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Frank Rangel

Mr. Dobbins

Portfolio 5th period

1 May 2020

Mid year reflection

Studying and being responsible was kinda difficult because with studying I tried staying

on track and using the resources I needed to use. My commitment to work was very iffy, and I

stressed about English and I’ve lost track on English when Mr. Dobbins got sick and I thought I

turned in very important assignments that got lost. I’m just over disappointed in myself about it

but I will pass it if it means sacrificing every fiber of my being. I do turn in other work, and at

the end the only issue is English. I’m becoming more willing and in pressuring moments I can

figure things out quickly anyway I can weather if it's right or wrong I gave it my best even if it

seemed like I didn’t. For years I have no clue why I still procrastinate simple tasks, over time it

has dramatically dropped. Through my self destructive breakdowns, and my proud humbled

moments I still will make it through thats my biggest reward I ever love feeling

To get through this last semester I just need to get to grinding out the last bit of the

semester and keep my head up high and my hopes high. So from there my limits are the skies

being it and I also need to later in life just take a moment and breathe and realize my situation.

Just taking one step back could make a difference in anyone's life..

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