High-Altitude Illnesses JAAPA 2007

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From the limited
to the potentially
If you have skiers or other high-altitude
travelers in your practice, awareness of
high-altitude illnesses is a must. Acute
mountain sickness is the most common
Chest film in a
patient with and most benign form.
pulmonary edema D. Cristopher Benner, PA-C, MMSc

igh-altitude illness includes the pulmonary and Onset of symptoms typically occurs 8 to 96 hours after
cerebral syndromes that can develop in unaccli- arrival at altitudes greater than 8,000 feet, although
mated persons after an ascent to high altitude. symptoms of AMS can also occur at lower altitudes. In
The three major types of high-altitude illness are acute one study of more than 3,000 tourists visiting moderate
mountain sickness (AMS), high-altitude pulmonary altitude (6,300-9,700 feet) ski resorts in Colorado, 25%
edema (HAPE), and high-altitude cerebral edema
(HACE). Individual susceptibility to altitude illness
varies considerably, and there are no screening tests to
predict risk for altitude illness. Susceptibility appears
CME Earn Category I CME credit by reading this
article and the article beginning on page 16
and successfully completing the posttest on
to be inherent in some way and is not affected by train- page 45. Successful completion is defined as a
ing or physical fitness. How a traveler has responded in cumulative score of at least 70% correct.
the past to exposure to high altitude is the most reliable This material has been reviewed and is approved for
1 hour of clinical Category I (Preapproved) CME credit by the AAPA.
guide for future trips, but even this is not infallible. PAs The term of approval is for 1 year from the publication date of
should be familiar with these illnesses, as they may be January 2007.
called upon to treat the acutely ill or may be asked to
consult with patients before high-altitude travel. Learning objectives
• Understand the pathophysiology of high-altitude
AMS is the most common form of altitude illness. • Describe the signs and symptoms of the three
Among lowland-living people visiting high altitudes, the main types of altitude sickness
prevalence of AMS has been reported at 25% to 75%.1-4 • Outline strategies and medications used to prevent
high-altitude sickness

The author works in emergency medicine at the Eden Medical

• Discuss treatment choices for the more serious
Center, Castro Valley, Calif. He has indicated no relationships to consequences of high-altitude sickness
disclose relating to the content of this article.

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High-altitude illness

IN THIS ARTICLE The diagnosis of AMS is based on setting, symptoms,
physical findings, and exclusion of other illnesses.5 In
Key Points
1991, the Lake Louise scoring system was developed. It
➤ Acute mountain sickness is the most common serves primarily as a tool for research and academic
form of altitude illness, causing shortness of breath
on exertion, headache, nausea, anorexia, insom- purposes, although recent studies have cast doubt on its
nia, and fatigue. sensitivity.6 The most sensitive test for AMS is a de-
➤ High-altitude pulmonary edema is a potentially crease in activity level and a subjective sensation of
lethal illness with typical symptoms of productive feeling ill.7 Physical examination findings may be quite
cough and shortness of breath at rest. Treatment unremarkable. Increased respiratory and pulse rates
with nifedipine or sildenafil shows promise. may be observed, but the remainder of the physical
➤ High-altitude cerebral edema is another potentially examination is usually normal.8 Laboratory tests and
lethal illness with symptoms of headache and glob- radiographs are of little value when the history and
ally diminished neurologic function, decreased men- examination are normal aside from findings suggesting
tal status, and confusion. Symptoms typically re-
spond well to dexamethasone and descent to AMS and when other illnesses have been excluded.
lower altitudes.
➤ PAs should encourage patients to acclimate Prevention and treatment
appropriately, ascend slowly, recognize symptoms Acclimation at altitude may take 12 hours to 4 days.5
of altitude illness early, stop ascent at the first signs Recognizing AMS early is crucial if prevention of fur-
of altitude illness, and be prepared to descend at ther, more critical illness is to be avoided. Upon first rec-
the first indication of more serious illness. ognizing symptoms, the person should stop any further
ascent and should rest and acclimate until symptoms
Competencies improve. Ideally, the person should receive supplemen-
Medical knowledge ◆◆◆◆◆ tal oxygen and prepare for descent to a symptom-free
altitude (typically, descending 1,500-3,000 feet provides
Interpersonal & communication skills ◆◆◆◆
relief).7 Descent is not always possible, however, in
Patient care ◆◆◆◆ which case medical therapy is crucial.
For relief of mild symptoms, including nausea and
Professionalism ◆
headache without neurologic dysfunction, antiemetics,
Practice-based learning and improvement ◆ supplemental oxygen, and analgesics usually suffice. In

addition, use of a portable hyperbaric chamber—now
Systems-based practice
common on expeditions to popular high-altitude destina-
For an explanation of competencies ratings, see the table of contents. tions in remote locations—may provide relief. Inflating
the chamber to a pressure of 2 pounds per square inch
provides an altitude equivalent that is roughly 6,000 feet
experienced manifestations of AMS, including at least lower than the actual surrounding altitude.9 For people
three or more of the following: loss of appetite, vomit- requiring treatment, the safest agent is acetazolamide,
ing, shortness of breath, dizziness or lightheadedness, which reduces periodic breathing and improves noctur-
unusual fatigue, sleep disturbance, and headache.1 The nal oxygenation.9 Zolpidem does not depress ventilation
majority of these symptoms occurred within the first 12 at high altitude and may therefore be a safe treatment
hours after arrival. for insomnia in persons with AMS.10 After the AMS has
resolved, any further ascent should be made with cau-
Clinical manifestations tion, perhaps with acetazolamide prophylaxis.9
The most common symptoms of AMS are a mild head- Acetazolamide Mountaineers and other high-altitude
ache, anorexia, insomnia, fatigue, nausea, shortness of travelers have used acetazolamide for prophylaxis and
breath with exertion, and sensation of an alcohol hang- acute treatment of AMS for several years. A carbonic
over5 (see Table 1). The headache of AMS is typically anhydrase inhibitor and mild diuretic, it forces bicarbon-
described as throbbing, bitemporal or occipital, and ate excretion from the kidneys, which reacidifies the
worse with Valsalva’s maneuver or stooping over.5 There blood, balancing the effects of the expected hyperventi-
is no neurologic dysfunction or deficit. Differentiating lation that occurs at altitude in an attempt to get oxy-
AMS from other conditions is important. AMS is com- gen. This reacidification acts as a respiratory stimulant,
monly misdiagnosed as a viral illness, but AMS does not particularly at night, reducing or eliminating the period-
cause fever or myalgia. An alcohol hangover can typical- ic breathing pattern common at altitude. The net effect
ly be excluded by the history. is to accelerate acclimation.11 Acetazolamide is not a

38 JAAPA VOL. 20, NO. 1 JANUARY 2007 www.jaapa.com

magic bullet, and cure of AMS is not immediate. The research has not.14 Studies are inconclusive, in part be-
effect of acetazolamide is to accelerate a process that cause ginkgo is a complicated plant extract and prep-
would normally take 24 to 72 hours to a period of 12 to 24 arations vary considerably. In addition, dosing, timing,
hours. The most common adverse effect associated with and ascent profiles have differed.7 Although ginkgo is
acetazolamide is extremity paresthesias, which usually relatively safe, further studies are needed.
stop once the medication is ceased.
The ideal dosing of acetazolamide has been the subject HIGH-ALTITUDE PULMONARY EDEMA
of much research. Studies have shown excellent results in HAPE is potentially fatal and causes most of the deaths
the prevention and treatment of AMS with daily dosages due to high-altitude illness.15 HAPE is a noncardiogenic
from as low as 250 mg to as high as 750 mg.7,12 The optimal pulmonary edema associated with pulmonary hyperten-
dosage is uncertain; more comparisons of dosing regimens sion and elevated capillary pressure.16
are necessary. The 750-mg dosage clearly works, but
patients may complain of unbearable paresthesias.7 Until Clinical manifestations
further studies are performed, current recommendations The symptoms of HAPE may appear insidiously over
of acetazolamide for otherwise healthy adults are 250 mg the course of several hours or days but can also mani-
daily in two divided doses for acute treatment or started fest explosively and occur without preceding AMS.
3 to 4 days before ascent for prophylaxis.11-12 Persons with HAPE generally affects healthy young persons, and
a hypersensitivity to sulfonamides should avoid acetazo- children appear to be more susceptible than adults.17 In
lamide. Concomitant use of salicylates and acetazolamide addition, those who have experienced HAPE in the past
should be avoided because it may cause CNS depression are at increased risk for recurrence.17
and metabolic acidosis. Early symptoms of HAPE include dry cough and
Ginkgo biloba While some studies have found pre- dyspnea with exertion and at rest. These symptoms
treatment with Ginkgo biloba to be effective,13 other often progress to subjective and objective findings of

TA B L E 1
High-altitude illnesses

Manifestations Treatment Prevention

Acute mountain sickness (AMS)

Headache with nausea, dizziness, Stop; rest; acclimate; treat symptoms Ascend at slow rate; avoid
and fatigue during first 12 h with analgesics, antiemetics; increase overexertion; consider prophylaxis
after ascent to high altitude; no fluid intake; consider acetazolamide, with acetazolamide, 250 mg bid,
neurologic dysfunction 250 mg bid; do not ascend higher until started 3-4 d before ascent
symptoms resolve

High-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE)

Shortness of breath at rest; Initiate plan for immediate descent; if Ascend at slow rate; avoid
tachypnea; productive, often immediate descent not possible, overexertion; if previous history
rust-colored sputum; rales; administer supplemental oxygen, place of HAPE, consider prophylaxis
weakness; tachycardia patient in portable hyperbaric chamber, with nifedipine, 20 mg q8h,
administer 10 mg nifedipine sublingually; and/or inhaled beta-agonist
add dexamethasone if neurologic (eg, salmeterol)
function deteriorates

High-altitude cerebral edema (HACE)

Globally diminished neurologic Initiate plan for immediate descent; if Ascend at slow rate; avoid
function, papilledema, loss of immediate descent not possible, overexertion; consider prophylaxis
cerebellar control, confusion, administer supplemental oxygen; place with acetazolamide, 250 mg bid,
decreased mental status, coma patient in portable hyperbaric chamber; started 3-4 d before ascent;
administer dexamethasone, 8 mg PO, treat AMS early
then 4 mg q6h PO

Data from Hackett PH and Roach RC.9

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High-altitude illness

elevated jugular venous pressure, diffuse crackles on administration of 10 mg of nifedipine resulted in clinical
lung auscultation, and development of frothy sputum, improvement, better oxygenation, reduction of pulmo-
tachypnea, and cyanosis.9 Chest radiography typically nary artery pressure, and progressive clearing of alve-
reveals a normal-sized heart, full pulmonary arteries, olar edema.23 Since hypotension is the most worrisome
and patchy infiltrates, which are generally confined to side effect of nifedipine, BP monitoring is important;
the right middle and lower lobes in mild cases and are however, nifedipine offers a potential emergency treat-
found in both lungs in more severe cases9 (see Figure 1, ment for HAPE when descent or evacuation is impossi-
page 37). ECG usually demonstrates sinus tachycardia ble and oxygen is not available.
and often shows right ventricular strain, right axis devi- Sildenafil Preliminary research on the use of silden-
ation, right bundle branch block, and P-wave abnormal- afil for acute treatment of HAPE has shown promising
ities.9 Arterial blood gas measurements typically reveal results. In one study of healthy mountaineers, 50 mg of
severe hypoxemia and respiratory alkalosis but not res- sildenafil taken orally reduced pulmonary artery pres-
piratory acidosis.9 sure at rest and with exercise, allowing increased exer-
cise capacity at high elevation.24 Other studies have also
shown sildenafil to significantly decrease pulmonary hy-
PAs should encourage appropriate pertension.25-28 These investigations used varying dos-
ages, and although results are promising, further re-
acclimation, slow ascension, search is needed.

and early recognition of symptoms. HIGH-ALTITUDE CEREBRAL EDEMA

HACE is another potentially life-threatening condition.
The current hypothesis is that HACE involves de-
Prevention and treatment creased integrity in the blood-brain barrier coupled
Ascending slowly is the most effective means of pre- with an increase in cerebral blood flow induced by
venting HAPE. People who have previously experi- hypoxia.9,29,30 MRI studies of people with HACE have
enced HAPE may want to consider prophylaxis with shown reversible white-matter edema, most promi-
nifedipine. In a study of mountaineers with a history of nently in the splenium of the corpus callosum.31
radiographically documented HAPE, 20 mg of nifedi-
pine was given by mouth every 8 hours while subjects Clinical manifestations
ascended from a low altitude and during the following Symptoms of HACE may appear within hours or days
3 days at altitude. Compared to a placebo group, those of arrival at high altitude. Signs and symptoms include
taking nifedipine had a significantly decreased inci- papilledema, loss of cerebellar control, confusion, de-
dence of HAPE (10% in the nifedipine group versus creased mental status, and coma.5 Typically, globally
70% in the placebo group).18 diminished neurologic function is observed, rather than
Prophylactic inhalation of high doses of a beta-agonist focal neurologic deficits. A headache, commonly seen in
is another way to decrease the risk of developing HAPE. AMS, typically precedes HACE symptoms. However,
In a double-blind, randomized controlled trial of inhaled headaches seen in AMS lack any accompanying neuro-
salmeterol, a dosage of 125 mcg every 12 hours was asso- logic dysfunction.
ciated with a 50% decrease in the incidence of HAPE.19
Oxygen The highest priority in patients with HAPE is Prevention and treatment
to increase alveolar and arterial oxygenation. Breathing Slow ascent is the best way to prevent HACE, a po-
supplemental oxygen reduces pulmonary artery pressure tentially life-threatening emergency that requires
30% to 50%, which is sufficient to reverse the effects of immediate management. Upon recognizing HACE in
HAPE early.20-22 Portable hyperbaric oxygen therapy an individual, make plans for immediate descent and
units, which are becoming increasingly popular on moun- administer supplemental oxygen and dexamethasone.
taineering expeditions, may provide dramatic temporary The suggested dose of dexamethasone is 8 mg by mouth
relief until a patient can be moved to a lower altitude. initially, followed by 4 mg by mouth every 6 hours.32 If
Hyperbaric oxygen units effectively “lower” a patient descent to a lower altitude is not immediately possible,
several thousand feet in a matter of minutes. the patient may be placed in a portable hyperbaric
Nifedipine Well-controlled studies have been per- chamber as a temporary measure.
formed examining nifedipine use for HAPE prophylax-
is. Nifedipine in the acute treatment of HAPE contin- Conclusion
ues to be studied, but preliminary data support this Whether skiing the slopes of Colorado’s high country or
use.20,23 In patients experiencing HAPE, the sublingual wandering the streets of La Paz, Bolivia, travelers at

40 JAAPA VOL. 20, NO. 1 JANUARY 2007 www.jaapa.com

high altitude find both exciting opportunities and the
potential for serious illness. Those who do not live at
high altitudes rarely want to spend 2 to 3 days of a 7-day
vacation resting and acclimating. Whether treating
patients in a high-altitude ski town or consulting with
them before a high-altitude trip, PAs should encourage
appropriate acclimation, slow ascension, and early
recognition of symptoms. ■

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