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1) This is the first thing you need to do at the beginning. Turn on MySQL and Apache web server.
2) Enter the site with the account (username : , password : 1234)
3) This page will appear after you pass the log-in (Homepage)
4) Enter the “About” page will show as image below
5) Jump to the “Phishing Detection” will look like this. This page contains the method for detection
and watch out for the detail of phishing site.
6) This page use for subscribe the news from the site(right now is not available, because there is no
news for the users).
7) For the top right, you will see the account name that the user use at log-in page( this case will be
the account name of All account store in Database.
8) Let’s start at the tool page. There are 3 modes for phishing which FACEBOOK,GOOGLE and
INSTAGRAM. So, let’s choose google for an example.
9) For FACEBOOK the style of phishing is complete 100% because FACEBOOK has many log-in
styles. Google now has only one style. But for INSTAGRAM, they change the php code for avoid
the phishing hack. So, the status of Google and INSTAGRAM will show as COMING SOON.

Let’s choose at google mode first. After that choose style and fake text message to the victim.

10) Now enter the text and victim email. (The site tools provide the link to send to the victim)
!SECRET NOTE [if there is a number at the end of the link ,you must delete that number]
For those who does not delete the number ,the link may not be able to access.
11) When sending process is complete. The victim will receive the email and the link inside the email.
12) The fake site arrive the victim browser. Now, whatever the username and password is, the fake
site will save them to the database.
13) If you want to see the victim’s username and password, you just click at the top right of the
edu-phishing site with your account name. The list of username and password will list out with
the synchronize with Database.
14) Log-out will bring you back to log-in page
15) Preview of the DB for the site( In .zip contain localhost.sql from phpmyadmin).

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