact pollen representation
Coil et al., 2003). Preservation of pollen and spores (or (Seppä, 2007). For instance, Pinus pollen can be very well
palynomorphs) in sediments depends on characteristics represented in a sediment record, due to high production
and wind dispersal rates (Pohl, 1937; Seppä, 2007), whereas
pollen of the Lauraceae family is rarely preserved in sediments
Moss, P.T., 2013. Palynology and its application to geomorphology. In:
due to low production and dispersal by animal vectors
Shroder, J. (Editor in Chief), Switzer, A.D., Kennedy, D.M. (Eds.), Treatise
on Geomorphology. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, vol. 14, Methods in (Macphail, 1980). During sedimentation the soft-bodied
Geomorphology, pp. 315–325. reproductive cellular contents are lost, with fossil pollen

Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 14 315

316 Palynology and Its Application to Geomorphology

and spores consisting of a decay resistant organic compound, The initial step consists of sampling the sediment. The
that is, sporopollenin (Coil et al., 2003; Seppä, 2007). volume of sample required is dependent on the suspected
The distinctive surface structure and morphology (exines) pollen concentration occurring within the sediment. If the
of fossil pollen and spores can generally be taxonomically sample contains a high amount of organic material (i.e.,
assigned to their plant of origin with a high degree of peats) then generally around 1 cm3 is taken and if the sedi-
precision, sometimes to species but more often to genus or ment is mainly composed of inorganic materials (i.e., deep
family level. marine sediments) then generally around 5 to 10 cm3 of
The general techniques that are used to extract fossil sediment is extracted. In addition, sampling intervals for the
pollen from sediment samples are reviewed here. This review sediment core or rock sample can be selected at this stage. The
includes information on basic laboratory techniques; an out- sampling interval strategy depends on the aims of the pro-
line of pollen identification and counting methods; a review posed research and the total length of the sediment core/rock
of charcoal identification and counting techniques; and pollen exposure. Many palynological studies having sample intervals
data representation, particularly the construction and inter- of approximately 10 to 20 cm along the length of a sediment
pretation of pollen diagrams. Further, an overview of the four core/rock exposure. Furthermore, exotic pollen marker tablets
main areas in which pollen analysis can be used in a geo- can be added in this step, the most commonly used marker
morphological context are provided. These include: (1) age types are Lycopodium clavatum or Eucalyptus sp., and the
control; (2) environmental palynology; (3) depositional en- researcher has to ensure that these marker types are not lo-
vironments; and (4) human impacts/land uses. In each area a cated in their study area. The tablets have a known concen-
case study is discussed that illustrates how palynology has tration of pollen grains, which can then be counted along with
been applied from a geomorphological perspective. the palynomorphs and carbonized particles in the sample to
determine pollen and charcoal concentration values (Maher,
1972; Salgado-Labouriau and Rull, 1986; Wang et al., 1999).
The tablets can be dissolved by heating (to 100 1C) in ap-
14.26.2 Palynological Analysis
proximately 10 ml of distilled water or adding them to 10 ml
of hydrochloric acid (10%). The sediment sample is then Palynological Laboratory Techniques
added to this mixture before the next stage. Plastic micro-
The laboratory techniques used in extracting pollen from spheres can be used in place of exotic marker tablets and are
sediments are outlined in Table 1. These processes have been generally added to the pollen concentrate at the end of the
undertaken since 1916 with Lennart van Post outlining the laboratory analysis procedures (Salgado-Labouriau and Rull,
initial steps in his seminal Kristina lecture (Faegri and Iversen, 1986).
1991). Subsequent research has added a number of key steps, The next stage involves sample disaggregation and defloc-
including the use of hydrofluoric acid (Assarson and Granlund, culation. If the samples are lithified then they may need
1924), the acetylosis process (Erdtman, 1934) and the use of to undergo mechanical disaggregation (i.e., grinding) before
nontoxic heavy liquid solutions (van der Kaars, 1991; Riding deflocculation. Clay dispersal can be achieved by using a
and Kyffin-Hughes, 2004, 2006), that have greatly improved the chemical deflocculant such as tetra-sodium pyrophosphate
success of pollen analysis techniques in terms of the quantity (10%), generally approximately 30 to 40 ml is added to
and quality of palynomorphs extracted from sediment cores or the sample in a 100 ml beaker. The beaker is then heated to
rock samples and are outlined below in more detail. 100 1C for 40 min with occasional stirring to break up larger

Table 1 Summary of pollen analysis techniques

Aims Laboratory techniques

Sample preparation • Generally 1 to 10 cm3 of sediment or rock material is used.

• Addition of exotic pollen marker can also occur at this stage.
Sample deflocculation and disaggregation • Lithified samples may require mechanical disaggregation (i.e., grinding or crushing).
• Clay dispersal can be achieved through the use of a deflocculation chemical.
• Heating and stirring of sample can be used to break up larger aggregates.
• Sieving can also be used to remove both course and fine fractions in the samples.
• Samples with high organic or calcium carbonate content may need to undergo
chemical disaggregation to remove excess material.
Removal of unwanted inorganic material • Acid digestion can be used to remove unwanted inorganic material (i.e., silicates).
• Alternatively, the organic fraction can be separated (floated off) from the inorganic
fraction through the use of a heavy liquid solution.
Removal of unwanted fine organic material and staining of • Acetolysis is used to dissolve fine cellulose material. This process also stains the
pollen grains and spores pollen grains.
• Saffarin stain can be used in the absence of acetolysis if there is any concern over
loss of palynomorphs in low concentration samples.
Mounting of pollen samples on slides • Samples are transferred to a suitable mounting medium and then mounted on slides
for pollen, spore, and microcharcoal counting.
Palynology and Its Application to Geomorphology 317

aggregates. After cooling, the sample is sieved across a 200 mm The process of acetolysis is undertaken to dissolve excess
mesh to remove material above this size (mainly sand, root- organic (cellulose) material and to darken the palynomorphs to
lets, and other large organic material) and an 8 mm mesh to assist with identification. Prior to acetolysis, it is very important
remove particles (mainly clay) below this size. The samples are that the samples are washed in concentrated glacial acetic acid to
then transferred back to a 100 ml beaker and left overnight to prevent the acetolysis mixture and water contained in the sam-
settle. If the material contains high concentrations of calcium ples reacting, as this will cause a violent and potentially dan-
carbonate then approximately 20 ml of hydrochloric acid gerous reaction. Acetolysis involves adding a 9:1 mixture of
(10%) is added to chemically disaggregate the calcium car- acetic anhydride and concentrated sulfuric acid to the samples
bonate from the sample and the samples are again left over- (generally 9 ml acetic anhydride to 1 ml sulfuric acid), which are
night to settle. The next step involves siphoning the excess then heated for up to 5 min. The samples are then centrifuged at
liquid from the sample and then transferring the material to a 3000 rpm for 5 min and the excess acetolysis liquid is poured
15 ml plastic test-tube. The sample then undergoes a wash to off into a suitable waste container (along with the glacial acetic
remove excess tetra-sodium pyrophosphate. This process in- acid) for neutralizing and disposal at a later date. The samples
volves adding approximately 10 ml of distilled water, then then undergo two water washes before the next step. There is
centrifuging the sample for 3 to 5 min at 3000 rotations per some evidence that prolonged treatment (i.e., beyond 3 min) in
minute (rpm) and pouring off the excess liquid. This step is the acetolysis mixture may damage and corrode pollen grains
repeated again before the next stage is undertaken. If the (Charman, 1992). Therefore, if there are concerns about ob-
sample is suspected of containing high amounts of organic taining suitable pollen yields from samples with low palyno-
materials then potassium hydroxide (10%) can be used to morph concentrations (e.g., marine sediments) or if key taxa
chemically disaggregate the humic acids from the sample. with delicate exines (e.g., members of the Juncaceae) may be
This stage involves adding 10 ml of potassium hydroxide lost from the record (see Nilsson and Praglowski, 1992), then
to the test-tube, heating at 100 1C for 5 min, centrifuging pollen concentrate samples can be stained with safranin in lieu
(at 3000 rpm) and pouring off the excess liquid. Two water of darkening by acetolysis.
washes are then undertaken before the next step. Before slide mounting the samples need to be washed in
The next involves the removal of unwanted inorganic absolute ethanol to remove excess water. This is achieved by
material (mainly silicates) and there are two main methods adding 10 ml of ethanol, then centrifuging at 3000 rpm,
that can be used for this: the acid digestion method (Faegri pouring of the excess liquid and then transferring to a 1 ml
and Iversen, 1991) and the heavy liquid method (van der or 0.5 ml container. The smaller containers are then centri-
Kaars, 1991). The acid digestion method involves digesting fuged at 2500 rpm, with the excess ethanol poured off.
the silicates with 10 ml of hydrofluoric acid (B40%) added to A suitable mounting medium is then added, most commonly
the sample, which is then left overnight. The sample is then glycerol or silicon oil is used but if palynomorphs need to be
centrifuged (at 3000 rpm) and the excess liquid is transferred fixed then they can be mounted in glycerol jelly. Pipettes can
to a suitable waste hydrofluoric acid container for neutralizing then be used to transfer subsamples (generally a few drops) to
and disposal at a later date. The samples then undergo two a slide for counting. The most common sealing agents that are
water washes before the next step. It should be noted that used to fix cover-slips over the pollen concentrate samples
hydrofluoric acid is highly toxic and corrosive and requires include clear nail polish or wax, with wax being used if the
special precautions, including special protective personal samples are required to be stored for a longer time as slides
equipment (face shield, gloves, and apron), exclusive use in a sealed with this method are more permanent than those
fume-hood and the provision of calcium gluconate gel (2.5%) sealed with nail polish.
to treat chemical burns from accidental spillages (Riding and
Kyffin-Hughes, 2004, 2006; Roblin et al., 2006). In addition, Pollen and Charcoal Counting Methods
the acid digestion method may not be particularly effective for
samples with a high component of silicate material (i.e., Pollen, spores, and carbonized particles are generally counted
marine sediments) and the heavy liquid method was initially under a compound light microscope at between  400 and
developed for deep ocean marine sediments but can also be  650 magnification. There are a range of reference collections
applied to wide variety of different sediment types that have that can be used to aid with identification of pollen and spore
traditionally been processed using the acid digestion method, taxa (e.g., USDA pollen reference collection, European pollen
including peats, silts, and clays (van der Kaars, 1991). This reference collection and the Australasian pollen and spore
method (using sodium polytungstate) also has the advantage atlas). The selection of the appropriate reference collection
of being relatively nontoxic and not requiring the special depends on the location of the study site and some examples
precautions that are associated with the use of hydrofluoric of some excellent general collections are shown in Table 2. In
acid. Heavy liquid separation is achieved through the addition addition, a list of the local and regional vegetation can be very
of 6 ml of sodium polytungstate (with a specific density of useful in assisting with taxonomic identification, as well
2.0) into the samples (at the same stage as the acid digestion as a review of any previous palynological studies undertaken
method) the sample is then centrifuged at 2500 rpm for 20 to within the study region. Generally, a minimum pollen count
30 min. The lighter organic fraction floats to the surface, that should be applied to a pollen sample is at least 300
whereas the heavier inorganic fraction is left at the bottom of identifiable dryland pollen grains. The dryland group gener-
the test-tube. The organic fraction is then separated by pouring ally consists of arboreal taxa and dryland herbs, whereas the
off into another 15 ml test-tube and then two water washes are wetland group (consisting of local aquatic taxa and fern
undertaken prior to the next step. spores) is also counted but not generally incorporated within
318 Palynology and Its Application to Geomorphology

Table 2 Examples of pollen and spore reference collection websites

Reference collection URL

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reference collection

European pollen reference collection
African pollen database
The University of Arizona catalogues of internet pollen and spore images
Australasian Pollen and Spore Atlas

Figure 1 Examples of fossil pollen: (a) Casuarinaceae pollen (equatorial diameter:B40 mm), Quaternary South East Queensland tree. (b)
Poaceae pollen (equatorial diameter:B30 mm), Quaternary South East Queensland grass. (c) Typha pollen (equatorial diameter:B30 mm),
Quaternary North East Queensland bullrush. (d) Polygonum pollen (equatorial diameter:B50 mm), Quaternary North East Queensland aquatic
species. (e) Alnus pollen (equatorial diameter:B20 mm), Eocene Okanagan Highlands, British Columbia alder species. (f) Quercus pollen
(equatorial diameter:B30 mm), Eocene Okanagan Highlands, British Columbia oak species. (g) Sequioa pollen (equatorial diameter:B30 mm),
Eocene Okanagan Highlands, British Columbia redwood species. (h) Picea pollen (total length:B80 mm), Eocene Okanagan Highlands, British
Columbia spruce species, and (i) microcharcoal particles (B10 to 15 mm long), Quaternary South East Queensland.

the pollen sum. The minimum pollen count can vary method involves counting at least 200 points on the slide and
depending of site characteristics and the general aims of the using the following equation to calculate charcoal concen-
pollen analysis. The level of taxonomic identification of tration (pollen concentrations can also be determined by this
the pollen taxa vary between species, genus and family levels. method as well):
Figure 1 provides an example of some pollen grains, as well
Concentration ¼ C  A=AðtÞ  V ðpmÞ=V ðsÞ
as an image of carbonized particles. In addition, taxa can be
divided into a number of groupings based on the occurrence where
in extant plant communities or associations. C (or P) – number of carbonized particles (or palyno-
There are two methods that can be utilized with charcoal morphs) counted,
analysis the point count method devised by Clark (1982) and A – area of a slide,
the spike concentration method of Wang et al. (1999). Both A(t) – area of slide traversed,
methods involve identifying charcoal or carbonized particles V (pm) – volume of prepared material in glycerol,
as black angular particles above 10 mm in size, the point count V (s) – volume of prepared material in one slide.
Palynology and Its Application to Geomorphology 319

The spike concentration method involves the addition (i.e., vegetation groupings, ash content, and pollen/charcoal
of an exotic marker pollen grain (generally Lycopodium sp. or concentration). The pollen data graphs are converted into
Eucalyptus sp.) or plastic microspheres, then counting the percentage format by the TILIA program, based on the dryland
number of carbonized particles over three transects, along pollen sum, which in this case consist of rainforest, sclerophyll
with the number of grains or microspheres from which char- arboreal taxa and sclerophyll sum and should add up to
coal (and pollen) concentration can be determined by the 100%. Also shown are the wetland taxa components, com-
following equation: prising aquatic taxa and pteridophytes, and these taxa occur
outside of the pollen sum (forming the total pollen sum). The
Concentration ¼ e=E  C y-axis consists of the depth variables, with the shallowest
sample at the top and the deepest sample at the bottom. In
addition, ages of the sediment can be shown along the y-axis
e – number of grains or microspheres counted in slide,
(in this case a calibrated AMS 14C age) and the sediment
E – known concentration of grains/microspheres added
stratigraphy can also be shown along the y-axis if appropriate
to sample,
(Table 3).
C (or P) – number of carbonized particles (or palyno-
The pollen diagram can also be zoned by vertical lines and
morphs) counted in slide. Both charcoal and pollen concen-
these lines can be based on chronozones (e.g., oxygen isotope
trations are expressed as number per cubic centimeter.
stages) or by classification of the pollen data. In this example
the pollen data were classified using a stratigraphically con-
strained classification employing the Edward’s and Cavali- Generation of Pollen Diagrams
Sforza’s chord distance measure (Grimm, 1987), which has
A number of specialized computer programs can be used to produced four zones (LSS A to D) and these zones are com-
present pollen data as pollen diagrams. Common programs monly used to discuss the pollen results, generally from bot-
that are used include TILIA (Grimm, 2004) and C2 (Juggins, tom to top. Influx diagrams are the other pollen diagram
2003). Percentage diagrams are generally the most common format and they are generally much rarer, as they are based on
pollen diagram format and Figure 2 presents an example of calculation of pollen concentrations and also require esti-
a percentage pollen diagram produced in the TILIA program mates of pollen production and dispersal from extant plants,
(Mackenzie et al., 2009). The x-axis consists of graphs which can be difficult to determine (Seppä, 2007). The main
of the palynological taxa and other useful information advantage of influx diagrams is that they can discern patterns











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3410<61 Ical. yrs BP

Depth (cm)





20 40 60 20 20 40 60 20 20 20 20 40 20 20 40 60 80 100 20 40 20 40 0 0
50 100 150
0 Total sum of squares

Figure 2 Example percentage pollen diagram from Lake Selina Swamp, Tasmania, Australia. Adapted from Mackenzie, L.L., Moss, P.T., Petherick,
L., 2009. Mid to late Holocene vegetation and environments of Lake Selina Swamp, western Tasmania. Quaternary of Australia 26, 2–7.

Table 3 Pollen diagram programs

Pollen diagram programs Reference and web link

TILIA Grimm (2004);

C2 Juggins (2003);
320 Palynology and Its Application to Geomorphology

that are not obvious in percentage diagrams by highlighting (Traverse, 2007). Stratigraphic palynology is an important
poorly produced/dispersed pollen taxa and smoothing pollen component of biostratigraphy, which is a discipline that
taxa with high pollen production/good dispersal character- applies evolutionary and geological principles to under-
istics (Davis et al., 1973). standing sedimentary sequences and the geological record.
Generally, stratigraphic palynology is applied to pre-Quater-
nary sediments, particularly associated with the petroleum
industry, but the basic stratigraphic principles also apply to
14.26.3 Palynology and Its Applications to
Quaternary sediments. Figure 3 shows a stratigraphic profile
for a number of Eocene sites from the Okanagan Highlands in
British Columbia/Washington State (Greenwood et al., 2005;
Four main areas occur, either individually or in combination,
Moss et al., 2005). The solid black lines reflect radiometric
in which pollen analysis can be applied in a geomorpho-
ages, whereas the gray lines indicate ages based on biostrati-
logical context. As noted at the outset, these include: (1) age
graphy, predominately determined from stratigraphic paly-
control; (2) environmental palynology; (3) depositional en-
nology. That is diagnostic taxa, such as Tilia, Quercus, Ilex,
vironments; and (4) human impacts/land uses.
and Platycarya in these samples denotes a post Late Paleocene
age (Manchester, 1987; Harrison et al., 1999), whereas the
presence of the diagnostic taxa Pistillipollenites macgregorii Age Control
reflects a Upper Palaeocene to Middle Eocene age (Rouse,
The identification, distribution, and abundance of palyno- 1977; Harrison et al., 1999) and provides further chrono-
morphs have long been used to correlate sedimentary se- logical resolution. The absence of particular palynomorphs
quences or provide age control for these sedimentary can also be used to provide age control for sediments.
sequences, and are generally defined as stratigraphic palynology For instance the absence of Gothanipollis pollen from the

Geological British columbia (canada)

time scale & washington state (USA)


1. Republic
2. Allenby Fm. (princeton)

3. Falkland
4. McAbee
35 5. Hal creek

6. Horsefly
37.2 7. Driftwood canyon
Cenozoic (in part) / plaeogene (in part)


45 Lutetian Okanagan highlands

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

50 ? ?

Ypresian B


60 Selandian

Figure 3 Stratigraphic chart showing the age and relationship of the Okanagan Highlands fossil sites. Taken from Moss, P.T., Greenwood, D.R.,
Archibald, S.B., 2005. Regional and local vegetation community dynamics of the Eocene Okanagan Highlands (British Columbia – Washington
State) from palynology. Canadian Journal of Earth Science 42, 187–204 (page 190).
Palynology and Its Application to Geomorphology 321

Okanagan samples is also indicative of a Middle Eocene age, reconstructions are generally dependant on one or more of the
as this pollen taxon occurs in Late Eocene and Oligocene following: (1) reconstruction of ecological communities or
samples (Rouse, 1977; Long and Sweet, 1994; Ridgway et al., plant associations with their present distribution dependant
1995). on climatic parameters; (2) identification of climatic indicator
Palynological analysis can also be utilized to provide direct species; and (3) establishment of numerical transfer functions
age control through the use of accelerated mass spectrometry linking the fossil plant assemblage to climatic parameters that
(AMS) radiocarbon dating of pollen concentrate, particularly reflect modern conditions. Generally stratigraphic and en-
with samples with low organic content for bulk radiocarbon vironmental palynology can be combined to provide a very
dating, lacking large fragments of charcoal, plant macrofossils, detailed and well dated reconstruction that examines key
shell or bone for AMS dating, or providing comparison dates climatic and ecological processes.
with bulk samples or other material dated by AMS techniques For instance, Figure 4 presents the environmental re-
(Brown et al., 1989). The laboratory analysis for the prepar- construction for the Middle Eocene Okanagan region, with
ation of pollen concentrate samples for AMS radiocarbon three major communities or plant associations reflecting dif-
dating is very similar to the heavy liquid technique outlined ferent climatic and geomorphological settings (Moss et al.,
above, except that exotic marker spores are not added, acet- 2005). The Fir-Spruce association dominates higher ridges and
olysis is not undertaken (as it would remove the humic acids cooler north aspect slopes; the Birch-Golden Larch association
that are crucial for radiocarbon dating) and the samples are dominates local lakeshore, streamside and adjoining com-
sent to the radiocarbon laboratories in distilled water. At least munities; whereas the Palm-Swamp Cypress association oc-
10 mg of pollen concentrate is required for successful and cupies specialized habitats, such as low elevation areas of the
reliable radiocarbon dates (Regnéll, 1992). landscape, upland swamps, or warmer south-facing slopes.
Furthermore, a high degree of local variability on a local
scale occurs, which may reflect the influence of subregional
environmental factors (e.g., aspect, moisture availability, Environmental Palynology
volcanic activity, or fire). In addition, different deposition
Pollen data can be used to reconstruct past climatic conditions environments may also impact pollen preservation and rep-
and ecological communities that are pertinent to the explan- resentation. For instance, there is significantly higher repre-
ation of geomorphological features or processes. These sentation of the Palm-Swamp Cypress association in coal


Salix Carpinus Corylus Itea Rhus Ulmus Sassafras

Fagus Torreya
Thuje Tsuga Picea Abies Pinus
Platanus Castanea Juglans Nyssa Populus Betula llex Zelkova Taxus

Plam Liquidambar Cornus Alnus Fraxinus Quercus Acer Ginkgo Metasequoia Taxodium Pseudolarix
Figure 4 Reconstruction of a generalized Okanagan Highland forest structure and depositional setting: (a) Palm-Swamp Cypress association
dominant in low wet areas; (b) Birch-Golden Larch association mixed with Fir-Spruce association on better drained ground and hillsides; (c)
Fir-Spruce association dominant on higher ridges and north aspects. (d) Birch-Golden Larch association dominant streamsides; (e) lacustrine
shale formations; and (f) coal formation. Taken from Moss, P.T., Greenwood, D.R., Archibald, S.B., 2005. Regional and local vegetation
community dynamics of the Eocene Okanagan Highlands (British Columbia – Washington State) from palynology. Canadian Journal of Earth
Science 42, 187–204, (page 199).
322 Palynology and Its Application to Geomorphology

swamp deposits than in similarly aged shale sediments re- qualitative and narrative estimates and should also be com-
flecting lacustrine conditions, which have a more significant pared with other palaeoclimatic proxies (e.g., Leaf Margin
representation of the Birch-Golden Larch and Fir-Spruce Analysis and transfer functions based on other fossil types,
associations. e.g., beetles or chrinomids).
Palaoeclimatic conditions for the Okanagan Highlands
have also been estimated using bioclimatic analysis or the
coexistence approach (Kershaw and Nix, 1988; Kershaw, 1996; Depositional Environments
Mosbrugger and Utescher, 1997; Greenwood et al., 2005).
This technique requires the development of ‘climatic profiles’ Pollen data along with sedimentological results can provide
(parameters such as mean annual temperature or mean an- significant information on depositional environments, par-
nual precipitation) from the climate associated with the dis- ticularly related to sea-level alteration or other significant
tribution of modern plant genera, in this case a study of North palaeoclimatic events (e.g., the late Pleistocene/Holocene
American tree genera by Thompson et al. (1999) and the deglaciation). Figure 5 illustrates the changes in depositional
PALAEOFLORA database (PALAEOFLORA database, 2003; environments during the sea-level rise associated with the late
Mosbrugger and Utescher, 1997). The next step is to identify as Pleistocene/Holocene deglaciation for the continental shelf of
many ‘nearest living analogs’ (NLA) as possible in the fossil the northern Australian tropics (Moss, 1999). Five lithological
record (which can include both pollen and spore taxa, as well units occur in this record, ranging from a sand–clay rich re-
as plant macrofossils). A library of climatic profiles is then gressive unit, a sand rich lowstand unit, a mangrove mud early
generated for several key taxa based on key climatic values and transgressive unit, a carbonate/mangrove mud late transgres-
a zone of overlap for the set of NLAs is then developed, which sive unit to a carbonate rich highstand unit. A clear link exists
reflects the most likely climate space occupied for the indi- between this lithology and alterations in mangrove abun-
vidual fossil taxa (Kershaw and Nix, 1988; Kershaw, 1996; dances, with mangrove values increasing in the lowstand
Mosbrugger and Utescher, 1997; Greenwood et al., 2003). period (B15 000 years ago), peaking during the early trans-
This approach is generally associated with large errors but gressive period (B9000 years ago), and declining in the late
does provide a more quantitative estimate than more transgressive sediments (B7500 years ago). This sequence of

lo a n
Xy zer mo


nn us

m ste

io a

am nia

So rp

Lu to









2500 1

Late transgressive
Depth (m)
Age (years BP)

Early transgressive 4


10 000
12 500
Regression 15 000 7 OIS 2
17 500
20 000
22 500
20 20 20 40
Figure 5 Pollen (%) and sediment diagram of the late Pleistocene-Holocene transition from the Ocean Drilling Program core 820, humid tropics
of northeastern Australia. Adapted from Moss, P.T., 1999. Late Quaternary environments of the humid tropics of northeastern Australia. Ph.D.
thesis, Monash University, Australia, unpublished.
Palynology and Its Application to Geomorphology 323



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Depth (cm)

90 DP2A

20 20 20 40 20 20 40 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600

Figure 6 Den Plain pollen diagram. The þ symbol reflects taxa that occur in low values (less than 2.0%) and the dotted line marks the
presence of exotic pollen. Adapted from Moss, P.T., Thomas, I., Macphail, M., 2007. Late Holocene vegetation and environments of the Mersey
Valley, Tasmania. Australian Journal of Botany 55, 74–82.

alterations in mangrove pollen and sedimentology correlates associated with European settlers in Australia. Further, the
well with the late Pleistocene/Holocene sea level rise, but also sedimentological results for the record also reflect profound
illustrates the effects of regional geomorphology. For instance, impacts associated with European settlement. A significant
there is a limited scope for mangrove growth during the last increase in inorganic content from 85 cm occurs in the sedi-
glacial maximum due to lower sea-levels (  120 m) being ment record that best reflects land-clearance and pastoral ac-
located at the continental shelf and forming a very steep tivities within the Mersey River catchment (Den Plain is
coastline; mangrove growth peaking during the early trans- located on the banks of this river). Below 85 cm the sediment
gressive, when the coastline is protected by the outer Great records consist primarily of organic-rich peats, with little in-
Barrier Reef, gently sloping (i.e., flat drowning continental organic material and the base of the record (at B120 cm) has
shelf) and increased mud sediment (due to increased pre- been dated to B3000 years before from now, suggesting that
cipitation); and limited mangrove growth during the late there has been a 14.7 times increase in sedimentation rates
transgressive/highstand period due to steep coastline associ- within the region since European settlement. Although evi-
ated with coastal mountain ranges, coastal progradation and dence of agricultural activities is relatively clear in pollen data
the distance of the site from mainland mangrove communities and associated sedimentary records, the evidence for the ef-
(Grindrod et al., 1999, 2002). fects of relatively low-impact hunter gatherers is not as dis-
cernable. Generally increases in carbonized particles in pollen
records have been used as an indicator for human arrival into Human Impact a region, however, these increases may also be associated with
climate alterations and it can be somewhat difficult to dis-
Pollen records can also provide detailed information on al- entangle the relative influences of human impact from natural
terations in plant communities and land-use changes associ- climatic alterations.
ated with human activities. Changes in fire management,
development of agriculture, introduction of exotic taxa, for-
estry practices, urbanization, and land degradation can be
observed in pollen records and associated sedimentary records 14.26.4 Conclusion
across the globe. Figure 6 shows an example of the impacts of
European settlement on a small plain in north-western Tas- Palynological analysis can be applied to a wide range of geo-
mania, Australia (Moss et al., 2007). The occurrence of exotic morphological contexts and as outlined above it can provide a
pollen grains at 60 cm has been used to date the record to the range of data and information that greatly improves under-
1860s, when European agricultural activity was first practiced standing of geomorphological processes or of a particular
in the region. The key impacts associated with this activity landform. This includes the provision of a relative chrono-
was significant land clearance associated with a decline in logy through stratigraphic palynology, absolute age control
forest taxa and an increase in grasses, reflecting grazing as through AMS dating of pollen concentrate, palaeoclimatolo-
the dominant land-use within the plain. In addition, a sig- gical, or palaeoecological data, information on depositional
nificant alteration in carbonized particle representation environments and the impacts of people/human land use.
occurs that may reflect the onset of fire suppression as a sig- Therefore, it is crucial for geomorphologists to have an
nificant management technique. Something that is generally understanding of pollen analysis techniques, whether it is
324 Palynology and Its Application to Geomorphology

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Biographical Sketch
Patrick Moss is a Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. His
research interests are in the areas of Quaternary environmental change (i.e., last 2 million years) in eastern
Australia and the Eocene greenhouse environments (i.e., 50 million years ago) of British Columbia, Canada. He
gained his PhD from Monash University and has a BA (Hons.) and BSc from The University of Melbourne. He
teaches in the areas of physical geography, palaeoecology, biogeography, and landscape ecology.

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