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Summer Vacation Homework - Classes 6-8

1. Keep a journal / diary – ‘My Coronavirus Story’ - Each day write something about your day, for
example, what happened in the day, your feelings, stories from your neighbourhood, weather,
changes happening when you look outside (trees, flowers, crops, birds), activities you have done,
food you have eaten. Think about sentence structure and punctuation and try to use adjectives and
adverbs to make your writing interesting. At the end of each day’s entry, draw a face to show how
you are feeling.
Class 6 – 100-150 words a day Class 7 – 200-300 words a day Classes 8 – 400 words a day
2. Write a letter to your friend telling her about your city or village.
3. Read at least 2 books (choose from books available to you) and write 2 book reviews. In the review,
include the name of the book, author and what type of book is it (e.g. adventure, mystery, folktale,
non-fiction). If fiction, describe the setting of the book, the main characters and summarise what
happens in the book. If non-fiction, explain what the book is about. Write a comment on whether you
enjoyed the book and why, and if not, why not.
1. Interview an older member of your family to find out more about their life. Use some of the
following questions as guidance: Where were you born? Tell me about your childhood, what was the
best part? Worst? Who was the most influential person in your life? What is your profession and
why? What was the happiest time of your life? What things do you enjoy doing? What do you value
most and why? What are your feelings about the current situation we are living through? Do they
remember other challenging situations you have lived through?
Once you have done the interview, write up the life story of the person you interviewed.
2. Read at least 2 books (choose from books available to you) and write 2 book reviews. In the review,
include the name of the book, author and what type of book is it (e.g. adventure, mystery, folktale,
non-fiction). If fiction, describe the setting of the book, the main characters and summarise what
happens in the book. If non-fiction, explain what the book is about. Write a comment on whether you
enjoyed the book and why, and if not, why not.
1. Design and make a product from waste plastic. The product needs to be made cheaply and should be
safe to use. (Think about: Who could use it? What is its purpose? How it would be made? What
materials are needed?). Prepare a report.
2. Choose a topic you have studied last year and make a poster about that topic (e.g. dangers of
electricity, alternative forms of energy, climate change)
3. Materials All Around Us – Collect samples of different materials. Examine the objects, study the
choice of materials used and the way the object has been shaped for use. Explore the factors that
influence the choice of materials and investigate the properties of materials. How do the properties
relate to the structure of the materials and the use of materials? Prepare a report.
1. You have been asked to feed a family of 6 for a month with Rs. 4,000/-. You will need to plan your
meals, think about quantities of foods (rations and vegetables) required over the month and find out
costs. Make a chart to show this information – you may add pictures. Draw a pie graph to show the
cost of different food items.
2. How much would it cost to paint the biggest room in your house if 1 litre of paint costs Rs. 180/- and
1 litre will cover 100 square feet? First, you will need to calculate the total number of square feet that
you will be painting. Measure each rectangular region that is to be painted and obtain the length and
width in feet. Multiply the length (ft) times the width (ft) to obtain the square feet of each rectangular
region. Do not include areas that are not painted such as doorways or windows. Add all of the square
feet calculated together. Using your total square feet calculated and the number of square feet each
litre covers. Calculate how many litres would be required to paint your living room. What is the total
3. Review work covered last year. Review formulae and definitions. Learn times tables up to 15.

P.E Make sure you do some physical exercise for at least 20 minutes a day.
Summer Vacation Homework - Classes 3-5
1. Keep a journal / diary – ‘My Coronavirus Story’ - Each day write something about your day, for
example, what happened in the day, your feelings, stories from your neighbourhood, weather,
changes happening when you look outside (trees, flowers, crops, birds), activities you have done,
food you have eaten. Think about sentence structure and punctuation and try to use adjectives and
adverbs to make your writing interesting. At the end of each day’s entry, draw a face to show how
you are feeling.
Class 3 – 50-60 words a day Class 4 – 60-80 words a day Class 5 – 80-100 words a day
2. Write a poem about Spring.
3. Read at least 2 books (choose from books available to you) and write 2 book reviews. In the review,
include the name of the book, author and what type of book is it (e.g. adventure, mystery, folktale,
non-fiction). If fiction, describe the setting of the book, the main characters and summarise what
happens in the book. If non-fiction, explain what the book is about. Write a comment on whether you
enjoyed the book and why, and if not, why not.
1. Write a story with the title: My Country or The most interesting person I know
2. Write a letter to a friend explaining how you are spending your holiday.
3. Read at least 2 books (choose from books available to you) and write 2 book reviews. In the review,
include the name of the book, author and what type of book is it (e.g. adventure, mystery, folktale,
non-fiction). If fiction, describe the setting of the book, the main characters and summarise what
happens in the book. If non-fiction, explain what the book is about. Write a comment on whether you
enjoyed the book and why, and if not, why not.
Science - Choose 3 projects from the list below:
1. Make a model boat out of waste materials. The boat should float.
2. Imagine you are a scientist who has just discovered a new animal or a new plant. Make a fact sheet
about the new animal (name, where it lives, what it looks like, what it eats) or plant (name, where it
is found, what it looks like, how tall it grows) and draw a picture of it.
3. Build some bridges out of paper. Investigate different types of bridges. Which bridge holds the most
weight? Write a report on your investigation.
4. Cut square, circular and triangular parachutes from scraps of cloth. Which parachute is the most
effective at slowing the descent of the parachute when you throw it in the air or drop it from a
height? You will need to time the descent and record your observations.
1. Choose one of the following projects:
(b) Dream House – On squared paper, draw an outline of your dream house. Each room must be
rectangular or square in shape. Colour and label each room and then find its area. Once you have
the area of each room, add them together to find the area of the whole house. (area = length x width)
(c) Design your own classroom – If you could choose how to set up your classroom, how would
you do it? Imagine your classroom is 10 metres x 8 metres. There are 25 students in the
classroom and each desk is 60 cm x 40 cm. The teacher’s desk is 120 cm x 80 cm. Add in
cupboards and bookcases. Draw a plan on squared paper to show how you would set up the
classroom. (Each square on your paper represents 50 cm x 50 cm).
2. Choose a number between 1 and 9. Complete the activities given and display your answers in
poster form. Activities: (a) Is your number odd or even? (b) List your number’s multiples.
(c) Create 2 number sentences where your number is the sum. (d) Create a multiplication problem
with your number. (e) Create 2 number sentences where your number is the difference. (f) Create
and draw a fraction with your number as the denominator. (g) Create and draw a fraction with your
number as the numerator. (h) Create a pattern with your number. (i) Create a number line showing
your number. (j) Create 2 story problems using your number. (k) Draw a picture with the number
hidden in the design.
3. Learn times tables up to 12 (Class 3), up to 14 (Class 4) and up to 15 (Class 5).

P.E Make sure you do some physical exercise for at least 20 minutes a day.
Summer Vacation Homework – Class 2
1. Read the poem Mice (Oxford Reading Circle page 9). Do Exercises A and D in your notebook.
2. Read at least 2 stories (choose from books available to you or use the stories you read in Class 1)
and write a review of each story. (Include the name of the book, the author and what type of book is
it (e.g. adventure, mystery, folktale, non-fiction). Describe the setting of the book, the main
characters and summarise what happens in the book.)
3. Write a paragraph on two of the following: My Pet, My Favourite Book, My School, My Favourite
Season, My Grandfather, My Hobby
4. Design a poster of your favourite cartoon character and write five lines about it.

1. Write a paragraph in Urdu on two of the following: Spring, My Best Friend, My School, My
Favourite Season, My Favourite Festival
2. Read at least 2 stories (choose from books available to you or use the stories you read in Class 1)
and write a review of each story. (Include the name of the book, the author and what type of book is
it (e.g. adventure, mystery, folktale, non-fiction). Describe the setting of the book, the main
characters and summarise what happens in the book.)

1. (a) Draw a picture of a plant and label its parts.
(b) Plant some seeds and watch them grow – draw pictures to record the growth of the plants.
(c) Imagine you are writing instructions to go on the back of a packet of seeds. What would you tell
people to do to make sure their seeds grow and stay healthy?
(d) Make a poster to show the different parts of plants that we use for food.
2. Make a booklet about Spring (weather, plants, animals) – use pictures and writing.
3. Make a booklet about you and your family.

1. Learn times tables 2 – 10.
2. Choose a number between 1 and 9. Complete the activities given and display your answers in
poster form. Activities: (a) Is your number odd or even? (b) Create 2 number sentences where your
number is the sum. (c) Create a multiplication problem with your number. (d) Create 2 number
sentences where your number is the difference. (e) Create a pattern with your number. (f) Create a
number line showing your number. (g) Create 2 story problems using your number. (h) Draw a
picture with the number hidden in the design.
3. (a) Make a Spring picture using different 2-D shapes (e.g. square, rectangle, triangle, circle, oval).
(b) Make a poster to show the properties of 3-D shapes cone, sphere, cube, cuboid and cylinder.
Include number of faces, vertices and edges. Give an example of everyday objects with these
4. Mehwish counted the flowers in her garden. There were 5 red, 3 orange, 6 white, 4 pink, 9 yellow
and 7 purple flowers. Display this information in the form of a bar chart.

P.E Make sure you do some physical exercise for at least 20 minutes a day.

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