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Donna-May Photography is one of the leading digital photograpgy services in the region. Whatever
the event may be- concert, sports day, prize-giving, etc.- your school needs photographs of the
pupils, which is where we come in. We pride ourselves on offering top-quality service ans
memorable photos.

But instead of just listening to us (and of course we're biased!), why not read this letter from a
happy headteacher?
“A huge thank you for the photos you took of our school concert. We're sure our pupils will regard
them as perfect mementos of a very special occasion. Althought several complications arose before
the concert began, Jane, your photographer, stayed calm and unperturbed.

Numerous parents were present, and many have commented to me on how well Jane interacted with
the children. In the end, everything went very smoothlym and the children had a wonderfuk
afternoon. Next time we arrange an event like this, we'll get in touch!”
To find out more, please visit our website, www.....



Science can be a very personal activity. Throughout history, scientists, with few exceptions, have
carried out their investigations, motivated not by a desire for glory or wealth, but a need to satisfy
their own curiosity about the world around them. Some have gained lasting fame, while others have
kept their discoveries to themselves, not caring about the recognition of others.

Scientists build on the research of their predecesoors, but they usually make their own contibutions
individually. I therefore decided to take a biographical approach to the history of science, in the
hope of leraning, to some degree, what makes scientists tick (reason you behave as you do). There
are even, I think, one or two somewhat surprising REVELATIONS cointaned in this book.

This aprroach is out of favor with today's HISTORIANS, who may well dismiss me as being old-
fashioned. But I trust that even if they consider my approach UNAacceptable, they will still give my
comments a fair hearing (juicio justo).

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