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A girl named Valerie was once a rape victim. She was molested by her step father for almost three years
without even telling anyone most especially her own mother for the reason that she was being
threatened by her step father that he will kill them including her mother if she told someone.

But not until one day, Lorena which is her mother witnessed on her own eyes the lewdness made by her
husband to her daughter. Anger, hatred, pity, mixed emotions that's what her mother Lorena felt that
moment. She feels so sorry for what had happened to her daughter. She regrets for trusting her second
husband that he will take good care of her daughter and treats her well even if she is not his own child.

After what had happened, they complained her husband immediately for molesting her daughter and
was imprisoned forever.

Lorena then ask Valerie Ann her daughter for the reason on why she didn't even bother to tell them and
finds out that her daughter is being blackmail by its step father. She then promise that this will never
happen again.

Their barangay was bombarded with this issues about Valerie Ann being "raped by her step father" and
reach even until the social media. She recieves judgments and decisive words that cause Valerie Ann to
look like she likes what had happened to her. Her rape issue looks not serious especially that some are
making laughter on facebook and her friends are the one who started everything.

(Masakob na an mga sangkay kuntaloy)

LOURDES: Oh guys! Did you heard the issue about Valerie and her step father?

KIM: Of course! It's a hot topic in our neighborhood.

ANGELA: I believed that she enjoyed it with her step father.

AVERY: Why do you say so? You know what guys let's not judge her easily.

ANGELA: Noooo. Helloooo! Imagine 3 years before her mother finds out.

LOURDES: Yaaaah that's right.

LOURDES ngan ANGELA: (Typing)

AVERY: Hey guys what are you doing?

LOURDES: Posting something on internet. *Laugh*

KIM: I knew it! You guys are making fun of Valerie Ann on social media? Hahahaha. Go on. After all she
steal my boyfriend. That's a great idea.
ANGELA: Okaaay. Let's post something funny and tells everyone that she enjoyed it with her step father.

AVERY: Guys stop it. It's not funny at all. Let's just help Valerie cope with her situation instead of this.

KIM, ANGELA ngan LOURDES: (matawaaaa) hahahahaha

Hey guys! You know what's hot? New? And fresh? Oh wait not fresh already haha. It's Valerie Ann
Santos! She had an affair with her step father for almost 3 years and look now that she het tired with it.
She complained for being raped! What can you say?

That's right! She is having an affair with her step father.

Isn't she ashamed of that? Hahaha

NARRATION: They keep on spreading this false issue trough social media until it reach Valerie Ann. She
feels decastated after reading those facebook posts and can't imagine that after she had gone through
her friends can do this to her.

VALERIE: (crying) It looks like I am not the victim here but I AM! They are making fun of me. They have
no idea how I did suffer on the hand of my step father and now? They accused me for having an affair.
This life is so unfair! HUHUHUHUHUHUHU

LIEN: Hey hey hey! Calm down! It's okay. We believe in you. Don't worry we'll gonna get through this.

BRIDGETTE: They must stop this spreading of false information especially that this is degrading you Val
so much!

LIEN: (Typing)

BRIDGETTE: Hey what are you posting? Don't get into fight. It's no good.

LIEN: Don't worry I just message the three of them KIM, ANGEL and LOURDES that what they are doing
is totally not right! They don't know nothing about how Val did suffer. And then they are making fun of
her situation, posting false information? That's cyberbullying!

(Ate Lorena maabot)

LORENA: Hey anak!? Why are you crying?

VALERIE: Ma look at this. They are making fun of me all over the social media that I had an affair with my
step father. Huhuhuhuhu. Ma it looks like I had love it but nooooo! I feel so shy feeling ko ang dumi
dumi ko na. Huhuhuhu.

LORENA: Who did that? Posting and all? Tell me?

LIEN, BRIDGETTE ngan VAL: Kim, Angela and Lourdes.

LORENA: Okay for now stop replying on those post and do not het involve. We will complain to the Brgy.
Captain about the three of them cyberbullying you. I'll assure you that they will recieve an appropriate
punishment for their wrong doing.

NARRATION: The Brgy. Captain bring the complainant and the defendant on their Brgy. Hall to help the
both side resolve the problem and would give penalty to those person who violate the law.

RIC: Okay goodmorning. I gathered you here because our office received a complain about a bullying act
on the Internet. We will try our best to settle this down but ic not we hsve no choice to let this complain
proceeds to the court.

NARRATION: The both side explain to the Brgy. Captain and at the end finds out that really the three
friends Kim, Angela and Lourdes did violate a law for their misbehaviour on the Internet especially that
they spreading personal information.

RIC: This is quite very disappointing because we are just magka-barangay yet kita la gihapon it
nagaaragway. And to tell you Kim, Angel and Lourdes we have Anti- Cyberbullying Act of 2008 and this
refer to any bullying act in the Internet, particularly saying names, teasing, making fun of a person,
posting sex scandals and spilling out personal information in any websites in the Internet. And
everything you three did was an act of cyberbullying. Aside from the possibility of receiving a
punishment it might cause depression that would lead to suicide to the people being harrased in social
media. We must stop this wrong doings huh? (Makita ngadi han mga defendant) you will receive
punishment for your wrong actions and for you to learn your lesson s (makita ha side han complainant) I
hope that this will be okay if we will not let this big and end up on a court?

LORENA: Yes Kap. I hope that they will delete those posts on Facebook about my daughter.

RIC: Yes yes they will.

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