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No matter which side you

are on everyone can agree

on one thing and that is that

GMOs are severely

understudied. GMOs can be

many things one of the most

common definitions is best

explained by the website

nongmoproject and it says, “a GMO, or genetically modified

organism, is a plant, animal, microorganism or other organism

whose genetic makeup has been modified in a laboratory using

genetic engineering or transgenic technology.” This perfectly

describes what a GMO is. One of the main

reasons why people are so afraid of GMOs is because we don’t know the

full extent of what they can do to our bodies. This is a claim by many

people and it is actually true. There are many different short term studies

that have been done by many different people and they all say the same

thing. For example, one of the studies was done

to see what could be done if we took a non

nutrisious plant and made it nutruitus. This was

brought up in the article , “GMOs: what are they ?

by Abbie Goldbas and it says, “The cassava is a

starchy root eaten by people in tropical Africa. Approximately 40% of the food calories in this

land come from cassavas (Hinneh, 2012). GMcassavas boast increased minerals, vitamin A,

and protein content. The nutrient dense food can help prevent childhood blindness, iron

deficiency anemia, and infections due to damaged immune systems. They are also

pest-resistant.” They say that GMOs are safe, but the kinds of GMOs we have today haven’t

been around long enough for a true test to be done on the world. So there is some justified fear

in that but not enough to freak out about. But the fact of the matter is that even if the GMOs do

have an adverse effect on people the positives far

outway the negatives.One of the things that

GMOs help to do is that they get rid of most of the

deadly toxins we spray on our food, like

pesticides. Many people don’t have an issue with

pesticides because the farmers assure them they

have washed off the pesticides and it is safe to

eat, but that's not actually the case. A quick wash

doesn’t get rid of all of those pesticides and

harmful things they spray onto the plants to keep

them healthy. Those harmful chemicals can

build up in your body when you eat them

and over time they can complicate things,

like give you cancers and other diseases.

Another thing that they do that is super

helpful is that they can make food grow

where it couldn’t before. For example, in

parts of mexico they want to grow corn but the ground is full of bad soil that has many different

issues. So they genetically modified a corn plant to learn to

break down some of the harmful substances in the soil and it

was able to grow better in the soil. Another amazing corn plant

experiment they did was they were able to make a corn make

its own fertilizer. This would help the world by reducing

fertilizer which is a high energy thing to make especially in places like

Work Cited

Aslaksen, Iulie, et al. “Environmental Risk and the Precautionary Principle: ‘Late Lessons from
Early Warnings’ Applied to Genetically Modified Plants.” ​Journal of Risk Research,​ vol.
9, no. 3, Apr. 2006, pp. 205–224. ​EBSCOhost​, doi:10.1080/13669870500419586.

Beate Friedrich, et al. “Conflicts over GMOs and Their Contribution to Food Democracy.” ​Politics
and Governance​, no. 4, 2019, p. 165. ​EBSCOhost,​ doi:10.17645/pag.v7i4.2082.

Goldbas, Abbie. “GMOs: What Are They?” ​International Journal of Childbirth Education​, vol. 29,
no. 3, July 2014, pp. 20–24. ​EBSCOhost​,

Kristin Whitakter, Nutritional Therapist and Health Coach.

Milavec, Mojca, et al. “GMO Quantification: Valuable Experience and Insights for the Future.”
Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry,​ vol. 406, no. 26, Oct. 2014, pp. 6485–6497.
EBSCOhost,​ doi:10.1007/s00216-014-8077-0.

“What Is a GMO?” ​Non,​

Yong, Ed. “The Wonder Plant That Could Slash Fertilizer Use.” ​The Atlantic​, Atlantic Media
Company, 10 Aug. 2018,
Letter of Goals and chocies

As I was writing this and trying to think of pictures that would help illustrate what I wanted I
realized that I shouldn’t try and put the pictures down first I should put the words down first and
then try and match a picture to the words. After doing this I found it much easier to write. Well
that one was one of the major choices that I chose to make, another of the choices was to find
more sources than I needed to. I did this because I needed some specific information and the
sources I already had didn’t really help me at the time. Another thing that I did that someone
suggested I do was to add more things explaining some of the stuff I have. And over my time
writing things I’ve noticed that I can get carried away in super big words and definitions that not
everyone fully understands so I need to remember my audience and put some stuff explaining
things. The final thing That I did was I changed and I added some in text citations to it to give
me some strength in my information. This was something that I should have been doing from
the start but it was kind of them to remind me.

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