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Thinking of the world today makes me wonder about tomorrow, a

year, a decade, or a century later. I wonder how different this word before and
to this present times. I look forward to what life I will be having in the near
future. I imagined on how people before perceived the idea of a good life to
them and how I or we perceive those concept today. This notion brings me to
a realization that because of the concept of a good life we indeed live in an
advance world today. And because of aiming to have a good life we brought
this world out and it makes our way of living more easier and I can say that it
is a life changing. But on what rationalization people did to visualize the true
meaning of good life? How we perceive it and what we do to overcome it?

A good life for me is meeting all the life satisfaction that I want to
achieve in my entire life, big or small things that makes me happy matters.
Seeing my love ones happy makes me also happy. Its my concept of what is
good life to me. To have a good life is like sharing what you have to the other
people wholeheartedly by considering the both human and divine law. Good
deeds must also follow by which we can say that we are morally good person
because what we do to others will reflect to the person who we are. The
upbringing of the people that surrounds us is very necessary. We must always
look for the greatness and the positive side of them without looking their
status in life we must treat everybody equally. Good attitude is the most
important trait in having a good life. It will put us to what we want to be in the
future if we nurture to have a good attitude towards others.

Many various aspects we need to consider in achieving a good life

like our family, education, work, health, attitude, as well as our happiness. It is
very important to consider this aspects because it might be our guide in
achieving all we want to be and most especially they are the one who will
build our kind of personality.

I believe that a support from our family can help us to get through
life. That means, if you have a family that is there for you, then you must
treasure more and more every day. There are many important things in life
but the most important one is our family because they are the light of our
darkest days and they are the strength that we always need. Friends might
leave us but our families would always stay. Our beloved families are the
ones who made us today, without them pushing and motivating us to excel in
school or to do great things in our daily lives, we would not be where we are
today. They are our superheros who are always there toward achieving a
good life. We're just simple but I believe this life if have today is one of a kind
and I can say that I have a good life being with them. So we must treasure the
moments that they are still in our side and live our lives to the fullest.


Education is a weapon to improve one's life. It is probably the most

important tool to change one's life. It improve our knowledge, skills and
develop our personality and attitude. Education teaches the value of discipline
that need to apply in our every days lives. It alters our kind of living if we put
ourselves in this aspect without taking for granted all the lessons that the
teachers imparting to us. It might be quite hard for us but at the end of the day
it has a big contribution in having a good life because we can get a better
employment and can sustain our daily living.


Next to education is work. It is very necessary in having a good life.

Some people say that, "Having a good work determines that you have a good
life". Well, it might be true for me because if a person is passionate in doing
his or her job, it only means that he is a well driven person and eager to have
a good life. Choosing a career track is like you are visualizing your self to
what field in a workplace do you really fit in. We must consider our personality
and the total outlook of ourselves if we really belong to that field. That is why it
is very important that in choosing a career, we must consider our passion
because it will give us a better outcome in our career track and we would love
the chosen job that we are working. Work is our life, but it has come to a point
where it has taken over our lives. Aside of getting indulge in our every days
work, give ourselves a time to relax and to be out of stress like do travelling,
hiking, swimming or anything you want because our mind and body is like a
machine , it will stop if it was overused. Health is an indeed important.


It is very important that one is both physically and mentally fit. Taking
good care of ourselves can help us in maintaining and sustaining our energy
that we use in our daily living. It is very important being physically and
mentally fit because it allows ourselves to do tasks that we need to comply in
a particular day. It will help to have a good life. "Health is wealth", a line that is
very popular but tells so much value to us people. It only means that we need
to be healthy in order for us to be productive and can do things efficiently.
Eating nutritious food and taking an exercise can help in having a healthy
living. Our health is most important in having a good life.


Our attitude is what influences all our actions. It is only the right
attitude, which gets us good results. Having a positive attitude means to keep
a set of ideas, values and thoughts that tend to look for the good, to advance
and to get through problems, to find the positive outcome in every situation, to
always look at things in life as there is always a brighter tomorrow. Those who
are positive tend to be more driven and have a better self-concept. Having a
good attitude in our home, school, workplace or anywhere we are brings us a
positive outlook of ourselves and it is really important because we practice or
apply a moral values in our daily living which is necessary in building a good
relationship toward other people. Our attitude reflects who we are as a
person that is why it is important to know how to deal with other people
because it would present a better outcome to us. It is very simple to have a
good attitude if we all want to build a better place and it is helpful in having a
good life.

However, those aspects that I mention is only a guide for us people

in having a good life. There are still people who came from a broken family,
didn't finish to study and didn't have a good work but still they live in a good
life. Why I say so? Because looking in their faces they wear a bright smile that
a professional person missed to have in their life. I can say that they are living
in their kind of good life. The distinct meaning of good life to every one of us
only reflect for the above mentioned statement. Some people may say that a
good life for them is having a millions of money in their bank accounts and
could travel around the world. Some people might say that it is enough to
have a better house, can eat three times a day as long as we are happy for
what we are right now. It only means that what's more important to them is the
acceptance for who they are and for what they have in their lives. This is how
we share our perspective to what a good life is.

Acceptance and happiness is the greatest aspect in having a good

life. Accepting for who you are and for what you have in life results to an
unending happiness that we want to have in our life. However, the choice is
ours to what kind of way of living we want to choose as long as we are happy
and contented enough for the things we have in life. No matter what kind of
perspective of good life we have, it is very important to examine ourselves if
we are truly happy for the life we have today because if not, then it is our
responsibility to change our life to what kind of life we want to have because
at the end of the day we are the one who can benefit the choice we made.

For our closing statement, knowing your purpose is what more

important in achieving a good and happy life. Because with that, you can
share your purpose of being who you are to others and it will give you a
greatest happiness that no one can replace it from your life. Living with moral
values and giving importance to the people who makes you happy and to the
people who makes you feel you is what we need to treasure. It is YOU and I
that aims to have an unending good and happy life.

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